Toon as a domotica controller?

Everything about rooting Toons 1 and 2.

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Re: Toon as a domotica controller?

Post by marcelr »

That sounds like it must have been a tough job to figure out.
It wasn't so bad. Getting the iptables right was a bit of an issue, NFS uses many ports, and the UBIfs part. U-boot is less than optimal well-documented. All the rest was stuff I'd done before. The best part was the donation of a fully working rootfs image. Not sure if my donor wants me to mention his name, but thanks all the same. Without that, the whole exercise would have been pointless.


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Re: Toon as a domotica controller?

Post by kabelmanroel »

Great forum!!!
with succsess adding ssh and options like power consumption, wallpug and Hue

I would like to make the following :
Problem : my floorheating continuously takes 40W

I would like to add a script to turn the floor pump (with a Fibaro wallplug) together with the boiler/burner.

I am able to see te state but can not change the state

Code: Select all

name: "FGWP011",
internalAddress: "6",
type: "FGWP011",
supportsCrc: "0",
supportedCC: "72 86 70 85 8e 25 73 32 31 7a",
TargetStatus: "1",
CurrentElectricityFlow: "40.20",
CurrentElectricityQuantity: "8920.00",
IsConnected: "1",
HealthValue: "10",
location: "(null)"

SW 3.2.18
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Re: Toon as a domotica controller?

Post by marcelr »


Are there people out there with toon zon?

I'm trying to figure out why my set-up doesn't work.

Could you please post your meter adapter product number (6500-xxxx-xxxx) and firmware version?
If possible could you also post a picture of the sensor on the kWh meter?


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Re: Toon as a domotica controller?

Post by marcelr »

I had a look at the dump of the bootloader this week, and I stumbled across the boot loader password. No more nand chip shorting necessary. The new procedure has been added to the rooting manual posted by Ierlandfan. Last edit on march 20th, 2016, probably the last version until something really new comes up.

Code: Select all



added u-boot version numbers associated with bootloader passwords.
changed text to reflect bootloader versions with certain features,
rather than serial numbers.
cosmetic changes.


added warning about u-boot not echoing the boot password.
added steps to suppress servicecenter warnings (thanks, al_n).


added u-boot access through the bootloader password.
added newer ports for iptables.conf
added newer version number for dropbear
simplified ping rerouting (thanks, RDNZL).
cosmetic changes.


first release

Before you begin

Make sure toon is not connected to any network that's in contact with
the internet. Eneco (quby) can see every toon connected to its service
center. Big Brother is watching YOU!

So: disconnect toon from any wireless network (invalidate the
passphrase, remove the SSID from toon, or remove the wifi chipset ;-) ).

In the second step of the rooting process you will need to install an
ssh client/server. I have done this through a small (wired) router,
with no WAN connection, and a private webserver.

Rooting Eneco's toon


1: 3.3V serial-to-USB cable, with separate header connectors for TxD,
   RxD and GND (or a ttl-to-serial-adapter when you are using a native serial

2: A computer with serial terminal software like putty and a
   free USB port (or a free serial port).  

3: A small (metal) screwdriver.
4: Eneco (quby) Toon.  

5: Proficiency in using vi (the basic text editor, available in all

##### Opening the case and connection of the serial interface: #####
Open the casing of toon to access its 14-pin I/O header connector by
carefully dislodging the PCB from the backing shell. Be careful not to
break the flat cables connecting the display.

The white frame is clicked into the grey backing and can be removed by
just lifting it and gently retracting it from the backing. Use your
nails, not tools! The touchscreen/display part can then be lifted and
put (a wee bit) aside. Be careful with the antennas. In newer toons
they are glued to the grey casing, and easily torn.
The PCB holding all the components is kept in place by a
few plastic studs and can be dislodged easily. When done, the back of
the PCB presents two connectors: one 2-pin connector for a 24V power
supply (accessible from the outside), and a 2x7 connector holding a
JTAG interface and a serial port. Logic high being 3.3V.

