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Danfoss Zwave radiator valve Review

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:40 pm
For English see second part

Danfoss Zwave radiator kraan

Ik woon in een gebied waar warmte via stadsverwarming wordt aangeboden.
Voordeel: Je hebt geen ketel en onderhoud.
Nadeel: Er is geen centrale regel mogelijkheid behalve de kraan op de radiator.

Ik heb verschillende systemen uitgeprobeerd maar miste altijd de link met domotica.
Ik wil de warmte per zone / kamer kunnen regelen op momenten dat ik thuis ben en niet met een klok die op vaste tijdstippen aanstuurt.

Danfoss heeft daar de oplossing voor in de vorm van een elektronische radiator kraan die via Zwave aangestuurd kan worden.
Koppeling met Homeseer verloopt via een Zwave USB stick.
Vanuit events kan je nu aangeven op welk moment je welke radiator aan of uit wilt zetten afhankelijk van condities.

De Danfoss module bestaat uit twee gedeeltes:
- een radiator kraan, lijkt veel op een normale kraan
- een elektronica gedeelte met Zwave module en batterijhouder.

Danfoss biedt 4 verschillende aansluit mogelijkheden. Check welk systeem je nodig hebt. In NL wordt het click systeem van Danfoss en het M30 systeem het meeste gebruikt.

De Danfoss module is redelijk compact als je het vergelijkt met andere modules (bv. Honeywell). Ook kan je de radiator kraan met de hand blijven bedienen.

Om de levensduur van de batterij te verlengen hebben ze voor een afwijkende Zwave werkwijze gekozen. De module communiceert standaard eens in 10 minuten. Dit is instelbaar met de software. De minimale tijd is 5 minuten. Helaas kan dit binnen Homeseer niet gewijzigd worden.

Op de Danfoss kraan kan je de gewenste temperatuur niet via graden opgeven zoals gebruikelijk. De gewenste temperatuur stel je in via de draaiknop bv. stand 3.
De kraan gaat aan als deze op de "ZON" stand wordt gezet en gaat uit als hij op "MAAN" staat.
In stand "ZON" zal de kraan aangaan totdat het opgegeven temperatuur is bereikt. Vergelijkbaar met een conventionele kraan.
Als de kraan in de "MAAN" stand staat zal deze 3-5 graden in waarde terug gaan, bv van 20 naar 17-15 graden.

Danfoss Zwave radiator valve.

I live in an area where heat through district heating is offered.
Advantage: You do not have a boiler and maintenance.
Disadvantage: There is no central control option except the tap on the radiator.

I have tried different systems, but always missed the link with home automation.
I want regulate the heat per area / room whenever I'm home and not at via a fixed timetable.

Danfoss has the solution in the form of an electronic radiator valve that can be driven through Zwave.
Link to Homeseer is through a Zwave USB stick.
Via "events" you can specify at what time you want to turn on/of a radiator and you can program specifications.

The Danfoss module consists of two parts:
- A radiator valve, similar to a normal tap
- Zwave with an electronic module and battery holder.

Danfoss offers 4 different connection options. Check which system you need. In NL, the click system of Danfoss and the M30 system are most used.

The Danfoss module is quite compact if you compare it with other modules (eg Honeywell). You can also adjust the radiator with the hand control.

To save battery power the Zwave module communicates by default every 10 minutes. This is configurable with the software. The minimum time is 5 minutes. Unfortunately, within Homeseer this can not be changed.

The Danfoss valve can not be programmed by setting the desired temperature in degrees. The desired temperature is set through the dial eg value 3.
The radiotor turns on with "SUN, and is turned off with "MOON".
In position "SUN" the valve will is open until the specified temperature is reached. Similar to a conventional valve.
When in "MOON" mode the temparature will be lowered 3 - 5 degrees, eg from 20 to 17-15 degrees.


