Toon 1 2024

Forum about the Toon firmware, and its extensions

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Toon 1 2024

Post by metsys »

Hello, please help me.

I am re-reading the array of information on Toon1 and I can't put together a picture of what is relevant for 2024.
I have a Toon1 in which I got root. No problems with this one.

Software version 5.28.9

and then the problem starts
because when I connect vpn I get an error:
WARNING: Your certificate has expired!
It is obvious that the certificate has expired and there is no more access to the quby.

Hence my noob questions:

1) which update script is up to date for 2024 for Toon1?
2) how can I use it and update to the latest supported version without bricking the device?
Thanks in advance for your help and sorry again noob questions.
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Re: Toon 1 2024

Post by oepi-loepi »

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Re: Toon 1 2024

Post by metsys »

Thank you very much!

I've done update:

Code: Select all

# curl -Nks -o /root/
# sh /root/
Welcome to the rooted Toon upgrade script. This script will try to upgrade your Toon using your original connection with Eneco. It will start the VPN if necessary.
Please be advised that running this script is at your own risk!

Version: 4.80  - TheHogNL - 03-01-2023


You are currently running version 5.28.9 on a qb2 with flavour uni

Available versions: 1.9.10 2.1.0 2.2.24 2.3.17 2.3.29 2.3.36 2.4.7 2.4.12 2.5.11 2.5.14 2.5.18 2.6.24 2.6.33 2.8.16 2.8.21 2.8.27 2.9.15 2.9.26 2.10.15 3.0.29 3.0.32 3.1.22 3.2.14 3.2.18 3.2.21 3.3.8 3.4.2 3.4.4 3.5.4 3.6.3 3.7.8 3.7.9 4.3.20 4.4.21 4.7.23 4.8.25 4.9.23 4.9.124 4.10.6 4.10.9 4.11.6 4.12.0 4.13.6 4.13.7 4.15.2 4.15.6 4.16.8 4.17.11 4.18.8 4.19.10 4.20.7 4.22.7 5.0.4 5.0.5 5.0.6 5.2.11 5.5.7 5.9.6 5.13.9 5.13.12 5.15.6 5.18.8 5.22.14 5.25.8 5.28.6 5.28.9 5.30.4 5.33.9 5.39.7 5.41.1 5.43.2 5.46.4 5.49.4 5.49.7 5.49.16 5.49.19

