ELV MAX! protocol description

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ELV MAX! protocol description

Post by Digit »

Primary purpose of this topic is to describe all the information that has been gathered about the ELV MAX! protocol. If you have a remark or an addition regarding the information in this topic, please reply and your comments will be incorporated in this post.


The ELV MAX! protocol is used to communicate with the ELV MAX! Cube LAN Gateway. This is the interface to the range of MAX! products. The MAX! Cube LAN Gateway is equipped with a USB connection for power and a RJ-45 Ethernet connection to connect it to your local LAN/router. The MAX! Cube LAN Gateway uses bi-directional radio communication to query the status of the other MAX! components and configure them. The other MAX! components can also function independently, without the MAX! Cube LAN Gateway. (which will be called 'Cube' from now on)

All MAX! components have a serial number. On the Cube this serial number can be found on the bottom and has the format IEQxxxxxx. The serial number of the Radiator Thermostat can be found on the inside of the battery compartment.

When a TCP/IP connection is being made to port 80 of the Cube, it starts sending H, M and C responses. These responses contain detailed information about the configuration of the Cube and all the other MAX! components that are teached-in. All responses encountered so far start with a character followed by a colon (:). The responses always end (so far) with a Carriage Return (CR, 0x0D, $0D, chr(13)) and a Line Feed (LF, 0x0A, $0A, chr(10)). Some parts of the response data is Base64 encoded; Base64 is a very common encoding scheme for transferring binary data by only using prinable characters. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base64 for more information. Where applicable the examples in this post will be presented in Base64 encoded (e.g. as received from the Cube) and in binary/hex view format for easy reading. When the term payload is used, the part after the colon is meant.

H response ("Incoming Hello")

The H response contains information about the Cube.
An example:

The payload can be split on the comma character in several parts:

Code: Select all

IEQ0123456  Serial number 
00b3b4      RF address, hexadecimal
0102        Firmware version, 1.0.2
00000000    ?
355df98a    ?
03          ?
32          ?
M response ("Metadata")

The M response contains information about additional data, like the Rooms that are defined, the Devices and the names they were given, and how the rooms and Devices are linked to each other.

Code: Select all

00: 56 02 01 01 0A 48 6F 62 62 79 6B 61 6D 65 72 00 | V....Hobbykamer.
10: 35 08 01 01 00 35 08 49 45 51 30 31 30 39 31 32 | 5....5.IEQ010912
20: 35 0C 54 68 65 72 6D 6F 73 74 61 74 20 31 01 01 | 5.Thermostat 1..
Not all data is known yet, but the following 2 'structures' can be recognized.
A room has the following structure:

Code: Select all

Description        Startpos    Length      Example Value
Room id            00          1           1
Room name length   01          1           0A
Room name          02          variable    Hobbykamer
Address(?)                     3           003508
A device has the following structure:

Code: Select all

Description        Startpos    Length      Example Value
Device type        00          1           1
Address            01          3           003508
Serial Number      04          10          IEQ0109125
Name length        0E          1           0C
Name               0F          variable    Thermostat 1
Room id                        1           01
Some of the bytes are still unknown.

C response ("Configuration")

The C response contains information about the configuration of a device.

The payload can be split on the comma character into 2 parts:

Code: Select all

003508        RF address of the device
0gA1...IA==   Base 64 encoded configuration data
Second part decoded, in hex view:

