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rfxcom RFreciever program

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 9:00 pm
by francisb

I want to know if its possible to get the information collected with this program into a database and of course how its done.
I am reading a book called Visual Basic for dummies, but thats taking a lot of time and in the mean time i cannot measure my power and gas usage.
I tried to make a program from scratch but thats to difficult for me now, so i thought maybe the RFreciever program can be adjust to connect to a database and store the data in this database.

Or maybe there is somebody who has already written a program that can do this?

Can someone help me?


rfxcom RFreciever program

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 9:15 pm
by Digit
Hi francis,

Why not have a look here:

It would surprise me if there's nothing out there that can help you to store your data, create charts, etc.etc.

Doing so will then give you time enough to try and create something yourself..


rfxcom RFreciever program

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 9:47 pm
by b_weijenberg

Not easy to install but possible a solution to start with

Or this


rfxcom RFreciever program

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 5:03 pm
by francisb

Is there then nobody who has a peace of vbsript that gets the data from the reciever and puts it into a database?
Above solutions are time consuming because i need to find out how those solutions work (no disrespect).
I thought somebody might have something already running, no need for me to invent the wheel again.



rfxcom RFreciever program

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 2:10 am
by Digit

No VBScript here. Only 1.3 MB of Delphi source and a website of 240 KB of aspx/vb source. That's what it would take to put your data in a database (SQL2K in my case) and actually doing something usefull with all this data you collect.
Keep in mind that the RFXCOM devices already do all the 'hard work' for you, the rest should be relatively easy, actually.
So i think your idea that you can be helped with just a few VB scripts is a bit too 'easy'.

OTOH, if you already have SQL Server running, i might be able to help you...


rfxcom RFreciever program

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 9:36 am
by francisb
Hi Robert,

I have got SQL running so if you can help me i would be very thankfull.



rfxcom RFreciever program

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 12:39 pm
by u_gee
Does someone have a simple RFreceiver sample to read the incomming data in VB6 ?? On RFXCOM there are only samples. Currently i am programming in VB6 and although it is possible to rewrite the .net sample in VB6 i thought it would be "easier" to ask here (why invent the wheel again). I also can learn VB.Net but that would take too long at this moment. I just want to get on with the Powermax system at this moment.

I look a little bit to BWIRED here because i think he has programmed everything VB6. Maybe you can send me ( or attach a little sample in VB on how to receive the signal from RFreceiver, so i don't have to do the rewriting again (you already rewrote it in VB6 or wrote the reading process yourself).

Thanks in advance and ofcourse if there is some development from my side i will share it here.


rfxcom RFreciever program

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 3:31 pm
by Digit
Using the code from the RFXCOM VB.Net examples really shouldn't be that hard i think. If you know VB6, the RFXCOM code should be easy to follow. You'll see it's not "loaded" with .Net stuff. The essential routines, that handle with recognizing devices from the packets, CRC etc., should work without much change i guess. Just give it a try...

rfxcom RFreciever program

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 5:53 pm
by Bwired
Agree With Digit, you can get it out of the sample with very minor adjustments. My code is embedded in my own code but I will make an attempt to get a working demo in VB6. Just give me some time I'm redecorating my home at this moment. Correction my wife is, but most the work is for me [^]

rfxcom RFreciever program

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 8:45 pm
by u_gee
OK i will git it a shot.

I don't have .net installed so i have to do it from the .vb file in our favorite textwriter Notepad :-)
I will copy it all and delete the parts i don't need.
Which MODE on the RFXCOM do you all use to get the right (and most) info from the wireless powerbox devices ???

BWIRED i would appreciate it when you can make a sample in vb. I think it is good to learn from each others code and try to improve each others code rather then just all write our own code.


rfxcom RFreciever program

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 11:47 pm
by b_weijenberg

install the free version of Visual Studio!

This makes life much easier.

And install all .NET frameworks 1.1 , 2.0 , 3.0 and 3.5 ... D2463AD5D0


rfxcom RFreciever program

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 11:52 pm
by Bwired
Agree with Bert
I'm still on the old VB6 and changing my code piece by piece. Taking me to long now but I have to go too :-)
Now the new VS2008 is out you should really make it happen and change to Dot.Net. The code sample from rfxcom gives you the start you need.

rfxcom RFreciever program

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 9:16 am
by u_gee
Although that it went very well (except for some timing issues). I decided to change to Thanks in advance for you pointing me out that staying with VB6 is on the long term not the right thing to do.
An extra obstacle on learning the new commands and master new design features will make it all easier in the future.

I will give it a shot... so RFreceiver_VB6 is hereby canceled..


rfxcom RFreciever program

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 1:27 am
by Bwired
Any status update om your project?

rfxcom RFreciever program

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 6:54 pm
by equinoxe
Where could i find the RFXCOM VB.Net examples ?