All-in-1 solution for Btraced Track & Trace

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All-in-1 solution for Btraced Track & Trace

Post by Digit »

Last week I did a small 'remake' of the Btraced code I wrote earlier, cause I thought it would be nice to also create an All-in-1 solution for Btraced for those that don't have a web-server running at home but do want to display the Btraced information on Google Maps for instance. Combining the Btraced upload server, reverse geo-coding and a web-server in one 'package' running on a single Raspberry Pi, fully self-supporting, that was the idea.
btraced3.PNG (54.78 KiB) Viewed 6415 times
No need for another web-server anymore, nothing - just a Raspberry Pi and the Btraced app.
And of course everything's working real-time, cause nowadays you don't have to settle for less anymore.
Most of the code was already finished, all that needed to be added was a web-server and a way to get the uploaded, parsed & extended Btraced information to the web clients (the browser(s)).
And of course some static content like a html page, style sheet and some Javascript.
And the result is great - a light-weight web page, served by the Raspberry Pi that gives you real-time access to the Btraced GPS information on any device with a web browser on board - and all with the power usage of a single Raspberry Pi. Saving the uploaded data in a database is not supported yet but should be very easy to accomplish.
And there are more things that can be easily added once you have a Raspberry running.. not just Btraced related.. Pieter and I are currently discussing some options.

Interested? Let me know.
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Re: All-in-1 solution for Btraced Track & Trace

Post by Bwired »

yeah yeah, i got it running on my Rasp, btraced working perfect :)
great job Robert!
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Re: All-in-1 solution for Btraced Track & Trace

Post by soitjes »

Cool ! I noticed that the Btraced app wears down the battery very fast (one day max). Am I the only one ? or are there any recommended settings so that it would last a bit longer ?

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Re: All-in-1 solution for Btraced Track & Trace

Post by Digit »

I normally stop tracking when I know that I'll be @ the same location for a while (e.g. I arrived @ work) and my phone is on the charger while I'm on the move in my car so I don't notice it, but I can imagine that it does :wink: I think Pieter can tell you more about optimal settings for battery life, I never did much tweaking with those...
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