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Flitser en File Script HS3

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 11:41 am
by bartbakels

Zoals beloofd de 2 scripts voor het ophalen van files en flitsers, met dank aan Dhr van zoelen (van het HS2 script) :D

Ik heb dit HS2 script als uitgangspunt gebruikt voor beide scripts. Installatie instructies staan in het commentaar, tevens moet ik de code nog eens goed gaan opruimen.

het script maakt zelf de devices aan. Tevens attached, de images, deze dienen in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Homeseer HS3\html\images\FileFlitserMonitor" map geplaatst te worden

maar voor de time being, hier zijn ze dan;


Code: Select all

'by BB Bakels derived from script from A.A. van Zoelen
' Version
' 1.0   -  BETA' 

'USAGE with HomeSeer 3
'Make an event and select script.
'For the parameter field use 1;A16 N11 A12 A13;0
'where: <details> ; <roads> ; <debug> 

' '           
' <Details> vb. 1 - 1(yes) or 0(no)
'     When N only the file count on the road ID is shown
'     When Y also the detailed info will be shown.
' <Road ID(s)> vb. A28 A12 N11
'     A list with road id's that you want information from.
'     Each road ID is separated with a space from the other
'     Leaving this empty will give you every file
'' <Debug> vb. 1 - 1(yes) or 0(no)
'     for debugging only
'I may be necessary to throw away old devices when you
'update your road id list.
'This script is optimized for
'And most likely won't work for an other source.

sub Main(params As Object)
' These variable must be set first

  'The full URL to the page where the data is
  Dim strURL as String
   strURL = ""

' The next few variables might be alter if needed
  'The tag for the Road list block
  Dim strRoadListTag as String
  strRoadListTag = "list-road"

  Dim strRoadListEndTag as String
  strRoadListEndTag = "</div>"

  ' Use these values to create new device(s)
  Dim dv As Scheduler.Classes.DeviceClass = Nothing
	Dim Graphic
	Dim DevExists
	Dim GPair = New VGPair
	Dim Ref
  Dim strDeviceRoom As String = "Status" 
  Dim strDeviceType As String = "FileMonitor"
  Dim strDeviceFloor As String = "FileMonitor"

'Below this there is no real need for altering anything
  Dim strSite          as String
  Dim strPath          as String
  Dim strWebPage       as String
  Dim intTemp          as Integer
  Dim strTemp          as String
  Dim strOutput        as String
  Dim intNumberOfRoads as Integer
  Dim i                as Integer
  Dim count            as Integer
  Dim CalcLenght       as Integer
  Dim strRoads          ' String array
Dim Total as Integer
Dim TotalString as String

  Dim parameters(3) as String
	parameters = params.Split(";")
	Dim blDetailedInfo As Boolean = parameters(0)
  Dim strRoadList as String = parameters(1)
   Dim Debug as boolean  = parameters(2)

  If Debug = true Then 

   hs.writelog("FileMonitor","blDetailedInfo :" & blDetailedInfo.ToString & ":" )
   hs.writelog("FileMonitor","strRoadList :" & strRoadList & ":" )
   hs.writelog("FileMonitor","Debug :" & Debug & ":" )
     End If

  ' If there are roads then split
  ' them into an array
  strRoads = Split(strRoadList," ")
  intNumberOfRoads = UBound(strRoads)
  If Debug = true Then hs.writelog("FileMonitor","Number of roads :" & intNumberOfRoads + 1)

  'Get Address and path of the URL
  strTemp = Replace(UCase(strURL), "HTTP://", "")
  intTemp = Instr(strTemp, "/")
  strSite = "http://" & Left(strTemp, intTemp - 1)
  strPath = Right(strTemp, Len(strTemp) - intTemp + 1)

  If Debug = true then
   hs.writelog("FileMonitor","Site found :" & strSite )
   hs.writelog("FileMonitor","Path found :" & strPath )
  End If

  'Try to get the website data
    strWebPage = hs.GetURL(strSite, strPath, false, 80)
    If Len(strWebPage) < 100 Then 
      hs.writelog ("FileMonitor Error","No data found at " & strURL):exit sub
    End If
  Catch ex As Exception
    hs.writelog("FileMonitor Error","Connection to site failed due:" & ex.Message )
    Exit Sub
  End Try

  If Debug = true Then hs.writelog("FileMonitor","Byte(s) found :" & len(strWebPage) )

