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Re: RooWiFi Roomba WiFi control

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 10:25 am
by Wim2008
Pieter, which ip do I to have to bring in by ip/port server:
1. internal ip adres from the router with 9001
2. the new internal ip adres from the roowifi with 9001
I used number 1.

I use the roowifi now for 2 days, but no changes in the values has happened.
If I change something in the setup configuration of the roowifi, the roowifi server goes back to his open network. Led blinks once in a second.
I have to do a new configuration on the roowifi to get the device back on my network.

BR Wim :)

Re: RooWiFi Roomba WiFi control

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 12:38 pm
by Bwired
See below the setting, the Ip port is Ip where Roowifi pushes the json ststus package
so i think in your case it should be the server where Homeseer is running on
then a script in homeseer needs to pick it up
in my case its goes to my cubietruck (Raspberry like)
this notification come every minute and direct when a status is changing, you can also give a clean, pause or dock command via this port.
Beside this you can also use the existing http way to control.
roowifi.jpg (15.99 KiB) Viewed 17042 times
roowifi1.jpg (68.48 KiB) Viewed 17042 times

Re: Bwired RooWiFi Roomba WiFi control

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 11:11 pm
by Wim2008
The last eight weeks I have tried to analyze the roowifi and its use of energy.
If the Roowifi is installed and the roomba will be reloaded for one hour a day, you don't see that the roowifi use some energy. Also the roowifi shows that the energy level of the roomba is 100%.
If you don't reload the roomba into two days and the roowifi is installed you will see that the roomba will not be relaoded and the battery of the roomba is very low at that point. the roowifi shows still 100% full for the battery. If you use the roomba after two days and it is not reloaded, you will see that the roomba has only energy for about 10 minutes. But the roowifi don't show that. After you use the roomba and you let the roomba return to rhe reloader after 5 minutes, then the roowifi shows changed energy level from roomba.
Are there more persones who have problems with the roowifi and the shown energy level of the roomba?

B.R. Wim

Re: Bwired RooWiFi Roomba WiFi control

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 1:25 pm

Excuse my bad English translated. Did you happen for your RooWifi Bumper / cover nor the 3D printing file? Would be really great.

Thanks in advance and greetings from Germany

Re: Bwired RooWiFi Roomba WiFi control

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 2:39 pm
by Bwired

Re: Bwired RooWiFi Roomba WiFi control

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 4:11 pm
Hehe, as I have already invested, the project should be implemented, it is "at the earliest" July 2015 come on the market.

but I have now taken it into their own hands and a CAD draftsman paid for the implementation.


Re: Bwired RooWiFi Roomba WiFi control

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 1:35 pm
by bfrantz
@jrkalf (and maybe others ;-)

Hello everybody!
I'm a french Roomba user, living in Strasbourg and also interested in everything domotic. I have a small lan, with two macbooks, a Lacie 2big NAS and an airport extrème on it.
I bought this seemingly wonderful roowifi board to be able to start remoteley my Roomba (I wanted to put it at works at my old mother's house, some 65 kms from my home)... Alas, I run into exactly the same trouble as jrkalf: hotspot mode is OK, but I can't manage to get connected to my home WIFI. I tried every combination of WPA,WPA2 keys, and, yes, I switched my home WIFI channel from 13 to 4 (thanks to 123unlock!). The boards switches in searching mode (quick blincking led) then seems to reboot and goes bac to hotspot mode.
Does some one have any other hint?

thanks a lot

Re: Bwired RooWiFi Roomba WiFi control

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 2:50 pm
by bfrantz
Hi everybody!
seems not much traffic anymore, here :(
Anyway, I think I've found what's going on, and maybe it will be usefull to someone, someday...
The trick is simply (but lots of trying to find out!)

your home SSID has to be ALL CAPS

that's it, easy once you've found out, no ? :wink:

Re: Bwired RooWiFi Roomba WiFi control

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 10:37 pm
by Bwired
I sold them all for less. not working so well the RooWifi, lots of others have the same problem i guess, that why not much response i think
but thanks :)