Toon2 unusable since Januari 1st

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Toon2 unusable since Januari 1st

Post by Tomm1ed »

I've got a rooted Toon2 running 5.49.19 (was running 5.49.16 when issue started and update did not solve) which rebooted by itself on January 1st around 22:00 CET and since is not controllable from the touchscreen.
It looks like qt-gui is the issue since it is using almost all CPU:

top - 03:10:56 up 7 min, 1 user, load average: 1.58, 1.29, 0.66
Tasks: 117 total, 2 running, 115 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
%Cpu(s): 94.1 us, 5.6 sy, 0.0 ni, 0.0 id, 0.0 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.3 si, 0.0 st
KiB Mem : 505180 total, 191556 free, 209780 used, 103844 buff/cache
KiB Swap: 0 total, 0 free, 0 used. 277972 avail Mem
3491 root 20 0 363824 152596 40180 R 92.4 30.2 1:48.70 qt-gui

Rebooting the Toon does not help and updating to latest version didn't either.
Disk space seems ample as well:
df -h
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root 480.3M 196.6M 258.7M 43% /
devtmpfs 214.2M 0 214.2M 0% /dev
tmpfs 246.7M 220.0K 246.5M 0% /run
tmpfs 246.7M 156.0K 246.5M 0% /var/volatile
/dev/mmcblk3boot1p2 3.9M 32.0K 3.9M 1% /mnt/mfr
/dev/mmcblk3p4 1.4G 23.1M 1.3G 2% /mnt/data
/dev/mmcblk3p5 27.0M 437.0K 25.0M 2% /mnt/persist

Installed apps from Toonstore:
- afvalkalender
- buienradar
- doorcam
- wifiqr

Does anyone have any idea how to fix or recognize this issue?
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Re: Toon2 unusable since Januari 1st

Post by TheHogNL »

I see a similar case: ... r-mogelijk

Maybe a logging of the qt-gui information can provide what is happening:
In /etc/inittab change the qtqt line to this (so comment the original line and add the one with output to log file). Then restart

Code: Select all

qtqt:245:respawn:/usr/bin/startqt >/var/log/qt 2>&1
#qtqt:245:respawn:/usr/bin/startqt >/dev/null 2>&1
After restart try to follow the /var/log/qt/ log file (for example: tail -f /var/log/qt) and while it is hanging try to understand from the log what is causing that.
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Re: Toon2 unusable since Januari 1st

Post by Toonz »

can you also try to manually remove the custom apps one by one from the qmf/qml/apps folder, just to check if one of these is the culprit
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Re: Toon2 unusable since Januari 1st

Post by Tomm1ed »

TheHogNL wrote: Mon Jan 02, 2023 12:42 pm Hi,
I see a similar case: ... r-mogelijk

Maybe a logging of the qt-gui information can provide what is happening:
In /etc/inittab change the qtqt line to this (so comment the original line and add the one with output to log file). Then restart

Code: Select all

qtqt:245:respawn:/usr/bin/startqt >/var/log/qt 2>&1
#qtqt:245:respawn:/usr/bin/startqt >/dev/null 2>&1
After restart try to follow the /var/log/qt/ log file (for example: tail -f /var/log/qt) and while it is hanging try to understand from the log what is causing that.
Sorry never got the email that my post was live. I saw several errors relating Doorcam so I removed it and that did not help at all. Disabled qt logging and went back to sleep and when I woke up my Toon was fully operational again and I have zero clue what caused it but am happy to be able to use it again :P
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Re: Toon2 unusable since Januari 1st

Post by Tomm1ed »

Toonz wrote: Mon Jan 02, 2023 1:49 pm can you also try to manually remove the custom apps one by one from the qmf/qml/apps folder, just to check if one of these is the culprit
See my other message, I did remove DoorCam because of a repeating error:
file://qmf/qml/apps/doorcam/DoorcamTile.qml:22: SyntaxError: JSON.parse: Parse error
but that did not appear to fix things because also after removal I kept experiencing a frozen interface (no animations, no response to touchscreen, no screen sleep and the 100% CPU of qt-gui)
Some hours later (I think I got up around 10:00) the issue had resolved itself somehow.
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