  'Now we have the complete webpage
  'loaded into a string we can
  'search for the road list block 
  'and drop all data infront
  'and after the block.
  'Occassionally there is a negative string lenght which
  'obviously isn't possible to caught this calculate the
  'lenght first and make sure that it's => 0
  CalcLenght = Len(strWebPage) - InStr(strWebPage, strRoadListTag) + 1
  If CalcLenght < 0 Then CalcLenght = 0
  strWebPage = "<ul class=" & Right(strWebPage, CalcLenght )
  CalcLenght = InStr(strWebPage, strRoadListEndTag ) - 1
  If CalcLenght < 0 Then CalcLenght = 0
  strWebPage = Left(strWebPage, CalcLenght)

  'We have the data block.
  'If the user wants this be split
  'to seperate roads then do it
  'here otherwise place all file
  'information into one device.
    i = 0
	strOutput = "error"
      If intNumberOfRoads > 0 Then 
        strTemp = FindRoadNumberBlock(strWebPage, strRoads(i), Debug)
        strTemp = strWebPage
      End If
      count = CountOccurrences(strTemp, "locatie" , false, Debug)
      If strRoads(i) <> "" Then 
        strOutput = strRoads(i)
        strOutput = "Geheel NL"
      End If
      strOutput = strOutput & " - Totaal " & count & " files" & vbCrLf
' Device Creation if not exists
	  DevExists = hs.DeviceExistsAddress("FileMonitor" & strRoads(i), False)
			If DevExists = -1 Then 
				dv = hs.NewDeviceEx(strRoads(i))
				dv.Location(hs) = strDeviceFloor
				dv.Location2(hs) = strDeviceRoom
				dv.Address(hs) = "FileMonitor" & strRoads(i)
				dv.Device_Type_String(hs) = strDeviceType
				dv.Image(hs) = "/images/FileFlitserMonitor/file.png"
				Ref = hs.GetDeviceRef("FileMonitor" & strRoads(i))
				GPair = New VGPair
				GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range
				GPair.RangeStart = 0
				GPair.RangeEnd = 0
				GPair.Graphic = "/images/FileFlitserMonitor/OK.png"
				hs.DeviceVGP_AddPair(ref, GPair)
				GPair = New VGPair
				GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range
				GPair.RangeStart = 1
				GPair.RangeEnd = 100000000
				GPair.Graphic = "/images/FileFlitserMonitor/Pasop.png"
				hs.DeviceVGP_AddPair(ref, GPair)
				hs.WriteLog("FileMonitor device creation",  strRoads(i))
			End If
			   If blDetailedInfo then strOutput = strOutput & strTemp

      If Debug = true Then hs.writelog("FileMonitor","Number of traffic jams(s) on " & strRoads(i) & ":" & count )
	  Ref = hs.GetDeviceRef("FileMonitor" & strRoads(i))
		hs.SetDeviceString(Ref, strOutput , True)
		hs.SetDeviceValueByRef(Ref, count , True)
	  if count = 0 then strOutput = ""
	  TotalString = TotalString & " " & strOutput
	  Total = Total + count
      i = i + 1
    Loop until i > intNumberOfRoads
	If Total = 0 then TotalString = "Geen Files"
	'remove HTML CRAP

		TotalString = TotalString.Replace("</ul>", "")
		TotalString = TotalString.Replace("<ul>", "")
		TotalString = TotalString.Replace("<br/>", ".")
		TotalString = TotalString.Replace("</li>", "")
		TotalString = TotalString.Replace("<ul class=""melding"">", "")
		TotalString = TotalString.Replace("<li class=""list-detail"">", "")
		TotalString = TotalString.Replace("<ul class=""list-road"">", "")
		TotalString = TotalString.Replace("<li class=""locatie"">", "")
		TotalString = TotalString.Replace("<li class=""situatie"">", "")
		TotalString = TotalString.Replace("<li class=""vertraging"">", "")
		TotalString = TotalString.Replace(">", "")
		TotalString = TotalString.Replace("<", "")
 ' Device Creation if not exists
	  DevExists = hs.DeviceExistsAddress("FileMonitor Totaal", False)
			If DevExists = -1 Then 
				dv = hs.NewDeviceEx("FileMonitor Totaal")
				dv.Location(hs) = strDeviceFloor
				dv.Location2(hs) = strDeviceRoom
				dv.Address(hs) = "FileMonitor Totaal"
				dv.Device_Type_String(hs) = strDeviceType
				dv.Image(hs) = "/images/FileFlitserMonitor/file.png"
				Ref = hs.GetDeviceRef("FileMonitor Totaal")
				GPair = New VGPair
				GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range
				GPair.RangeStart = 0
				GPair.RangeEnd = 0
				GPair.Graphic = "/images/FileFlitserMonitor/OK.png"
				hs.DeviceVGP_AddPair(ref, GPair)
				GPair = New VGPair
				GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range
				GPair.RangeStart = 1
				GPair.RangeEnd = 100000000
				GPair.Graphic = "/images/FileFlitserMonitor/Pasop.png"
				hs.DeviceVGP_AddPair(ref, GPair)
				hs.WriteLog("FileMonitor device creation",  "FileMonitorTotaal")
			End If