Connect a 3.3V signal level serial-to-USB adapter to the serial port
of toon and open a serial console (e.g., hyperterminal or putty on
Windows, minicom on Linux, but there are many other options).  

Port settings: 115200 baud, 8N1.

(See also for wiring:

This is the pinout (not necessarily completely correct, but works for me):


pin 1:  RTCK	brown	11
pin 2:  TRST	red	3
pin 3:  GND	orange	4
pin 4:  TCK	yellow	9
pin 5:  GND	green	6
pin 6:  TMS	blue	7
pin 7:  SRST	purple	15
pin 8:  TDI	grey	5
pin 9:  Vt	white	1
pin 10: TDO	black	13

serial port (3.3V logic levels, ttymxc0, 115200 baud, 8N1):

pin 11: RxD
pin 12: ??
pin 13: TxD
pin 14: GND

Make sure the component side of the PCB is accessible. Connect toon
to a power supply (boiler module + power adapter) and power it up.

##### Entering (and editing) the boot loader: #####

## By using the password ##

The bootloader is accessed by entering the bootloader password when
the boot loader is starting, and presents the prompt:

Enter password - autoboot in 2 sec.

Two boot loader passwords have been retrieved so far, and they depend
on the bootloader version of your toon. The bootloader version is
displayed in the serial console immediately after toon (re)boots:

U-Boot 2010.09-R6 (Mar 14 2012 - 11:15:10)

CPU:   Freescale i.MX27 at 400.168 MHz
... etc.

These are the passwords that go with the u-boot versions:

Bootloader version	  password

U-Boot 2010.09-R6	  f4E9J
U-Boot 2010.09-R8	  3BHf2

The password is case-sensitive, so, e.g., f is different from F.
Enter the password (terminated with a <return>-character) by
copy/pasting it into the serial console. U-boot will stop and present
its prompt:


Note that the password is not shown when you enter it. The (very
basic) serial console of U-Boot only echoes what you enter _after_ the
password has been entered and command has been redirected to the
serial interface.  

If, for whatever reason, you cannot enter the password properly, or
you have a toon with yet another (unknown) password, you can revert to
the U-Boot interruption method presented below, or dump the boot
loader image (contact me through PM). It's not hard to find the boot
loader password in the image, but it takes too many steps to describe
here. You will need JTAG hardware and software for this.

## By shorting the NAND chip ##

Enter the u-boot menu by briefly shorting the proper control pins on
the NAND chip early on during boot-up (Short the pins when "checking
crc" or similar is visible) A small metal screwdriver will do nicely
for this purpose.

This causes a flash memory checksum error and drops you to a u-boot
shell. For toon's NAND chip, the pins are 8 and 9 (!CE and !RE, NOT
Chip enable and NOT Read enable, search for
details). The NAND chip is the (only) samsung chip on the PCB.

#### Editing the U-Boot environment #####

After getting the U-Boot prompt (either way), this is what you get
when asking for printenv (bootloader version U-Boot 2010.09-R8, R6 is
very similar):

U-Boot> printenv
addtty=setenv bootargs ${bootargs} console=${console},${baudrate}
addmtd=setenv bootargs ${bootargs} ${mtdparts_kernel}
nandargs=setenv bootargs ubi.mtd=4 root=ubi0:rootfs rw rootfstype=ubifs
boot_nand=run nandargs addmtd addtty addmisc; nand read ${loadaddr} kernel; bootm ${loadaddr}
boot_nand_backup=run nandargs addmtd addtty addmisc; nand read ${loadaddr} kernel-backup; bootm ${loadaddr}
bootcmd=run boot_nand
addmisc=setenv bootargs ${bootargs} mem=${mem} lpj=999424
bootargs=ubi.mtd=4 root=ubi0:rootfs rw rootfstype=ubifs mtdparts=mxc_nand:512K@0x00100000(u-boot-env)ro,1536K(splash-image),3M(kernel),3M(kernel-backup),119M(rootfs) c4

Environment size: 1280/131068 bytes

Edit as follows (redefine addmisc, this is the last part of boot_nand,
by adding init (be sure to properly escape the $ and { }-signs with
backslashes!) ):

setenv addmisc setenv bootargs \$\{bootargs\} mem=\$\{mem\} lpj=999424 init=/bin/sh

Not sure what lpj=999424 means, but in my case it should be there,
otherwise toon won't boot again. In older firmwares, the phrase
lpj=999424 is not present, should be no problem.