Which version do you want to upgrade to?
Alright, I will try to upgrade to 5.49.19
Check vpn.conf
The vpn.conf seems ok, continuing...
This toon contains old VPN certificates. Need to request new certificates!
We are on a Toon 1 so we need to request new certificates before being able to create a VPN connection...
New VPN certificate request created and now sending the request to Eneco...
201Request successful and updating the VPN certificates now...
Now starting the VPN tunnel and waiting for it to be alive and configured...
Now starting the VPN tunnel and waiting for it to be alive and configured...
Now starting the VPN tunnel and waiting for it to be alive and configured...
Now starting the VPN tunnel and waiting for it to be alive and configured...
Now starting the VPN tunnel and waiting for it to be alive and configured...
Now starting the VPN tunnel and waiting for it to be alive and configured...
Now starting the VPN tunnel and waiting for it to be alive and configured...
Now starting the VPN tunnel and waiting for it to be alive and configured...
Now starting the VPN tunnel and waiting for it to be alive and configured...
Now starting the VPN tunnel and waiting for it to be alive and configured...
Now starting the VPN tunnel and waiting for it to be alive and configured...
Tunnel is alive and configured.
Upgrade script downloaded. We need to download the upgrade files first. No upgrade is done yet. Do you want me to download the files (yes) or quit (anything else)?
Starting the upgrade prepare option which downloads all necessary files. No upgrade is done yet.
First removing some files to free some disk space. Removed 'ebl' resource files because this toon is using 'base' resource files.
Waiting to finish. Sometimes this takes a minute or two   ..    
Done preparing.
Are your sure you want to upgrade to 5.49.19 (yes)? This is the last moment you can stop the upgrade. Answer with 'yes' will start the upgrade.
Starting the upgrade now! Just wait a while... It can take a few minutes.
Waiting to finish. Sometimes this takes a minute or two    .    
Installing curl as in some update it is removed due to buggy dependencies...
Package curl (7.50.0-r0) installed in root is up to date.
Installing QT5 websockets
Installing libqt5websockets5 (5.11.2+git0+e71467cb56-r0) to root...
Installing libqt5websockets-qmlplugins (5.11.2+git0+e71467cb56-r0) to root...
Installing libqt5websockets5 (5.11.2+git0+e71467cb56-r0) to root...
Installing libqt5websockets-plugins (5.11.2+git0+e71467cb56-r0) to root...
Configuring libqt5websockets-plugins.
Configuring libqt5websockets5.
Configuring libqt5websockets-qmlplugins.
Upgrade done!
Restoring your iptables and passwd files so you can login again after rebooting.
Upgrade is done. However each firmware upgrade will revert the changes to some files needed for a working rooted Toon. Do you want me me to try and fix a few well known issue's for you right now?
creating backup of inittab...
creating backup of chrony.conf...
creating backup of hosts...
creating backup of config_happ_scsync.xml...
creating backup of ...
FIXING: Downloading resources.rcc TSC mod for this version 5.49.19.
FIXING: Now updating all toonstore installed apps
-- Updating custom app toonstore to release 5.1.4 ... DONE
EDITING: Time server, removes unnecessary link to Quby
EDITING: Hosts file, removes unnecessary link to Quby
EDITING: Disable add google DNS on top of resolv.conf
EDITING: disable ovpn connection to quby
EDITING: Activating Toon, enabling ElectricityDisplay and GasDisplay
EDITING: removing data gathering by Quby and whitelisting web services
EDITING: disabling Eneco subscription feature apps to free up memory on this toon 1
EDITING: disabling KPI and weather happ as these are not necessary on rooted toons
EDITING: disabling samba nmbd on toon 1 as probably it is not necessary
EDITING: download certificate store pem file
Everything done! You should reboot now! Do NOT power cycle! Just issue the 'reboot' command in your shell. Power cycling can cause file system problems.

and seems it was everything ok until first reboot.
Right after first reboot graphic menu and response becomes very slow, very very slow.

Then I've done factory reset, setup wifi again, and it also doesn't helps.

what I've done wrong or should do?
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Re: Toon 1 2024

Post by oepi-loepi »

Did you also do a power cylcle?
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Re: Toon 1 2024

Post by metsys »

A little clarification on the configuration:
I have a Toon 1 with no peripherals - no boiler adapter and no zigbee electricity and gas meter connected.

Yes, I've done several power cylcles at different times. It has nothing to do with this problem. So the problem remains the same.

Over time after rooting I see some recurring problems:
The device is responsive and fast (periodicity is not reliably established ),
but there is no list of apps in the toonstore - the window says 0 apps available.
After 24 hours everything can come back to life by itself, and sometimes only a power cylcle/reset is needed.

Right now I am sitting near the device and it is slowing down again. I took a screenshot of the top.


I also pinged my router.