      If Debug = true Then hs.writelog("FileMonitor","Totaal Files " & Total)
		Ref = hs.GetDeviceRef("FileMonitor Totaal")
		hs.SetDeviceString(Ref, TotalString , True)
		hs.SetDeviceValueByRef(Ref, Total , True)

End sub

'==          Functions and SUBS           ==
Function FindRoadNumberBlock(strWebPage, Road, Debug)
  Dim strWegData as String
  Dim count      as Integer
  Dim CalcLenght as Integer

'  If Debug = true Then hs.writelog("FileMonitor","FindRoadNumberBlock:Start function=" & strWebPage )
  'Find start op road information
  count = Instr(strWebPage, Road & "</li>")
  If Debug = true Then hs.writelog("FileMonitor","FindRoadNumberBlock:Search for = " & Road )
  If Debug = true Then hs.writelog("FileMonitor","FindRoadNumberBlock:Found at " & count )

  'The requested road is found
  if count > 0 then
    'Drop the first part incl. the </li>
    CalcLenght = Len(strWebPage) - (count + len(Road) + Len("</li>") )
    If CalcLenght < 0 Then CalcLenght = 0
    strWegData = "<ul><ul>" & Right(strWebPage, CalcLenght)
    If Debug = true Then hs.writelog("FileMonitor","FindRoadNumberBlock:Right string=" & strWegData )

    'Now find the end of this block
    count = Instr(strWegData, "wegnummer")
    'Drop the last part
    count = count - Len("<li class=") - 2
    If count < 0 Then count = 0
    strWegData = Left(strWegData, count )
    If Debug = true Then hs.writelog("FileMonitor","FindRoadNumberBlock:After left string=" & strWegData )

    'Close a few tags to prevent unwanted
    'generation of html code
    strWegData = strWegData & "</ul></ul>"
    If Debug = true Then hs.writelog("FileMonitor","FindRoadNumberBlock:ReturnString=" & strWegData )
  End If
  return strWegData
End Function

'function takes three parameters.  
'The first is the string to be searched through.  
'The second is the string to search for.  
'The third is a Boolean that determines if the search 
' should be case sensitive.  
'The function returns the count of occurrences
Function CountOccurrences(p_strStringToCheck, p_strSubString, p_boolCaseSensitive, Debug)  
     Dim arrstrTemp  
     Dim strBase, strToFind  

     If Debug = true Then hs.writelog("FileMonitor","Start Count Occurences" )

     If p_boolCaseSensitive Then 
         strBase = p_strStringToCheck  
         strToFind = p_strSubString  
         strBase = LCase(p_strStringToCheck)  
         strToFind = LCase(p_strSubString)  
     End If 
     arrstrTemp = Split(strBase, strToFind)  

     CountOccurrences = UBound(arrstrTemp)  
     If Debug = true Then hs.writelog("FileMonitor","End Count Occurences : Count = " & CountOccurrences )
End Function


Code: Select all

'by BB Bakels derived from script from A.A. van Zoelen
' Version
' 1.0   -  BETA'

'USAGE with HomeSeer 3
'Make an event and select script.
'For the parameter field use 1;A16 N11 A12 A13;0
'where: <details> ; <roads> ; <debug> 
' '           
' <Details> vb. 1 - 1(yes) or 0(no)
'     When N only the file count on the road ID is shown
'     When Y also the detailed info will be shown.
' <Road ID(s)> vb. A28 A12 N11
'     A list with road id's that you want information from.
'     Each road ID is separated with a space from the other
'     Leaving this empty will give you every file
'' <Debug> vb. 1 - 1(yes) or 0(no)
'     for debugging only
'I may be nessecary to throw away old devices when you
'update your road id list.
'This script is optimized for
'And most likely won't work for an other source.