Then resume the booting process of Toon by typing:

run boot_nand
and press <enter>.

At the end of the booting process, you will be dropped to a shell, and
you can start editing whatever needs editing.

##### Editing the boot scripts and passwd file: #####

Add a serial tty to /etc/inittab; locate the following line in /etc/inittab: 

# HCBv2 static stuff

and edit (software version < 3.0 (shockwave flash GUI), using vi):

# HCBv2 static stuff
ovpn:2345:respawn:/usr/sbin/openvpn --config /etc/openvpn/vpn.conf --verb 0 >/dev/null 2>&1
flas:5:respawn:/usr/bin/startflash >/dev/null 2>&1
# add serial console access: (added, MR!):
gett:235:respawn:/sbin/getty -L 115200 ttymxc0 vt102

or: (toon SW 3.0, qt GUI):

# HCBv2 static stuff
ovpn:2345:respawn:/usr/sbin/openvpn --config /etc/openvpn/vpn.conf --verb 0 >/dev/null 2>&1
qtqt:245:respawn:/usr/bin/startqt >/dev/null 2>&1
# add serial console access: (added, MR!):
gett:235:respawn:/sbin/getty -L 115200 ttymxc0 vt102

While you're at it, comment out the openvpn line with a hash mark:

#ovpn:2345:respawn:/usr/sbin/openvpn --config /etc/openvpn/vpn.conf --verb 0 >/dev/null 2>&1

By commenting out the openvpn command, toon no longer connects to the
service center (and won't upload anymore data). If you don't have an
Eneco account, that's probably what you want. Otherwise, leave it as
it is.

(for toon software 3.0 and later only:)
Locate the password file /etc/passwd and edit the line:


to read:


and save. Otherwise you won't get in.

##### Restoring the boot loader and accessing toon through a shell: #####

After completing the addition of the serial tty to /etc/inittab (and
editing the password file) type reboot and you return to the normal
boot (runlevel 5), now with a login shell, on a serial console. Since
the u-boot environment changes haven't been stored to flash, the boot
sequence proceeds as before (without /init/sh).

To quote Patrick Volkerding, from the Slackware set-up sequence:

You may now login as "root".

(and do set a _strong_ password!, by typing the command: passwd
and following the steps of the passwd-program).

Do not reassemble toon yet, you will need the serial connection to
open the network ports to the outside world.

Making toon accessible from outside


1: private network connection to a web server
2: dropbear installation package
3: serial console connection to toon

To be able to access toon over the network, you should install an ssh
client/server. In embedded systems like toon, this is typically
dropbear. To get a working version of dropbear, you can build the quby
openembedded tree from source. See for
details. Part of the build is the compilation and packaging of
dropbear. It will end up in a file called

Put this file (temporarily) on a webserver, in its root, so you don't
have to look for it, and pick it up with wget:

On toon:

wget http://<server_name>/dropbear_0.51-r7.0_qb2.ipk

After download, install dropbear with:

opkg install dropbear_0.51-r7.0_qb2.ipk

Early 2016, the original dropbear package has been replaced with
a newer one:


This version resolves some issues with encryption methods no longer
deemed safe in modern OS'es.  It's available from the "toon as a
domotica controller?"-thread at

### Modification of iptables (the linux firewall) ###

To be able to access Toon through ssh or otherwise, the network ports
associated with these services need to be opened in the firewall.