Code: Select all

00: D2 00 35 08 01 01 14 FF 49 45 51 30 31 30 39 31  |Ò.5....ÿIEQ01091
10: 32 35 28 28 3D 09 07 28 03 30 0C FF 00 44 48 55  |25((=..(.0.ÿ.DHU
20: 08 45 20 45 20 45 20 45 20 45 20 45 20 45 20 45  |.E E E E E E E E
30: 20 45 20 45 20 45 20 44 48 55 08 45 20 45 20 45  | E E E DHU.E E E
40: 20 45 20 45 20 45 20 45 20 45 20 45 20 45 20 45  | E E E E E E E E
50: 20 44 48 54 6C 44 CC 55 14 45 20 45 20 45 20 45  | DHTlDÌU.E E E E
60: 20 45 20 45 20 45 20 45 20 45 20 44 48 54 6C 44  | E E E E E DHTlD
70: CC 55 14 45 20 45 20 45 20 45 20 45 20 45 20 45  |ÌU.E E E E E E E
80: 20 45 20 45 20 44 48 52 6C 44 CC 55 14 45 20 45  | E E DHRlDÌU.E E
90: 20 45 20 45 20 45 20 45 20 45 20 45 20 45 20 44  | E E E E E E E D
A0: 48 54 6C 44 CC 55 14 45 20 45 20 45 20 45 20 45  |HTlDÌU.E E E E E
B0: 20 45 20 45 20 45 20 45 20 44 48 54 6C 44 CC 55  | E E E E DHTlDÌU
C0: 14 45 20 45 20 45 20 45 20 45 20 45 20 45 20 45  |.E E E E E E E E
D0: 20 45 20                                         | E              
The meaning of all this:

Code: Select all

Start Length  Value       Description
00         1  D2          Length of data: D2 = 210(decimal) = 210 bytes
01         3  003508      RF address
04         1  01          Device Type
05         3  0114FF      ?
08        10  IEQ0109125  Serial Number       
12         1  28          Comfort Temperature      
13         1  28          Eco Temperature          
14         1  3D          MaxSetPointTemperature  
15         1  09          MinSetPointTemperature  
16         1  07          Temperature Offset * 2
                          The default value is 3,5, which means the offset = 0 degrees. 
                          The offset is adjustable between -3,5 and +3,5 degrees, 
                          which results in a value in this response between 0 and 7 (decoded already)       
17         1  28          Window Open Temperature   
18         1  03          Window  Open Duration      
19         1  30          Boost Duration and Boost Valve Value
                          The 3 MSB bits gives the duration, the 5 LSB bits the Valve Value%.
                          Duration: With 3 bits, the possible values (Dec) are 0 to 7, 0 is not used. 
                          The duration in Minutes is: if Dec value = 7, then 30 minutes, else Dec value * 5 minutes
                          Valve Value: dec value 5 LSB bits * 5 gives Valve Value in %
1A         1  0C          Decalcification: Day of week and Time
                          In bits: DDDHHHHH 
                          The three most significant bits (MSB) are presenting the day, Saturday = 1, Friday = 7
                          The five least significant bits (LSB) are presenting the time (in hours)     
1B         1  FF          Maximum Valve setting; *(100/255) to get in %
1C         1  00          Valve Offset ; *(100/255) to get in %
1D         ?  44 48 ...   Weekly program (see The weekly program)

L response ("Device List")
This reponse contains real-time information about the devices.
Decoded in hex view:

Code: Select all

00: 0B 00 35 08 00 12 1A 20 2C 85 8B 2E              |..5.... ,…‹.    

Code: Select all

Start Length  Value       Description
0          1  0B          Length of data: 0B = 11(decimal) = 11 bytes
1          3  003508      RF address
4          1  00          ?
5          1  12          bit 4     Valid              0=invalid;1=information provided is valid
                          bit 3     Error              0=no; 1=Error occurred
                          bit 2     Answer             0=an answer to a command,1=not an answer to a command
                          bit 1     Status initialized 0=not initialized, 1=yes
                          12  = 00010010b
                              = Valid, Initialized
6       1     1A          bit 7     Battery       1=Low
                          bit 6     Linkstatus    0=OK,1=error
                          bit 5     Panel         0=unlocked,1=locked
                          bit 4     Gateway       0=unknown,1=known
                          bit 3     DST setting   0=inactive,1=active
                          bit 2     Not used
                          bit 1,0   Mode         00=auto/week schedule
                          1A  = 00011010b
                              = Battery OK, Linkstatus OK, Panel unlocked, Gateway known, DST active, Mode Vacation.