sub Main(params As Object)
' These variable must be set first
  'The full URL to the page where the data is
  Dim strURL as String
  strURL = ""
' The next few variables might be alter if needed
  'The tag for the Road list block
  Dim strRoadListTag as String
  strRoadListTag = "list-road"

  Dim strRoadListEndTag as String
  strRoadListEndTag = "</div>"

  ' Use these values to create new device(s)
  Dim dv As Scheduler.Classes.DeviceClass = Nothing
	Dim Graphic
	Dim DevExists
	Dim GPair = New VGPair
	Dim Ref
  Dim strDeviceRoom As String = "Status" 
  Dim strDeviceType As String = "FlitserMonitor"
  Dim strDeviceFloor As String = "FlitserMonitor"

'Below this there is no real need for altering anything
  Dim strSite          as String
  Dim strPath          as String
  Dim strWebPage       as String
  Dim intTemp          as Integer
  Dim strTemp          as String
  Dim strOutput        as String
  Dim intNumberOfRoads as Integer
  Dim i                as Integer
  Dim count            as Integer
  Dim CalcLenght       as Integer
  Dim strRoads          ' String array
Dim Total as Integer
Dim TotalString as String

  Dim parameters(3) as String
	parameters = params.Split(";")
	Dim blDetailedInfo As Boolean = parameters(0)
  Dim strRoadList as String = parameters(1)
   Dim Debug as boolean  = parameters(2)

  If Debug = true Then 

   hs.writelog("FlitserMonitor","blDetailedInfo :" & blDetailedInfo.ToString & ":" )
   hs.writelog("FlitserMonitor","strRoadList :" & strRoadList & ":" )
   hs.writelog("FlitserMonitor","Debug :" & Debug & ":" )
     End If

  ' If there are roads then split
  ' them into an array
  strRoads = Split(strRoadList," ")
  intNumberOfRoads = UBound(strRoads)
  If Debug = true Then hs.writelog("FlitserMonitor","Number of roads :" & intNumberOfRoads + 1)

  'Get Address and path of the URL
  strTemp = Replace(UCase(strURL), "HTTP://", "")
  intTemp = Instr(strTemp, "/")
  strSite = "http://" & Left(strTemp, intTemp - 1)
  strPath = Right(strTemp, Len(strTemp) - intTemp + 1)

  If Debug = true then
   hs.writelog("FlitserMonitor","Site found :" & strSite )
   hs.writelog("FlitserMonitor","Path found :" & strPath )
  End If

  'Try to get the website data
    strWebPage = hs.GetURL(strSite, strPath, false, 80)
    If Len(strWebPage) < 100 Then 
      hs.writelog ("FlitserMonitor Error","No data found at " & strURL):exit sub
    End If
  Catch ex As Exception
    hs.writelog("FlitserMonitor Error","Connection to site failed due:" & ex.Message )
    Exit Sub
  End Try

  If Debug = true Then hs.writelog("FlitserMonitor","Byte(s) found :" & len(strWebPage) )

  'Now we have the complete webpage
  'loaded into a string we can
  'search for the road list block 
  'and drop all data infront
  'and after the block.
  'Occassionally there is a negative string lenght which
  'obviously isn't possible to caught this calculate the
  'lenght first and make sure that it's => 0
  CalcLenght = Len(strWebPage) - InStr(strWebPage, strRoadListTag) + 1
  If CalcLenght < 0 Then CalcLenght = 0
  strWebPage = "<ul class=" & Right(strWebPage, CalcLenght )
  CalcLenght = InStr(strWebPage, strRoadListEndTag ) - 1
  If CalcLenght < 0 Then CalcLenght = 0
  strWebPage = Left(strWebPage, CalcLenght)

