[Project] Controlling HUE from PHP

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[Project] Controlling HUE from PHP

Post by airox »

Yet another simple library written in PHP to control the HUE lights.
For whoever finds it helpfull :-)

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class Hue {

	const POST = 'POST';
	const PUT = 'PUT';
	const GET = 'GET';
	const TYPE_BULB = 0;
	const TYPE_GRP = 1;
	 * @var string
	private $url;

	 * @var string
	private $username;

	private $transitionTime = 5;
	public function __construct($ip, $username=false) {
		$this->url = 'http://'.$ip;
		$this->username = $username;
	public function setTransitionTime($time) {
		$this->transitionTime = $time;
	private function callapi($url, $type, $datain='') {
		$params = array(
				'http' => array(
						'method' => $type,
						'content' => $datain

		$context = stream_context_create($params);
		$data = json_decode(file_get_contents($url, 0, $context), true);

		return $data;

	public function register() {
		$name = 'Home automation systeem';
		$data = $this->callapi($this->url.'/api', self::POST, '{"username": "'.md5($name).'", "devicetype": "'.$name.'"}');
		if ( isset($data[0]['success']['username']) ) {
			return $data[0]['success']['username'];
		return false;

	private function statechange($json, $name, $type) {
		if ( $type == self::TYPE_BULB ) {
			$url = $this->url.'/api/'.$this->username.'/lights/'.$name.'/state';
		} elseif ( $type == self::TYPE_GRP ) {
			$url = $this->url.'/api/'.$this->username.'/groups/'.$name.'/action';
		} else {
			return false;
		return $this->callapi($url, self::PUT, $json);
	public function turnon($name,$type=0) {
		return $this->statechange('{"bri":183, "hue":15331, "sat": 121,"transitiontime": '.$this->transitionTime.',"on":true}', $name, $type);
	public function turnoff($name,$type=0) {
		return $this->statechange('{"on":false,"transitiontime": '.$this->transitionTime.'}', $name, $type);
	public function changebri($name, $bri,$type=0) {
		return $this->statechange('{"bri":'.round($bri).', "hue":15331, "sat": 121,"transitiontime": '.$this->transitionTime.',"on":true}', $name, $type);
	public function flashonce($name,$type=0) {
		return $this->statechange('{"alert":"select"}', $name, $type);
	public function flashrepeat($name,$type=0) {
		return $this->statechange('{"alert":"select"}', $name, $type);
	public function setrgb($name,$r,$g,$b, $type=0) {
		$hsv = self::rgbToHsv($r, $g, $b);
		// h, s, v
		$hsv[0] = $hsv[0]*182;
		$hsv[1] = ($hsv[1]/100)*254;
		$hsv[2] = ($hsv[2]/100)*254;
		return $this->sethsl($name, $hsv[2], $hsv[0], $hsv[1], $type);
	public function sethsl($name, $bri, $hue, $sat, $type=0) {
		return $this->statechange('{"bri":'.round($bri).',"hue":'.round($hue).',"transitiontime": '.$this->transitionTime.', "sat":'.round($sat).', "on":true}', $name, $type);
	public function getgroups() {
		return $this->callapi($this->url.'/api/'.$this->username.'/groups/0', self::GET);
	public function getinfo() {
		return $this->callapi($this->url.'/api/'.$this->username, self::GET);
	public static function rgbToHsv($r,$g,$b) {
		$r = $r / 255;
		$g = $g / 255;
		$b = $b / 255;

		$min = min($r, $g, $b);
		$max = max($r, $g, $b);

		$v = $max;
		$delta = $max - $min;

		if ($delta == 0) {
			return array(0, 0, $v * 100);
		if ($max != 0) {
			$s = $delta / $max;
		} else {
			$s = 0;
			$h = -1;
			return array($h, $s, $v);
		if ($r == $max) {
			$h = ($g - $b) / $delta;
		} else if ($g == $max) {
			$h = 2 + ($b - $r) / $delta;
		} else {
			$h = 4 + ($r - $g) / $delta;
		$h *= 60;
		if ($h < 0) {
			$h += 360;
		return array($h, $s * 100, $v * 100);

First call the register() method when you pressed the button on the main controller. The returned username should be persisted. You can then use this to authenticate.
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