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Can't access energy history on 4.16.8

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 1:23 pm
by michaelology
I initially rooted my Toon after I got it, then in the end I had to get a subscription to replace my meetadapter but now I cancelled the subscription again and I can't access the energy history screen. I have full root access to my Toon over SSH and I tried the scsync edit. Now I can access the philips hue options but not the full range of apps. I think it resets my scsync edits on reboot or something weird like that. Does anyone have a solution to this?

These are the contents to my scsync:

You can find the options it currently gives me in the attachment.

Re: Can't access energy history on 4.16.8

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2018 10:14 pm
by TheHogNL
You need to disable openvpn or else your scsync will be overwritten bij de service center all the time.
And then change your scsync again as describes so often. (start time, end time etc)