Code: Select all

# ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=64 time=226.060 ms
64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=64 time=114.213 ms
64 bytes from seq=2 ttl=64 time=95.352 ms
64 bytes from seq=3 ttl=64 time=229.085 ms
64 bytes from seq=4 ttl=64 time=127.586 ms
64 bytes from seq=5 ttl=64 time=89.401 ms
64 bytes from seq=6 ttl=64 time=26.485 ms
64 bytes from seq=7 ttl=64 time=26.196 ms
64 bytes from seq=8 ttl=64 time=28.408 ms
64 bytes from seq=9 ttl=64 time=73.397 ms
64 bytes from seq=10 ttl=64 time=198.660 ms
64 bytes from seq=11 ttl=64 time=67.014 ms
64 bytes from seq=12 ttl=64 time=18.654 ms
64 bytes from seq=13 ttl=64 time=136.763 ms
64 bytes from seq=14 ttl=64 time=21.902 ms
64 bytes from seq=15 ttl=64 time=84.132 ms
64 bytes from seq=16 ttl=64 time=20.710 ms
64 bytes from seq=17 ttl=64 time=69.695 ms
64 bytes from seq=18 ttl=64 time=103.047 ms
64 bytes from seq=19 ttl=64 time=19.974 ms
64 bytes from seq=20 ttl=64 time=32.134 ms
64 bytes from seq=21 ttl=64 time=156.621 ms
64 bytes from seq=22 ttl=64 time=13.226 ms
64 bytes from seq=23 ttl=64 time=2.741 ms
64 bytes from seq=24 ttl=64 time=32.422 ms
64 bytes from seq=25 ttl=64 time=2.293 ms
64 bytes from seq=26 ttl=64 time=51.708 ms
64 bytes from seq=27 ttl=64 time=151.911 ms
64 bytes from seq=28 ttl=64 time=217.047 ms
64 bytes from seq=29 ttl=64 time=34.124 ms
64 bytes from seq=30 ttl=64 time=485.766 ms
64 bytes from seq=31 ttl=64 time=18.855 ms
64 bytes from seq=32 ttl=64 time=59.378 ms
64 bytes from seq=33 ttl=64 time=90.996 ms
64 bytes from seq=34 ttl=64 time=90.444 ms
--- ping statistics ---
35 packets transmitted, 35 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 2.293/91.897/485.766 ms

