xPL perl Plugwise 2.0 (2009-09-08) firmware

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xPL perl Plugwise 2.0 (2009-09-08) firmware

Post by YogiBear75 »

Hi there domotica freaks,

I've upgraded the firmware of my Circles to version 2009-09-08.
The commands of the old xPl-Plugwise perl scripts still work.
The Circle responds with a different syntax.

It starts with 0013 (the same as firmware version 1, 2008-08-26)
Below the response of the xPl-Plugwise (plug-in) in verbose mode.
I send the powerinfo command every 10 seconds, here you can see the response (every 10 seconds) of the Circle:
The counter in the beginning (after the 0013), is just a 16 bits counter (65536) for response I guess, because when I send it every 5 seconds it keeps counting up the same way. Maybe how many requests received. So Plugwise can check if all commands were send by Source or by Linux scripts..

You can see the MAC-address aswell. I left it there, so someone can check the CRC ;)
After the MAC address you can see 0002 or 0003 I guess this is the 1sec Pulse in decimals. (it's an IPcamera attached)
but then you have 0015 (probably 8sec pulse) but how come this is suddenly 0015 ?
Or maybe Plugwise descided not to use 1sec / 8sec, but instead use the first 16 bits for Watts and then 16 bits for the mWatts. ?? :shock:

Then you have 4 zero's and then 023D and 0257 if you convert this to decimals it grows by almost the same amount as the seconds I waited per command (10 secs). Then 11 zero's and I guess the CRC.
23D = 573 dec. (3D = 61)
3AF = 943 dec. (AF = 175)

15 requests = 150 seconds.
943 - 573 = 370 seconds.
175 - 61 = 114 seconds.

Hopefuly someone can assist me with the Watt and mWatt story ? :shock:

Packet received: 001312D4000D6F000059AAC3000300150000023D00000000000B10F2
Packet received: 001312D5000D6F000059AAC300020015000002570000000000034A1D
Packet received: 001312D6000D6F000059AAC30003001500000272000000000004A506
Packet received: 001312D7000D6F000059AAC3000200150000028C000000000007BBF0
Packet received: 001312D8000D6F000059AAC300030015000002A700000000000B992F
Packet received: 001312D9000D6F000059AAC300020015000002C100000000000B7111
Packet received: 001312DA000D6F000059AAC300030016000002DC000000000011B7F9
Packet received: 001312DB000D6F000059AAC300030015000002F600000000000B1F43
Packet received: 001312DC000D6F000059AAC3000300160000031100000000000CD10F
Packet received: 001312DD000D6F000059AAC3000300150000032B00000000000DE072
Packet received: 001312DE000D6F000059AAC3000200150000034500000000000DD186
Packet received: 001312DF000D6F000059AAC3000300150000036000000000000C3E9D
Packet received: 001312E0000D6F000059AAC3000200150000037A000000000002F050
Packet received: 001312E1000D6F000059AAC300030015000003950000000000084420
Packet received: 001312E2000D6F000059AAC300030015000003AF0000000000018C08
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Re: xPL perl Plugwise 2.0 (2009-09-08) firmware

Post by YogiBear75 »


After measuring some devices which have default Watt usage (light bulbs :))
I've figured out something I can live with. I don't think it's the real formula, but it works fine for me.

Packet received: 001312D4000D6F000059AAC3000300150000023D00000000000B10F2
Packet received: 001312D5000D6F000059AAC300020015000002570000000000034A1D
Packet received: 001312D6000D6F000059AAC30003001500000272000000000004A506
Packet received: 001312D7000D6F000059AAC3000200150000028C000000000007BBF0

You take the first 16 bits after the MAC address. This is the Watt (full Watts). you multiply this with 3.
Then you substract the next 16 bits after you have divided this by 10 (mWatts or dWatts actualy)



Header: 0013 (as a response to 0012 powerinfo request)
Amount of Requests: 12D4
MAC-address (Company part): 000D6F0000
DEVICEid (Specific part of MAC addres): 59AAC3
Watt: 0003
mWatt of dWatt: 0015
Delimiter ?: 0000
Time in seconds ?: 023D
Delimiter ?: 0000000000
CRC24?: 0B10F2

If you want the real usage:

RealWatt = (Watt * 3) - (dWatt/10)

You can check out my graphs: http://REMOVE_MEwww.lirodesigns.com/rrd/REMOVE_ME

I know this can't be good. But for now it's working for me. And the Usage of Watt is precise enough for me.
But if someone has the real mathmetic rule / algorithm. It would be nice to know :D

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