Edit iptables.conf by issueing the command:

vi /etc/default/iptables.conf

Edit after the part that starts with: 

# These are all closed for Quby/Toon:
Make this part look like this:

-A HCB-INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 --tcp-flags SYN,RST,ACK SYN -j ACCEPT
-A HCB-INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 7080 --tcp-flags SYN,RST,ACK SYN -j ACCEPT
-A HCB-INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 --tcp-flags SYN,RST,ACK SYN -j ACCEPT

On newer firmware (3.0.32 and later) you will need port 10080 instead of 7080:

-A HCB-INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 --tcp-flags SYN,RST,ACK SYN -j ACCEPT
-A HCB-INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 10080 --tcp-flags SYN,RST,ACK SYN -j ACCEPT
-A HCB-INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 --tcp-flags SYN,RST,ACK SYN -j ACCEPT

Explanation of the ports 80 (http) and 7080/10080 (some private
server) will follow in the forum thread on toon.  

Test, by opening a secure shell connection to another server: 
ssh <user>@<machine>

and verify its functionality. The dropbear package installs an ssh
client (ssh), server (sshd) and secure copy (scp) application on

If, for some valid reason, you cannot build dropbear and/or put it on
a webserver, contact me and I'll upload the package to my own small
webserver, so you can pick it up there. Building your own version of
the quby openembedded tree is highly recommended, though. It also
builds a bunch of analysis tools like gdb and strace. Handy for
testing all kinds of stuff.

After having installed dropbear and testing its functionality (both
ways: from toon to the outside world, and from the outside world into
toon), you can reassemble toon.

Hardening toon (complete exclusion of Eneco, for non-Eneco users only)


1: toon with dropbear installed 
2: connection with private network (no WAN)

When toon is set up completely, in the tab "Internet" toon states to
be connected to the service center. The service center consist of a
bunch of websites and other services, accessed through a VPN tunnel,
managed by Quby, under the flag of Eneco. Each toon connects to the
service center through an OpenVPN tunnel, with TLS security
enhancement. Even if you do not have an Eneco account, toon will send
data to Eneco on a regular basis. According to Eneco, no energy usage
(gas and electricity) data are uploaded --which is true-- but boiler
settings are transmitted every hour. No idea why, by the way. Besides
through the OpenVPN connection mentioned earlier, toon phones home
with ping and the chrony daemon.

##### Disabling OpenVPN: #####

The OpenVPN connection is disabled by simply not starting OpenVPN,
through commenting out the openvpn line in /etc/inittab:

#ovpn:2345:respawn:/usr/sbin/openvpn --config /etc/openvpn/vpn.conf --verb 0 >/dev/null 2>&1

This shuts off openvpn effectively. In the internet tab you will now
get the message "Connected to the internet" or something along these
lines. You will also get a warning message that internet has not been
set up correctly or setup has not yet been completed. You can safely
ignore these warnings.

After toon has been rebooted (don't do that yet!), if you have a toon
with qt-gui, you can suppress the warnings issues by toon, about not
being able to reach the service center, as follows (thank you, al_n!):

Locate the file
/HCBv2/qml/apps/internetSettings/InternetSettingsApp.qml, and look for
the following code (line 365 or thereabouts):

                onNotificationReceived : {
                        var statemachine = message.getArgument("statemachine");
                        if (statemachine) {
                                var prevSmStatus = smStatus;      
                                smStatus = parseInt(statemachine);
// add the following two lines of code:
// added by al_n (20151220):                  
                                if(smStatus == _ST_INTERNET) {
                                    smStatus = _ST_TUNNEL;
// continuation of original file:
                               // Trigger the internetStateChange signal, used by the internet settings overview screen

.... etc.

This will interpret a working internet connection as a connection to
the service center, and thus warnings are suppressed.

##### Disabling the time service access to #####

Toon keeps track of time through the chrony daemon. To set the clock
at startup, and to keep it synchronized with the rest of the world,
toon uses the time server of quby: This server name is
set in /etc/chrony.conf
Locate the following two lines in chrony.conf:

server minpoll 8
initstepslew 30

and replace the server name by another time server. I use instead of

since it has the same (short) server name length (you never know if
and how the chrony code was hacked by quby), is accessed by many clients
across the globe, and has proven to have a good level of stability
over many years of service.