Code: Select all

# opkg list-installed
aws-iot-device-sdk-cpp - 1.4.0-r0
base-files - 3.0.14-r100
base-passwd - 3.5.20-r1
base-qb2-uni - 5.49.19-0
busybox - 1.27.2-r4
busybox-mountall - 1.27.2-r1
busybox-syslog - 1.27.2-r1
bxt - 1.11-master
ca-certificates - 20180409-r1
chrony - 1.27-r1
curl - 7.50.0-r0
directfb - 1.2.8-r1.0
dropbear - 2015.71-r0
firmware-ba - 1.58-master
firmware-ma - 1.157-master
firmware-zwave-ctrlr - 1.51-master
gettext - 0.18-r5
glibc-binary-localedata-de-de - 2.10.1-r37.1
glibc-binary-localedata-en-gb - 2.10.1-r37.1
glibc-binary-localedata-en-us - 2.10.1-r37.1
glibc-binary-localedata-es-es - 2.10.1-r37.1
glibc-binary-localedata-fr-be - 2.10.1-r37.1
glibc-binary-localedata-fr-fr - 2.10.1-r37.1
glibc-binary-localedata-it-it - 2.10.1-r37.1
glibc-binary-localedata-nl-be - 2.10.1-r37.1
glibc-binary-localedata-nl-nl - 2.10.1-r37.1
glibc-gconv - 2.10.1-r37.1
glibc-gconv-iso8859-1 - 2.10.1-r37.1
glibc-localedata-i18n - 2.10.1-r37.1
glibc-localedata-iso14651-t1 - 2.10.1-r37.1
glibc-localedata-iso14651-t1-common - 2.10.1-r37.1
glibc-localedata-translit-circle - 2.10.1-r37.1
glibc-localedata-translit-cjk-compat - 2.10.1-r37.1
glibc-localedata-translit-compat - 2.10.1-r37.1
glibc-localedata-translit-font - 2.10.1-r37.1
glibc-localedata-translit-fraction - 2.10.1-r37.1
glibc-localedata-translit-narrow - 2.10.1-r37.1
glibc-localedata-translit-neutral - 2.10.1-r37.1
glibc-localedata-translit-small - 2.10.1-r37.1
glibc-localedata-translit-wide - 2.10.1-r37.1
gnupg - 1.4.10-r3
gnutls - 2.10.4-r11.0
gpgme - 1.1.4-r5
gpgv - 1.4.10-r3
happ-eventmgr - 1.270-master
happ-kpi - 1.564-master
happ-pwrusage - 1.879-master
happ-scsync - 1.460-master
happ-smartplug - 1.311-master
happ-thermstat - 1.2427-master
happ-usermsg - 1.157-master
hcb-bxtproxy - 1.1379-master
hcb-comm - 1.223-master
hcb-config - 1.508-48-g3d90-qb2-vpn-cert-regen
hcb-log - 1.126-master
hcb-netcon - 1.546-master
hcb-rrd - 2.234-master
hcb-watchdog - 1.151-master
hdrv-hue - 1.395-master
hdrv-p1 - 1.1092-master
hdrv-zwave - 1.1661-master
i2c-tools - 3.0.3-r0
initscripts - 1.2-r6-runlvls
iptables -
jansson - 1.3-r1.0
joe - 3.1-r3
kernel - 2.6.36-R10-h28
kernel-image - 2.6.36-R10-h28
kernel-module-fat - 2.6.36-R10-h28
kernel-module-ftdi-sio - 2.6.36-R10-h28
kernel-module-msdos - 2.6.36-R10-h28
kernel-module-pl2303 - 2.6.36-R10-h28
kernel-module-rt5370sta - 2.6.36-R10-h28
kernel-module-rt5370sta-cfg - 2.6.36-R10-h28
kernel-module-rtl8191su - 2.6.36-R10-h28
kernel-module-vfat - 2.6.36-R10-h28
kernel-module-zwave300 - 2.6.36-R10-h28
less - 436-r1
libbz2 - 1.0.6-r0
libc6 - 2.21-r0
libcrypto - 0.9.8m-r14.1
libcrypto1.0.0 - 1.0.2h-r2
libcrypto1.0.2 - 1.0.2p-r0
libcurl - 7.50.0-r0
libcurl4 - 7.65.3-r1
libfreetype6 - 2.5.4-r0
libgcc1 - 4.9.2-r0
libgcrypt - 1.4.1-r0
libgettextlib - 0.18-r5
libgettextsrc - 0.18-r5
libgpg-error - 1.4-r7.1
libhcb-base - 1.463-master
libhcb-boxtalk - 1.211-master
libhcb-com - 1.210-master
libhcb-drv - 1.546-master
libhcb-xml - 1.186-master
libjansson4 - 2.10-r1.0
libjpeg8 - 8d+1.4.0-r0
libnetfilter-conntrack - 0.0.101-r0
libnfnetlink - 1.0.0-r0.0
libopkg - 0.1.8+svns635-r7-gcv
libpcre1 - 8.36-r0
libpng12 - 1.2.44-r3.0
libpng16-16 - 1.6.16-r0