  'We have the data block.
  'If the user wants this be split
  'to seperate roads then do it
  'here otherwise place all flitser
  'information into one device.
    i = 0
	strOutput = "error"
      If intNumberOfRoads > 0 Then 
        strTemp = FindRoadNumberBlock(strWebPage, strRoads(i), Debug)
        strTemp = strWebPage
      End If
      count = CountOccurrences(strTemp, "locatie" , false, Debug)
      If strRoads(i) <> "" Then 
        strOutput = strRoads(i)
        strOutput = "Geheel NL"
      End If
      strOutput = strOutput & " - Totaal " & count & " flitsers" & vbCrLf
' Device Creation if not exists
	  DevExists = hs.DeviceExistsAddress("FlitserMonitor" & strRoads(i), False)
			If DevExists = -1 Then 
				dv = hs.NewDeviceEx(strRoads(i))
				dv.Location(hs) = strDeviceFloor
				dv.Location2(hs) = strDeviceRoom
				dv.Address(hs) = "FlitserMonitor" & strRoads(i)
				dv.Device_Type_String(hs) = strDeviceType
				dv.Image(hs) = "/images/FileFlitserMonitor/flitser.png"
				Ref = hs.GetDeviceRef("FlitserMonitor" & strRoads(i))
				GPair = New VGPair
				GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range
				GPair.RangeStart = 0
				GPair.RangeEnd = 0
				GPair.Graphic = "/images/FileFlitserMonitor/OK.png"
				hs.DeviceVGP_AddPair(ref, GPair)
				GPair = New VGPair
				GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range
				GPair.RangeStart = 1
				GPair.RangeEnd = 100000000
				GPair.Graphic = "/images/FileFlitserMonitor/Pasop.png"
				hs.DeviceVGP_AddPair(ref, GPair)
				hs.WriteLog("FlitserMonitor device creation",  strRoads(i))
			End If
			   If blDetailedInfo then strOutput = strOutput & strTemp

      If Debug = true Then hs.writelog("FlitserMonitor","Number of traffic jams(s) on " & strRoads(i) & ":" & count )
		Ref = hs.GetDeviceRef("FlitserMonitor" & strRoads(i))
	  If Debug = true Then hs.writelog("FlitserMonitor","deviceref " & Ref )
		hs.SetDeviceString(Ref, strOutput , True)
		hs.SetDeviceValueByRef(Ref, count , True)
	if count = 0 then strOutput = ""
	  TotalString = TotalString & " " & strOutput
	  Total = Total + count
      i = i + 1
    Loop until i > intNumberOfRoads
	If Total = 0 then TotalString = "Geen Flitsers"
	'remove HTML CRAP

		TotalString = TotalString.Replace("</ul>", "")
		TotalString = TotalString.Replace("<ul>", "")
		TotalString = TotalString.Replace("<br/>", ".")
		TotalString = TotalString.Replace("</li>", "")
		TotalString = TotalString.Replace("<ul class=""melding"">", "")
		TotalString = TotalString.Replace("<li class=""list-detail"">", "")
		TotalString = TotalString.Replace("<ul class=""list-road"">", "")
		TotalString = TotalString.Replace("<li class=""locatie"">", "")
		TotalString = TotalString.Replace("<li class=""situatie"">", "")
		TotalString = TotalString.Replace("<li class=""vertraging"">", "")
		TotalString = TotalString.Replace(">", "")
		TotalString = TotalString.Replace("<", "")
	' Device Creation if not exists
	  DevExists = hs.DeviceExistsAddress("FlitserMonitor Totaal", False)
			If DevExists = -1 Then 
				dv = hs.NewDeviceEx("FlitserMonitor Totaal")
				dv.Location(hs) = strDeviceFloor
				dv.Location2(hs) = strDeviceRoom
				dv.Address(hs) = "FlitserMonitor Totaal"
				dv.Device_Type_String(hs) = strDeviceType
				dv.Image(hs) = "/images/FileFlitserMonitor/flitser.png"
				Ref = hs.GetDeviceRef("FlitserMonitor Totaal")
				GPair = New VGPair
				GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range
				GPair.RangeStart = 0
				GPair.RangeEnd = 0
				GPair.Graphic = "/images/FileFlitserMonitor/OK.png"
				hs.DeviceVGP_AddPair(ref, GPair)
				GPair = New VGPair
				GPair.PairType = VSVGPairType.Range
				GPair.RangeStart = 1
				GPair.RangeEnd = 100000000
				GPair.Graphic = "/images/FileFlitserMonitor/Pasop.png"
				hs.DeviceVGP_AddPair(ref, GPair)
				hs.WriteLog("FlitserMonitor device creation",  "FlitserMonitor Totaal")
			End If

      If Debug = true Then hs.writelog("FlitserMonitor","Totaal Flitsers " & Total)
		Ref = hs.GetDeviceRef("FlitserMonitor Totaal")
		hs.SetDeviceString(Ref, TotalString , True)
		hs.SetDeviceValueByRef(Ref, Total , True)

End sub

'==          Functions and SUBS           ==
Function FindRoadNumberBlock(strWebPage, Road, Debug)
  Dim strWegData as String
  Dim count      as Integer
  Dim CalcLenght as Integer

