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How large is the market for DIY smarthome

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 4:23 pm
by veseo
Hi Forum,

this is my first post on this forum :)

I would discuss about a simple as hard to answer question, how is large the market of DIY smarthome? How many people are willing to do by themself in order to get customization and lower cost?


Re: How large is the market for DIY smarthome

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 11:10 pm
by raymonvdm
I think DIY smarthomes is the reason why this forum exists :D

Re: How large is the market for DIY smarthome

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 11:27 pm
by veseo
Hehe :)

I know that I'm not the only crazy one that see DIY as an option, but the question is how many we are? :)

I've started an opensource project a couple of years ago that is slowly growing, but still I've not got how many people can we meet on this way.


Re: How large is the market for DIY smarthome

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 12:52 am
by Digit
Not that much I think. But lets first define what DIY smarthome really is...

- Does it mean those that build their own system from scratch (like you did?)?
- Or does it also include those that contribute to an OS smarthome project to add the things they are missing?
- And what about those that buy a commercial product and tailor the product to their needs as much as they can? (e.g. defining their own events/scenarios/rules)?

(You'll find all of those here on this forum BTW :wink: )

I think it's safe to say that the market becomes larger with each 'yes' to the 3 questions above, but it still remains small.

Cause the majority (those that like what they see when they're visiting "our" homes and ask where they can download the app) will always want something that works out of the box and in my opinion smarthome is not ready for that yet - you either pay an expensive bill or spend a lot of time on DIY, and I think it will take some time before this will change.

Re: How large is the market for DIY smarthome

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 9:59 am
by veseo
From my point of view, the first two are DIY automations.

What I did is somenthing like start from scratch, because at that time I haven't found a solution around the Arduino world.

What is suprising me is the miss of hardware for DIY people. I mean people that would love to install the system by themself using ready to use hardware (no soldering and all certification as per law).

Is that a failed market experiment from the past? Or really there is nothing out?
