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Niko pure feedback leds

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 11:10 pm
by fabian
Recently i've stumbled upon Velleman's vmb6pbn module which is designed to be used with the Niko 4 fold of 6 fold momentary switch modules.


It's a Velbus module which requires only 4 wires (12V and Canbus).

I've been using the Niko 6 fold modules for quite some time now ( ... 356#p52356). Additional eletrical piping has been installed during my newbuild so i'm able to install low voltage wiring to certain locations which are mostly used for switching lights.

Until now an Aruino Mega with Marmitek XM10E has been capturing (or trying to capure) X10 messages for a few preprogrammed DAIX12's modules. ON or DIM switched 24v to the leds. The arduino and all additional hardware takes quite a lot of space and is hasn't been very stable. Lots of messages stay unnoticed.

Using velbus would be far more flexible and requires less hardware and cabling (4 wires instead of 14 (7for leds / 7 for switches). But how to send Velbus messages from Homeseer.
About 5 years ago some forum mebers became quite enthusiastic about Velbus but unfortunately noone mode a Velbus plugin for Homeseer

I'm certainly not a programmer, but after a day of googling and fiddling, homeseer is switchting some leds! And quite fast compared to X10. There are a lot of VB.Net / .Net / C# (still not sure what the difference is) examples and the VMB1USB makes it easy to send velbus messages via an emulated COM port.

[youtube] ...[/youtube]

This is the vb code so far.

Code: Select all

'Niko paneel via VMB6PBN
'1	2		h01	H02		1	2
'5	6		H10	H20		16	32
'4	3		H08	H04		8	4
'A1 = 161
'A2 = 162
'A3 = 163
'A4 = 164
'A5 = 165

Sub VelbusUpdate(ByVal Parms As Object)
	Dim VelbusOpdracht(7) As Integer

	Dim Devices As String()() = New String(5)() {}
	Dim i,j As Integer

	' create jagged two-dimensional array
	' Meerdere Panelen + Leds mogelijk, {"G1", "161|1", "161|4", "165|16"}
	Devices(0) = New String() {"G1", "162|8"}
	Devices(1) = New String() {"G2", "162|16"}
	Devices(2) = New String() {"G3", "162|1"}
	Devices(3) = New String() {"G4", "162|4"}
	Devices(4) = New String() {"B1", "162|32"}
	Devices(5) = New String() {"B2", "162|2"}

	' Parms(2)  2 = On, 3 = Off, 4 = Dim

	if Parms(2) = 2 Or Parms(2) = 4 Then
		VelbusOpdracht(4) = &HF6
		VelbusOpdracht(4) = &HF5
	End If	

	For i = 0 To Devices.GetUpperBound(0)
		if Devices(i)(0) = Parms(0) & Parms(1) Then
			hs.writelog("Velbus", "Device change "&Devices(i)(0))

			For j = 1 To Devices(i).GetUpperBound(0)
			    dim iStr() as string = Devices(i)(j).split("|")
			    Dim address, led as integer  
			    If IsNumeric(iStr(0)) then
			        address = Cint(iStr(0))
			    End if
			    If IsNumeric(iStr(1)) then
			        led = Cint(iStr(1))
			    End if
				VelbusOpdracht(0) = &H0F
				VelbusOpdracht(1) = &HFB
				VelbusOpdracht(2) = address
				VelbusOpdracht(3) = &H02
				VelbusOpdracht(5) = led
				VelbusOpdracht(7) = &H04
				Dim checksum As Byte
				Dim chkI As Integer = 0
				For c As Integer = 0 To 5
			'		hs.writelog("Velbus ","Byte "&velbusOpdracht(c))
					chkI += velbusOpdracht(c)
					chkI = chkI And 255

				chkI = 255 - chkI
				chkI += 1
				velbusOpdracht(6) = chkI
				Dim ComPort As Integer = 11
				For c As Integer = 0 To 7

					hs.SendToComPort(ComPort, Chr(velbusOpdracht(c)))

				hs.Writelog("Velbus", VelbusOpdracht(0) & " " & VelbusOpdracht(1) & " " & VelbusOpdracht(2) & " " & VelbusOpdracht(3) & " " & VelbusOpdracht(4) & " " & VelbusOpdracht(5) & " " & VelbusOpdracht(6) & " " & VelbusOpdracht(7))

		End if

End Sub
The length of a velbus message is variable, but for most operations the message is 8 bytes long where the 7th byte is checksum.

Next i'd like to be able to receive velbus message with Homeseer so my WTW Arduino doesn't need a LAN shield anymore. Not sure yet which homeseer mode to use. There isn't a CRLF. Just a start byte H0F and an end byte H04

Re: Niko pure feedback leds

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 9:41 am
by AshaiRey
fabian wrote:(Snipped a large part).... to use. There isn't a CRLF. Just a start byte H0F and an end byte H04
When opening a com port in HS you can define which character will be the terminator

Here's more info about it
'the third hs.opencomport parameter you specify either a 1 or a 0 to
'return data either in raw or string mode

'0 = raw mode
'In this mode, each character that is received on the COM port causes
'the specified script and function to be called. It is up to the called
'function to callGetComPortData to actually get the characters.

'1 = strings mode
'This mode buffers up characters until a terminator is received.
'At this point the specified script and function are called with the data.
'This mode makes it easy to deal with devices that send text data terminated
'with known characters. To specify the terminator characters,
'see the term parameter description below.
'If you do not specify a terminator, the default terminator of
'carriage return and line-feed (CrLf) are used.

e = hs.OpenComPort(SERIALPORTNUMBER ,CONNECTIONSTRING,1,strActionScriptName,"Handle_Event", EOM)

Source : ... omport.htm

Re: Niko pure feedback leds

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 11:32 am
by fabian
AshaiRey wrote:
e = hs.OpenComPort(SERIALPORTNUMBER ,CONNECTIONSTRING,1,strActionScriptName,"Handle_Event", EOM)

Source : ... omport.htm
Thanks, but ther doesn't seem to a unique termination string.

The ETX is hex 04 but other bytes can also be hex 04. Looking at other scripts written in C and Python, they all seem to be buffering bytes like as follows:

- Wait for bytes, if byte is hex 0F , packet has started (buffer[0])
- lookup vaule in buffer[3] (byte which containts the expected number of bytes)
- loop trough buffer[] , if buffer[buffer[3]+5] == hex 04, ets ETX
- packet recieved, process..

For now i'm guessing Homeseer will only be able to do this is with Operation Mode 0 (raw) and a vb script which buffers and stores even when it's not running anymore. Or use a different piece of software which buffers the full packet and add a \n after each packet which is then send to a virtual com interface.