'  If Debug = true Then hs.writelog("FlitserMonitor","FindRoadNumberBlock:Start function=" & strWebPage )
  'Find start op road information
  count = Instr(strWebPage, Road & "</li>")
  If Debug = true Then hs.writelog("FlitserMonitor","FindRoadNumberBlock:Search for = " & Road )
  If Debug = true Then hs.writelog("FlitserMonitor","FindRoadNumberBlock:Found at " & count )

  'The requested road is found
  if count > 0 then
    'Drop the first part incl. the </li>
    CalcLenght = Len(strWebPage) - (count + len(Road) + Len("</li>") )
    If CalcLenght < 0 Then CalcLenght = 0
    strWegData = "<ul><ul>" & Right(strWebPage, CalcLenght)
    If Debug = true Then hs.writelog("FlitserMonitor","FindRoadNumberBlock:Right string=" & strWegData )

    'Now find the end of this block
    count = Instr(strWegData, "wegnummer")
    'Drop the last part
    count = count - Len("<li class=") - 2
    If count < 0 Then count = 0
    strWegData = Left(strWegData, count )
    If Debug = true Then hs.writelog("FlitserMonitor","FindRoadNumberBlock:After left string=" & strWegData )

    'Close a few tags to prevent unwanted
    'generation of html code
    strWegData = strWegData & "</ul></ul>"
    If Debug = true Then hs.writelog("FlitserMonitor","FindRoadNumberBlock:ReturnString=" & strWegData )
  End If
  return strWegData
End Function

'function takes three parameters.  
'The first is the string to be searched through.  
'The second is the string to search for.  
'The third is a Boolean that determines if the search 
' should be case sensitive.  
'The function returns the count of occurrences
Function CountOccurrences(p_strStringToCheck, p_strSubString, p_boolCaseSensitive, Debug)  
     Dim arrstrTemp  
     Dim strBase, strToFind  

     If Debug = true Then hs.writelog("FlitserMonitor","Start Count Occurences" )

     If p_boolCaseSensitive Then 
         strBase = p_strStringToCheck  
         strToFind = p_strSubString  
         strBase = LCase(p_strStringToCheck)  
         strToFind = LCase(p_strSubString)  
     End If 
     arrstrTemp = Split(strBase, strToFind)  

     CountOccurrences = UBound(arrstrTemp)  
     If Debug = true Then hs.writelog("FlitserMonitor","End Count Occurences : Count = " & CountOccurrences )
End Function

Re: Flitser en File Script HS3

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 6:05 pm
by vincenttor
grappig om ooit erin te verwerken, bedankt voor het delen !

Re: Flitser en File Script HS3

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 6:17 pm
by Phaeton
Hoi Bart,

ik krijg de volgende foutmelding:

Running script C:\Program Files\HomeSeer HS3\scripts\filemonitor.vb :Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.Conversion from string "("Main", 1" to type 'Boolean' is not valid.

gebruik jouw voorbeeld parameters. Ik vermoed iets met een dubbele quote, maar kom er even niet uit.

Re: Flitser en File Script HS3

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 8:37 pm
by esschenk

Zelfde bij mij


Re: Flitser en File Script HS3

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 8:39 pm
by bartbakels
Parameters zou 1; wegen;0 moeten zijn mocht t niet werken kijk ik morgen even.

Re: Flitser en File Script HS3

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 6:57 am
by Phaeton

vroeg op, dus dacht laat ik er nog even naar kijken. Ik heb het script werkend met de volgende parameters:

1;A16 N11 A12 A13;0

geen aanhalingstekens, brackets of Main. Hij ging stuk op Boolean waarbij hij Main meenam. Dat is nu niet het geval. Met debug aan zie ik geen foutmeldingen binnenkomen en lijkt alles goed te gaan. Geen files nu , dus ik weet niet 100% zeker of dit juist is.


Re: Flitser en File Script HS3

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 8:32 am
by RdP
Super handig !! werkt perfect !!!

Bedankt Bart.

Re: Flitser en File Script HS3

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 10:05 am
by bartbakels
Ik had het inderdaad beetje ongelukkig in de comments gezet :o

Re: Flitser en File Script HS3

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 3:30 pm
by esschenk

Werkt nu als een speer.

Thanks Ed

Re: Flitser en File Script HS3

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 10:30 pm
by Rutger
Bedankt, ziet er goed uit!!