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A real-time solar (PV) performance predictor

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 5:29 pm
by scyang
Dear Domotica members,

After seeing too many PV systems under-perform, I decided to roll out
a free public service site
It allows a visitor to enter some essential parameters about his/her
solar installation and see an calculated performance (kW) value that
his/her system should be producing at that time(or a specified data-time). There is other[?] refinement under-way.

Please give it a visit and provide a brutal critique as you can.
We are going to enhance it and evolve it into a truly useful tool
for PV system owners and operators who do not have a proper monitoring/logging system; to check up on their systems.

Thanks and May the Sun warm your face and panels.


Stephen Yang
Sunnyvale, CA 94089