Note: the time protocol (tcp/udp port 37) is something else than the
network time protocol (ntp, udp port 123). You will need a time
server, not an ntp-server.

##### Disabling pinging #####

Toon pings the quby ping server every so many seconds. This is done in
/HCBv2/sbin/hcb_netcon. The ping server address is unfortunately
hard-coded in hcb_netcon, so to disable this, you will need to reroute
ping requests to another machine. You can't switch it off easily.

To reroute, edit the file /etc/hosts.template and add the line

at the end of the file, and save it.

Test whether your rerouting works by pinging quby:

eneco-001-xxxxxx:/# ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=64 time=1.108 ms
64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.738 ms
64 bytes from seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.658 ms

This indicates that the ping requests for quby are redirected to
localhost (IP Thanks, RDNZL, for pointing this out!

Reboot toon for good measure. Now you can go edit the service
InternetSettingsApp.qml file, as explained above.

All done. You have now severed all connections between toon and Eneco
(quby), and can safely connect it to your wireless network again.
And again, in an attachment.

My question on Toon Zon, from the previous post still stands.


rooting toon, updated manual
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Re: Toon as a domotica controller?

Post by marcelr »

Just had a look at a newer toon and found some changes in the rootfs image (UBIfs parameters have changed).
Update of the repair manual:

Code: Select all

20160402 marcelr
	 added ubifs image construction info for newer toons 

20160313 marcelr
	 first release

# 1: Repairing a corrupted root filesystem on toon.
Some time ago I woke up in a cold house. The boiler that should have
started up at 6.00 in the morning wasn't running. I checked the
thermostat (toon) and it turned out to be dead.

It was a friday morning and I had to go to work, so I replaced it with
another toon that I had lying around (flash version, not the fancy qt
gui). Problem solved, at least for the moment.

That evening I opened up the dead toon, hooked it up to a
serial-to-USB adapter and booted up. The boot loader got stuck at
loading the kernel, and posted a warning that the splash screen could
not be loaded. The flash partitions holding the splash image and the
kernel (and probably the others too) were most likely
corrupted. Badly. I had no backup of these partitions. Stupid me.

I dumped the kernel partition of my still working toon and the dead
one to look for differences. There was no resemblance between the two,
from the corrupted kernel it was clear that it was bad. Normally, the
kernel version is stated in human-readable text in the first few bytes
of the kernel image, in this case it was only gibberish. This toon was
dead as brown bread.

What to do? Years ago I built my own router from an old headless and
diskless 486 with a network adapter with boot ROM. The thing booted
over the network, getting all its information, kernel, initrd, ramdisk
image etc., from another machine. Toon's boot loader, U-Boot,
supports network booting as well. That could be my way out. The plan
was simple: build a kernel capable of mounting a root filesystem over
NFS, load this kernel into toon through TFTP, boot, repair the flash
partitions and flash everything onto toon. 

Problem solved. Easy-peasy. Yeah, right ...

# 2: Prerequisites

To repair a corrupted toon, with a working bootloader, this is what
you need:

A computer running a DHCP server, an NFS server, a TFTP server, and a
serial client. Typically, you will find all of these services in a
linux box. You will need root access to this machine. Furthermore, you
will need to have the mtd-utils package installed and working.

A serial-to-USB converter with 3.3V signal level. If you need to buy
one, go for a version with separate female header connectors at the
serial side. These are the easiest for connecting with toon.

A wired (ethernet) router to connect toon to your computer.

The quby openembedded tree for toon. Not just the tarball, but a
working installation of it. You will need to be able to build a
working, modified linux kernel for your toon.

A copy of a (recent) root filesystem for toon. Dump your own rootfs
while you still can. You may need it later. See the script
'' on

Working knowledge of:

1: linux kernel configuration.  

2: dhcp, nfs, tftp configuration, including firewalls to pass the
   services through.

3: entering commands through a CLI.

4: toon rooting. If you have no clue how to open toon and attach a
   serial interface to it, stop here, go and do something else.

