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How to connect Remeha Calenta with Elga Ace

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2024 10:37 pm
by mclausen
I have the following setup:
Remeha Calenta
Remeha Elga Ace
Home Assistant

At the moment I am using the 0 - 10V connection between the two.
Unfortunately the Elga Ace does not send the required temperature but only sets the voltage to 0 or 10V respectively. I have set the maximum temperature corresponding to 10V in the Calenta to 60°C. The bivalenz temperature is set to 3°C. In the Elga Ace With this setup it roughly does the job. But not really the way I would like to see.

So here’s what I would like to do:
The Elga Ace shall set the required temperature in the Calenta (NOT Ace!) - using OpenTherm
Will the Gateway support such a setup?
I have no additional information from Remeha.
Ideally I will control the setup from my Home Assistant Server (running in a docker container on a Synology NAS.
And - in addition I would like to keep track of as many parameters of the two systems as possible for fine tuning…

Any idea?

If anybody is interested here how to set up the Elga Ace to support heating the warm water. I can help with a solution.
(By default the Elga Ace only supports heating - but not warm water - which is a pain ita during summer. It does not make sense to use the Calenta with gas to warm up the water during summertime…


Re: How to connect Remeha Calenta with Elga Ace

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2024 10:33 pm
by dimplou
I think I don't understand your question. Why would you connect the Calenta with 0-10V in stead of OpenTherm? Both the Calenta and the Elga Ace supports OpenTherm. Then the Elga Ace will send the required temperature for the heating system.

If you want to monitor the setup you should put an OTGW between the thermostat and the Elga Ace and between the Calenta and the Elga Ace. Make sure your thermostat is OpenTherm compatible. The eTwist is not.