7       1     20          Valve position in %
8       1     2C          Temperature setpoint, 2Ch = 44d; 44/2=22 deg. C
9       2     858B        Date until (05-09-2011) (see Encoding/Decoding date/time)
B       1     2E          Time until (23:00) (see Encoding/Decoding date/time)
s command ("Send Device command")
This command contains the information for setting the valvues to a certain temperature and ending date and time.

Example: set valvue to 20 degrees, endtime 11-9-2011 15:30
Decoded to hex:

Code: Select all

00 04 40 00 00 00 00 FE 30 01 A8 8B 8B 1F
Encode the Hex result to Base64, send "s:" + Base64result + "\r\n" to the MAX!

Code: Select all

Start Length  Value       Description
00         1  00          ?, seems to be always this value
01         1  04          ?, seems to be always this value
02         1  40          ?, seems to be always this value
03         1  00          ?, seems to be always this value
04         1  00          ?, seems to be always this value
05         1  00          ?, seems to be always this value     
06         3  00FE30      RF address valvue
09         1  01          ?, seems to roomnumber or nr (first valvue is 01, second is 02)  
10         1  A8          Temperature setpoint, Temp uses 6 bits LSB6 (bit 2 tm 7), 
	                        20 deg C = bits 101000 = dec 40/2 = 20 deg C, 
	                        you need 8 bits to send so add the 2 bits below (sample 10101000 = hex A8)
                                        bit 0,1 = 00 = Auto weekprog (no temp is needed, just make the whole byte 00
                                                     01 = Permanent
                                                     10 = Temporarily 
11         2  8B8B        Date until (11-09-2011) (see Encoding/Decoding date/time)
13         1  1F          Time until (15:30) (see Encoding/Decoding date/time)

if you send 000000 for date and time (byte 11 tm 13) then there is no end time.

Code: Select all

00 04 40 00 00 00 00 FE 30 01 00 (Weekprog, with 00 in Temp byte 10, no date and time bytes needed)
00 04 40 00 00 00 00 96 3D 02 00 (Weekprog, same like above but for second valvue)
00 04 40 00 00 00 00 FE 30 01 6C (Set permanent to 22 degrees)
00 04 40 00 00 00 00 FE 30 01 AE 8C 8B (Set to 23 degrees temporary with endtime)
VB script for Base64 encoding/decoding
The script below can be used to decode Base64 encoded data and to encode binary (or anything else) data to Base64.

Code: Select all

Sub Main(parm as object)

'b64 is a string containing base-64 encoded data
Dim b64  As String = "CwA6FwASGUAqAAAACwA13QASGQoqAAAA"

'convert base64 string to hex string
Dim hx   As String = Base64ToHex(b64)

'convert hex string to base64 string
Dim b64b As String = HexToBase64(hx)

End Sub

Private Function Base64ToHex(base64string As String) As String
    Dim ret As String
    Dim b64bytes() As Byte = System.Convert.FromBase64String(base64string)
    For Each b As Byte In b64bytes
        ret &= Hex(b).PadLeft(2, "0"c)
    Return ret
End Function

Private Function HexToBase64(ByVal HexText As String) As String
    Dim HexTextBytes As Integer = HexText.Length \ 2 -1
    Dim result(HexTextBytes) As Byte
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = 0 To HexTextBytes
        result(i) = Convert.ToByte(HexText.Substring(i * 2, 2), 16)
    Return Convert.ToBase64String(result)
End Function

Coding/Decoding Date & Time
The way in which the date is stored is not very obvious; for example, the bits for encoding/decoding the month are scattered accross 2 bytes.
To store the complete date, 2 bytes are used. To decode the day-,month- and year value use the following
(value is the 2 bytes for the date)