# 3: Configuration of services

The following description is not carved in stone, there are many ways
to properly configure a DHCP, NFS and TFTP server. This is just how I
did it. My linux host is a CentOS 6 machine, with the old school
SysVinit startup system. Newer machines may have systemd. Can't help
you there, if yours is one like that. The location of scripts may vary
from one distro to another. Nevertheless, everything will be located
somewhere in /etc or its subdirectories.

##  TFTP  ##

TFTP (trivial file transfer protocol) is a simple protocol to
automatically upload files from one computer to another, typically at
boot time. In this case we need it to load a kernel image directly
into toon's memory.

On my linux box, the TFTP server requires a simple configuration
script, and a running xinetd. This is the configuration script for my
TFTP server, it resides in /etc/xinet.d/tftp:

# default: off
# description: The tftp server serves files using the trivial file transfer \
#       protocol.  The tftp protocol is often used to boot diskless \
#       workstations, download configuration files to network-aware printers, \
#       and to start the installation process for some operating systems.
service tftp
        disable = no
        socket_type             = dgram
        protocol                = udp
        wait                    = yes
        user                    = root
        server                  = /usr/sbin/in.tftpd
        server_args             = -p -svv /tftpboot
        per_source              = 11
        cps                     = 100 2
        flags                   = IPv4

Important are the disable flag (no) and the server args. /tftpboot is
the directory from which clients can download their stuff.

The tftp server is started by running xinetd: 

service xinetd start
or similar.

## DHCP ##

DHCP (dynamic host configuration protocol) configures computers on a
network, based on their MAC address alone. U-Boot supports host
configuration via DHCP, so a DHCP server is needed to assign an IP
address to toon. Simultaneously, a DHCP server can be configured to
enable automatic uploading of stuff to a remote host. In cheap routers
for residential use, this option is generally not available. So we
need to set up our own. Since for home use, computers hardly run DHCP
servers. That's normally handled by your router. Because of the
network boot of toon, you will need your own DHCP service. I
configured my (separate) router to hand out one IP address only (for
my CentOS box) and let the linux machine do all the rest.

This is the config script I used for dhcpd:

# dhcpd.conf

# global parameters...

option domain-name "";
ddns-update-style none; 
not authoritative; 
default-lease-time 600; 
max-lease-time 7200; 
option broadcast-address; 
option routers; 
subnet netmask {

#  subnet-specific parameters...


host toon {
  hardware ethernet 00:11:22:33:44:55;
  filename "/tftpboot/toon/uImage-nfs";

# end of dhcpd.conf

This way, toon gets a static IP, and has an idea where to find its kernel.
Start the service (as root) as follows:

dhcpd -cf dhcpd.conf

## NFS ##

NFS (network file system) is a protocol to share block devices over a
network. Typically, an NFS server can give other hosts access to
(parts of) its disk space. NFS clients can mount NFS exports from a
server, and then use these disks as if they were part of the native
disk space of the client. When configured properly, a diskless host
can mount ALL of its disk space via NFS.

To be able to mount an NFS volume, it needs to be exported to your
client by the server. This is taken care of in the exports file:

/etc/exports: (two lines)

/tftpboot/toon ,sync,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)

Edit this file according to your needs, and (re)start the nfs server:

service nfsd restart

This command starts a host of services (rpcbind, mountd, nfsd and some
others), which need to be able to penetrate the firewall of your


On modern linux boxes, the firewall is called iptables, and is
switched on by default. This firewall has a configuration script,
/etc/sysconfig/iptables, and you need to edit this script to hold the
following lines (edit IP addresses according to your needs):

-A INPUT -s -p udp -m state --state NEW -m multiport --dports 111,892,2049,32769 -j ACCEPT 
-A INPUT -s -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m multiport --dports 111,892,2049,32803 -j ACCEPT 

This opens all ports required to export NFS mounts.

Similarly, for TFTP, port 69 needs to be opened:

-A INPUT -p udp -m state --state NEW -m udp --dport 69 -j ACCEPT 

Edit again, and restart iptables. You may have to restart nfsd as
well.  A second option is to switch off your firewall, and don't
bother with the ports. It's up to you.

