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Importing gas usage in Excel

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2021 1:32 pm
by Arnout2000
Since a couple of months I have a new CV and given that the gas prices are increasing, I would like to have a closer look at my gas usage.
I would like to store the Toon usage data in Excel. With the export function on Toon I can get all the usage files on my PC in CSV format. After converting the the CSV to something readable I have the date and a value. The value has a maximum length of 5 digits but can also be 3 or 4 digits.
I am trying to find an easy way to convert the values in Excel. If a value is less than 5 digits I can add some trailing zeros, but then I still have to decide where to put the comma.
"19061" could be "1906,1" or "190,61". By looking at the actual value on my Toon I see where the comma should be, but isn't there a better way to have the best split between the value and the decimals?
Any suggestions?

Re: Importing gas usage in Excel

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2021 1:48 pm
by TheHogNL
Just divide by 100?

Re: Importing gas usage in Excel

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2021 2:16 pm
by Arnout2000
TheHogNL wrote:Just divide by 100?
That works in some cases, but in other cases it should be divided by 10.
E.g. Value "665" should be 665,00 and Value "12003" should be 1200,30 and not 120,03
As the Gas counter has changed from 3 to 4 digits (999->1000) now, perhaps I am making things too difficult, as the values will be 4 digits for a long time, but I was just wondering if I am overlooking some logic of the CSV export.

Re: Importing gas usage in Excel

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2021 3:14 pm
by TheHogNL
Arnout2000 wrote:
TheHogNL wrote:Just divide by 100?
That works in some cases, but in other cases it should be divided by 10.
E.g. Value "665" should be 665,00 and Value "12003" should be 1200,30 and not 120,03
As the Gas counter has changed from 3 to 4 digits (999->1000) now, perhaps I am making things too difficult, as the values will be 4 digits for a long time, but I was just wondering if I am overlooking some logic of the CSV export.
the whole CSV export is stupid from the start :) Toon only made this to be AGV compliant but is doesn't work properly

Re: Importing gas usage in Excel

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2021 3:15 pm
by TheHogNL
I think you are better of with the rrd export, search for "/hcb_rrd?action=getRrdData&loggerName" in de forum

Re: Importing gas usage in Excel

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2021 7:08 pm
by oepi-loepi
Of maak gebruik van het aantal digits in de cel dus len(cell)

If(len(A1)=5), A1/100). Etc..

Re: Importing gas usage in Excel

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2022 6:23 pm
by Arnout2000
Ik ben weer eens in het importeren van TOON data gedoken. In eerste instantie door via het menu een dump te maken en die via de browser te importeren.

Ik vraag me af op welk tijdstip er gegevens worden weggeschreven in bijvoorbeeld dit bestand:

Als ik de dump op zondagmiddag maak, dan is de laatste entry in de file al de volgende dag, dus maandag. Dat lijkt me vreemd. Wat doe ik fout?