Month: ((value & E000h) >> 12)+((value & 80h) >> 7)
Day : (value & 1F00h) >> 8
Year : (value & 0Fh)+2000d

& means "and"
>> means shift right aka shr

Date example:

Code: Select all

9D0B    1001110100001011
        100     0        = 1000b  = 8d  = month
           11101         = 11101b = 29d = day
                  001011 = 1011b  = 11d = year-2000                    

868B    1000011010001011
        100     1         1001b = 9d  = month
           00110           110b = 6d  = day
                  001011  1011b = 11d = year-2000
Time example (other time resolutions (the 0.5 ) possible also):
04 4 * 0.5 hours = 02:00

The weekly program

A big part of the configuration data (the C response) is used to define the weekly program.
This weekly program can be found from position 1Dh. From there you can find 26 bytes for each day of the week, starting with Saturday. Each pair of bytes (word) can be decoded as follows, taking 55 14 as an example:

Code: Select all

5514h = 0101010100010100b
         101010                         101010b = 42 decimal; 42/2 = 21 degrees Celsius 
               100010100             100010100b = 276 decimal; 276*5 minutes = 1380 minutes = 23:00 
Available Incoming and Outgoing MAX! commands

Code: Select all


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Re: ELV MAX! protocol description

Post by Digit »


This post will be used for Changes & additions housekeeping.

01-11-2011 Added info about Boost Duration and Boost Valve Value (blb)
01-11-2011 Added valve position to L response (phant0m)
12-09-2011 Updated decalcification specification of Day of Week and time (C response) (blb)
12-09-2011 Updated information about Temperature offset (C response) (blb)
12-09-2011 Updated with all the available MAX! in and outgoing commands (Bwired)
12-09-2011 Updated the s command, added decoding bite 1 and 2 for byte 10 (Bwired / Digit)
11-09-2011 Added to the s command, Set the valvue back to the Weekprog (Bwired)
11-09-2011 Added information on how to read the weekly program from the C response (Digit)
11-09-2011 Added the s command (Bwired / Digit)
06-09-2011 Changed Encoding/Decoding Date & Time (Digit)
05-09-2011 Added section for Encoding/Decoding Date & Time (Digit)
05-09-2011 Added additional status bit info for the L Response (Digit)
05-09-2011 Added script for Base64 encoding/decoding (blb)
04-09-2011 Added Room and Device information that can be found in the M response (Digit)
01-09-2011 First version (Digit)
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Re: ELV MAX! protocol description

Post by mega »

since 2 Days I have this Max-System and worked on a PHP-based-decoder.

Up to now I found the following:
'3c09af59' is something like a connection-id.
If I make one fsockopen an then read in loop (tested with up to 20 sec) it is always the same value.
If I make a new connection (after the 20 sec or in new browser-tab) it is different.

'0b3b' is the System-Time (first 2 hour (0b) /second 2 minute (3b), then hextodec them).
'0b0a1d' Is the system-date, but other coded then shown in the first post (see decoder).

Tread for the PHP-Decoder:

Maybe we get our own webinterface that also can be used on a NAS/Homeserver or so.

To use this script, change the IP to your Cube-IP and get it run on a NAS, HomeServer or XAMPP.
It may also work with portforwarding from the Internet. but that is not tested.

The Script:
Last edited by mega on Sun Oct 30, 2011 6:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Max! 1 x Cube, 4 x Thermostat, 1 x Wandthermostat,1 x Fensterkontakt
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Re: ELV MAX! protocol description

Post by Digit »

Thanks for the information!
Always nice to see new people discovering new things about the MAX. :)
I have some additional information about the Metadata response somewhere, not documented here yet; it explains more about how you can read all the room- and thermostat information. I will add it here tomorrow and clean this topic a bit.
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Re: ELV MAX! protocol description

Post by mega »

In L-response the first is the ReadLength.
Reading this count of bytes, after that the next device comes.