libqt5svg-plugins - 5.11.2+git0+32c93cbca8-r0
libqt5svg-qmlplugins - 5.11.2+git0+32c93cbca8-r0
libqt5svg5 - 5.11.2+git0+32c93cbca8-r0
libqt5websockets-plugins - 5.11.2+git0+e71467cb56-r0
libqt5websockets-qmlplugins - 5.11.2+git0+e71467cb56-r0
libqt5websockets5 - 5.11.2+git0+e71467cb56-r0
libqt5xmlpatterns-plugins - 5.11.2+git0+15e22118d0-r0
libqt5xmlpatterns-qmlplugins - 5.11.2+git0+15e22118d0-r0
libqt5xmlpatterns5 - 5.11.2+git0+15e22118d0-r0
libssl1.0.0 - 1.0.2h-r2
libssl1.0.2 - 1.0.2p-r0
libstdc++6 - 4.9.2-r0
libsysfs - 2.1.0-r3
libuuid1 - 2.25.2-r1-q1
libz1 - 1.2.8-r0
lighttpd - 1.4.35-r6
lighttpd-mod-hcb-web - 1.73-master
lighttpd-module-access - 1.4.35-r6
lighttpd-module-accesslog - 1.4.35-r6
lighttpd-module-auth - 1.4.35-r6
lighttpd-module-compress - 1.4.35-r6
lighttpd-module-dirlisting - 1.4.35-r6
lighttpd-module-indexfile - 1.4.35-r6
lighttpd-module-staticfile - 1.4.35-r6
locale-base-de-de - 2.10.1-r37.1
locale-base-en-gb - 2.10.1-r37.1
locale-base-en-us - 2.10.1-r37.1
locale-base-es-es - 2.10.1-r37.1
locale-base-fr-fr - 2.10.1-r37.1
locale-base-it-it - 2.10.1-r37.1
locale-base-nl-nl - 2.10.1-r37.1
lzo - 1.08-r15
makedevs - 1.0.0-r10
module-init-tools - 3.12-r6
module-init-tools-depmod - 3.12-r6
modutils-initscripts - 1.0-r3
mtd-utils - 1.4.1-r0
ncurses - 5.7+20110115-r16
ncurses-libncurses - 5.7+20110115-r16
ncurses-libtinfo - 5.7+20110115-r16
ncurses-terminfo - 5.7+20110115-r16
ncurses-terminfo-base - 5.7+20110115-r16
netbase - 4.21-r50
openssl - 1.0.2p-r0
openssl-conf - 1.0.2p-r0
openvpn - 2.3.11-r1
opkg - 0.1.8+svns635-r7-gcv
opkg-collateral - 1.0-r3
packagegroup-qb2-required - 1.0-r2
packagegroup-qb2-required-priv - 1.0-r1
pointercal - 0.0-r22
psplash - 0.1+git0+14c8f7b705-r15-q18
psplash-quby - 0.1+git0+14c8f7b705-r15-q18
psplash-toon - 0.1+git0+14c8f7b705-r15-q16
pth - 2.0.2-r2
qmf-0 - 1.19-master-r0
qmf-collateral - 1.1-r0
qmf-release - 1.1407-1-g8b57-aaaa-disable-iot
qmf-tenantize - 1.2-r0
qt-gui - 1.9877-master
qtbase - 5.11.2+git0+49efea26a5-r0
qtbase-plugins - 5.11.2+git0+49efea26a5-r0
qtbase-qmlplugins - 5.11.2+git0+49efea26a5-r0
qtdeclarative - 5.11.2+git0+c249438243-r0
qtdeclarative-plugins - 5.11.2+git0+c249438243-r0
qtdeclarative-qmlplugins - 5.11.2+git0+c249438243-r0
qttools-tools-lrelease - 5.11.2+git0+ff440191de-r2
qtvirtualkeyboard - 5.11.2+git0+631b2089bc-r0
qtvirtualkeyboard-plugins - 5.11.2+git0+631b2089bc-r0
qtvirtualkeyboard-qmlplugins - 5.11.2+git0+631b2089bc-r0
readline - 5.2-r8
samba-nmbd - 3.0.20-r8
sysvinit - 2.86-r63-q2
sysvinit-inittab - 2.86-r63
sysvinit-pidof - 2.86-r63
sysvinit-utils - 2.86-r63
tenant-all - 1.185-master
tslib - 1.0-r28.7hae
tslib-calibrate - 1.0-r28.7hae
tslib-conf - 1.0-r28.7hae
tzdata - 2011b-r8.0
tzdata-americas - 2011b-r8.0
tzdata-europe - 2011b-r8.0
update-modules - 1.0-r10
update-rc.d - 0.7-r2
util-linux-uuidgen - 2.25.2-r1-q1
wget - 1.12-r8.2
wireless-tools - 29-r5
wpa-supplicant - 2.6-r0
wpa-supplicant-cli - 2.6-r0
wpa-supplicant-passphrase - 2.6-r0
www-jquery-ui - 1.31-master
www-resources - 1.43-master
zip - 2.32-r2
Last edited by metsys on Tue Jan 30, 2024 7:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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