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toon on new HW i.mx53 (port?)

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2019 12:08 am
by vso
I have serveral i.mx53 800mhz ARM touchscreen devices
hw see (note there are unpopulated USB and SATA ports that might require only a connector to get it working.
also UBI FS (running android)

U-Boot 2009.08-R08 (Dec 10 2012 - 12:04:50)
CPU: Freescale i.MX53 800 MHz
Version: R08
Boot Device: SPI NOR
I2C: ready
DRAM: 256 MB
NAND: 512 MiB

I "hacked" them with the same howto as a toon, only no boot passwd.

I am guessing i cannot copy the rom from toon to the "new" device because of incompatible arm cpu, however i am guessing that with correct kernel build i could get a lot further.
If there are intresting things to be done I would gladly share a device .. (however these are limited and not for ((re)sale)

Re: toon on new HW i.mx53 (port?)

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2019 7:42 pm
by marcelr
Should be possible. I would try and install some of the (low-level) packages available for toon, to see if they work at all.

Also check out the type of code for your device like this:

Code: Select all

toon:~# uname -a
Linux toon 2.6.36-R10-h23 #1 PREEMPT Mon Dec 14 13:05:57 CET 2015 armv5tejl GNU/Linux
(this is for an ancient firmware, never mind that, the code building toolchain hasn't changed).