L: b 0 87 3c 9 12 18 0 24 1 18 0 6 0 24 36 9 12 10 0
ReadLength : 11 //(b = 11 bytes, Thermostat)
RFAdress : 0873c
? : 9
Data : 12 18 0 24 1 18 0

ReadLength : 6 //(6 = 6 bytes, Fensterkontakt)
RFAdress : 02436
? : 9
Data : 12 10

Has anyone more than one Thermostat per room? (and give me Read-Access?).
Is known, how to send the weekly-programm for a Thermostat?
Max! 1 x Cube, 4 x Thermostat, 1 x Wandthermostat,1 x Fensterkontakt
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Re: ELV MAX! protocol description

Post by Digit »

I have 2 rooms with 2 thermostats so I think I can help.
But for now I have some other problems; and guess when it started?
Last "contact" was yesterday at 02:59:43; 17 seconds before... the clock was turned back 1 hour! !#$!$ :twisted:
Now the Cube simply disconnects within 5-10 minutes after connect... even the MAX app doesn't function anymore.
So for now, I have something else on my mind... :cry:
Capture_01 2011.10.31 09.20.15.jpg
Capture_01 2011.10.31 09.20.15.jpg (18.92 KiB) Viewed 144460 times
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Re: ELV MAX! protocol description

Post by mega »

Now my other 2 thermostats are here, so i can test it.
Have you tried to powercycle the Cube?
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Re: ELV MAX! protocol description

Post by Digit »

Yep, dozens of times but no luck.
Tomorrow I'll revert to factory settings and start all over again.
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Re: ELV MAX! protocol description

Post by blb »

my Cube is still running. I did notice an other strange (DST / time related) issue. Yesterday I implemented the Cube time as discovered by mega (Thanks mega!) in my Homeseer script. On this moment I read all info every 10 minutes, including the Cube time. Just before 00:00u the Cube time was correct, but after 00:00u the date went to 1-11-2011; it seems MAX! doesn't know October has 31 days! After I power cycled the cube, the Cube time started at 1-1-2011, 00:00u. This morning (after my nightly power down of my network including internet connection) the Cube time became correct again.... Time management is a weak part of Max!...
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Re: ELV MAX! protocol description

Post by Bwired »

I dont trust the Max at all regarding time and sheduling.
Thats why we (digit) dont use it, all is handled within our own application.
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Re: ELV MAX! protocol description

Post by blb »

I did try based on Max! timing, but it became also clear for me that's currently not the right way. My current setup is all Thermostats are set at 15 degrees continue and I'm giving the orders via Homeseer in my case.
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Re: ELV MAX! protocol description

Post by mega »

Is Homeseer self able to control the Max, so they have decoded the protocol?
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Re: ELV MAX! protocol description

Post by Bwired »

No, Its a script based on above protocol.
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Re: ELV MAX! protocol description

Post by mega »

- Date/Time-until contains scrap or is 0 if not in vacation-mode. It does not contain the until-data if in auto-mode!
- a change on the thermostat (temp or mode) is reported to the cube but that may take some minutes.
- a boost is reported to the cube, but the duration/remaining time can not be seen.
- A open window seems to can only be seen if the actual temperature is the same as the set windowopen-temperature. There is no other change, even not in the data from the Fensterkontakt.

Can anyone do network-sniffing and give the command to set the weekly-programm?
Max! 1 x Cube, 4 x Thermostat, 1 x Wandthermostat,1 x Fensterkontakt
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Re: ELV MAX! protocol description

Post by mega »

Decoding boost in C-response:
first 3 bits, 011 is duration. 011b = 3, *5 = 15 minutes
next 4 bits, 1010 is valve%. 1010b = 10, *10 = 100%
last bit seems unused.

(just seen, that now there is a better decoding-description)
Max! 1 x Cube, 4 x Thermostat, 1 x Wandthermostat,1 x Fensterkontakt
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