More Info: ... S-w_02.pdf ... nttype.pdf

Danfoss Zwave radiator valve Review [Dutch/English]

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 12:19 am
by Snelvuur
So in the end, pro's cons? Whats the rate of battery renewal?

// Erik (

Danfoss Zwave radiator valve Review [Dutch/English]

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 12:35 am
Pro's cons can be different in every situation.
In my situation is a good solution. I will go for it.

Domotica control
Will fit most radiators

No temperature control
Lower temperature when set to Moon (in some situations)
No direct action when command is send you have to wait till the next wakeup time (0-10 min)

I can't telly you any thing about the battery.
Documentation is talking about 3 years.
But there is a battery indicator in Homeseer for every device.

Danfoss Zwave radiator valve Review [Dutch/English]

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 12:41 am
Current Homeseer implementation is very weak.

This is the control

Setback enabled: (Off)
Setback disabled: (On)

In some situation it will show not the correct status.

I have just turned off
Homeseer is showing Setback disabled (This is not correct)

Danfoss Zwave radiator valve Review [Dutch/English]

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 11:46 am
by Alexander
Controlling heating in a zone is always wanted, but i can't understand why you would have benefits for using this device. I want to control the heat in the zone to turn it of or on. Not 3 degrees lower than normal. If i leave the house, the heating must be shutdown or very low. Why would i have 15 degrees for night/left the house and 18 degrees for day time. Is that difference in temp so big?

Danfoss Zwave radiator valve Review [Dutch/English]

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 5:47 pm
it's 3-5 degrees.
bringing back to the lowest punt will cost more energy to warm it up again.
In current situation I will not lower than 15-16 in my house.

It's not comfortable when you enter it...and will cost you more..why than lower it to much.
When you are away for longer time..then is the best to lower it bit more.

Danfoss Zwave radiator valve Review [Dutch/English]

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 10:27 pm
by Alexander
I can understand this if the temperature is dropping inhouse when the heating is off, but i'm in an apartment where the temperature will not drop that much because of or a) the sun b) heating from other appartments. But you will leave your heating on if you go away @ 08:00 hour and back @ 18:00?

Danfoss Zwave radiator valve Review [Dutch/English]

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 10:40 pm
I have "stadsverwarming"
Heating is always on.
If you have your own heating system you will need a extra controlling thermostat. ... cts_id=215
or any modified honywell..there are also Ip version available..

Danfoss Zwave radiator valve Review [Dutch/English]

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 11:42 pm
by Alexander
I also have stadsverwarming. Heating is on by a valve. Yours too i would guess?

Danfoss Zwave radiator valve Review [Dutch/English]

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 11:50 pm
I will only turn it down when leaving...and Alarm is active.
and automatic off at 23:30 or when the lights turn off.
Bathroom will turn on in the morning for 1 hour and in the weekend same but only a bit later

Danfoss Zwave radiator valve Review [Dutch/English]

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 11:53 pm
by r_255
Well i am having the Cm zone on stadsverwarming and i still hope on a controllable sollution.
Last part i got to install is the relais on to the valve so it closes if there is no demand.

I just need to control multiple zones on degree level and the danfoss was not an option for my house.

Danfoss Zwave radiator valve Review [Dutch/English]

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 12:16 am
@Robin why the need on degree level?

living room 3 (21)
bedroom 1 (19)
In almost never change them..always just turn them to the same number.

Cm Zone is great..only controlling from HS was the missing part...and they are big.

Danfoss Zwave radiator valve Review [Dutch/English]

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 1:05 am
by r_255
Well to many variables that just dont fit in to the regular way of heating.

Like a mum that always cold when she is over from spain... she needs to be in control to like 28 and 21 when she is warm.

In time i am sure there will be a solution for the hs part, for now i am in controll :)

Danfoss Zwave radiator valve Review [Dutch/English]

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 8:06 am
by Bastiaan
Do you use any extra plugins in HS? (for Zwave).

Danfoss Zwave radiator valve Review [Dutch/English]

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 10:45 am
No just the standard HS part.