# 4: Booting toon over the network

When you are lucky enough that only the kernel image partition is
corrupted, you can now boot your toon over the network. (You even
don't need NFS support for that).

Put the kernel image you want to boot (the original kernel image made
in the open embedded tree will do) in /tftpboot/toon/, on your tftp

If you haven't done so already, connect the serial I/O interface to
toon, and open a terminal. Serial port settings should be 115200 baud,

Verify that your U-Boot hangs; it will present the U-Boot prompt: U-Boot>
This is what my toon says at start-up:

U-Boot 2010.09-R6 (Mar 14 2012 - 11:15:10)                                     

CPU:   Freescale i.MX27 at 400.168 MHz

Prodrive B.V. ED2.0
DRAM:  128 MiB
NAND:  128 MiB
LCD: Initializing LCD frambuffer at a1400000
LCD: 800x480, pbb 4
LCD: Drawing the logo...
In:    serial
Out:   serial
Err:   serial
Error: no valid bmp image at a1d214a8 (signature 0xbe 0xda)
Net:   FEC
Warning: FEC MAC addresses don't match:
Address in SROM is         1f:56:1d:17:ee:22
Address in environment is  00:0f:11:01:9b:49

Enter password - autoboot in 2 sec...

AND read: device 0 offset 0x300000, size 0x300000
3145728 bytes read: OK
Wrong Image Format for bootm command
ERROR: can't get kernel image!

Make sure to have your toon wired to an ethernet router, connected to
your dhcp server, supplying your toon with a static IP.

At the U-Boot prompt, sequentially type the following lines:

tftpboot 0xA1000000 toon/uImage-xxxx

with uImage-xxxx the actual name of your kernel image.

This connects toon to your server, with a static IP, loads the kernel
into toon's memory, and boots it. The default U-Boot environment
available on toon is used. If that partition is corrupted, you will
find out fairly quickly. 
Essentially, three things can happen:

First option: After bootm, nothing seems to happen, the terminal no
longer responds. In this case, the U-Boot environment is probably
corrupted.  Check by typing: printenv at the U-Boot prompt. You should
see something like this:

addtty=setenv bootargs ${bootargs} console=${console},${baudrate}
addmtd=setenv bootargs ${bootargs} ${mtdparts_kernel}
nandargs=setenv bootargs ubi.mtd=4 root=ubi0:rootfs rw rootfstype=ubifs
boot_nand=run nandargs addmtd addtty addmisc; nand read ${loadaddr} kernel; bootm ${loadaddr}
boot_nand_backup=run nandargs addmtd addtty addmisc; nand read ${loadaddr} kernel-backup; bootm ${loadaddr}
bootcmd=run boot_nand
bootargs=ubi.mtd=4 root=ubi0:rootfs rw rootfstype=ubifs mtdparts=mxc_nand:512K@0x00100000(u-boot-env)ro,1536K(splash-image),3M(kernel),3M(kernel-backup),119M(rootfs) console=ttymxc0,115200 mem=128M init=/bin/sh
addmisc=setenv bootargs ${bootargs} mem=${mem}


If you don't see such information, you will have to rebuild the U-Boot
environment with mkenvimage (or ask me for an image of it).
Second option: The kernel boots, and when it tries to mount the root
filesystem, the kernel panics:

ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team                                   
TCP cubic registered                                                           
NET: Registered protocol family 10                                             
ip6_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team                                   
NET: Registered protocol family 17                                             
lib80211: common routines for IEEE802.11 drivers                               
rtc-isl1208 1-006f: setting system clock to 2016-02-20 20:01:37 UTC (1455998497)
UBIFS error (pid 1): ubifs_get_sb: cannot open "ubi0:rootfs", error -19         
VFS: Cannot open root device "ubi0:rootfs" or unknown-block(0,0)               
Please append a correct "root=" boot option; here are the available partitions:
1f00             512 mtdblock0 (driver?)                                       
1f01            1536 mtdblock1 (driver?)                                       
1f02            3072 mtdblock2 (driver?)                                       
1f03            3072 mtdblock3 (driver?)                                       
1f04          121856 mtdblock4 (driver?)                                       
Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0) 
[<c00293d0>] (unwind_backtrace+0x0/0xf0) from [<c0326da4>] (panic+0x60/0x190)   
[<c0326da4>] (panic+0x60/0x190) from [<c0008ea0>] (mount_block_root+0x15c/0x20c)
[<c0008ea0>] (mount_block_root+0x15c/0x20c) from [<c00090d0>] (prepare_namespac)
[<c00090d0>] (prepare_namespace+0x8c/0x178) from [<c0008b50>] (kernel_init+0x10)
[<c0008b50>] (kernel_init+0x10c/0x14c) from [<c00258ec>] (kernel_thread_exit+0x)

This means that also the rootfs partition is corrupted. You will have
to mount another rootfs, over NFS. You will also need a kernel with
rootfs on NFS support.

Third option: the kernel boots, mounts the root filesystem, and you
end up with a login prompt. You're lucky, just the kernel partition is

# 5: Building a kernel with NFS support

To configure the kernel, I extracted the kernel source from the quby
openembedded tree and unpacked it in a separate directory, outside the
openembedded tree. The top-level kernel source directory is called
In this directory, I put the following script:

#! /bin/sh
make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- ARCH=arm menuconfig

This starts kernel configuration, using the correct compiler (I happen
to have arm-linux-gnueabi- around), for the right processor type
(arm). You can also use the cross-compiler from the openembedded tree,
just make sure it's in your search path.

Run the script, and edit the kernel configuration (the default .config
for toon is loaded by starting the script).  

Under Filesystems, enter the submenu "Network file systems", tick the
boxes "root file system on NFS" and all NFS client options. Make sure
the tick boxes are marked with a * (built-in) and not an M
(module). Under "Enable loadable module support" untick the box
"Module versioning support".

Save the kernel configuration to a separate file (default is .config).

Copy the configuration file to the openembedded tree, in the subdirectory

(~/ is the directory where you unpacked the openembedded tree)

Name it defconfig-2.6.36-R07-h11, this replaces the original
configuration file by quby. If you want to keep the old configuration,
back it up before you overwrite with the new kernel config file.

Now got to ~/oe/qb2, set the bitbake environment:

. ../

and build the kernel:

bitbake linux-quby2

If you have built the linux kernel before, you may need to clean up first:

bitbake -c clean linux-quby2

The freshly built kernel ends up in

with yyyymmddHHMMss the manufacturing timestamp.

Copy this image to /tftpboot/toon/uImage-nfs.

Your kernel is all set for booting toon over the network.

# 6: Preparing the root file system

If you have previously backed up your root filesystem (as a tarball),
now is a good time to unpack it.  Put the full contents of the rootfs
in /tftpboot/toon/rootfs.  

If you have not made a back-up of your rootfs, you can use the
barebones rootfs that's made when the quby openembedded tree is built
according to the README file in that tree. This rootfs resides in
~/oe/qb2/tmp/rootfs/image-base-qb2. Copy the full contents of this
directory to /tftpboot/toon/rootfs, including links etc.

In the case that you need to flash the kernel, rootfs etc. onto toon
(typically images made with dd, or brand new ubifs images), place them
somewhere in the root filesystem where you can find them. /root is not
a bad place.

# 7: Booting toon over the network, with NFS root file system

At the U-Boot prompt, sequentially type the following lines: (I had
them ready in a script, copied them one by one to the U-Boot terminal)

tftpboot 0xa1000000 toon/uImage-nfs
setenv bootargs root=/dev/nfs rw nfsroot=,nolock,tcp console=ttymxc0,115200 loglevel=8
setenv bootargs ${bootargs} mtdparts=mxc_nand:512K@0x00100000(u-boot-env)ro,1536K(splash-image),3M(kernel),3M(kernel-backup),119M(rootfs)
setenv bootargs ${bootargs} ip= panic=1

This, sequentially, gets toon an ip adress, loads the kernel from the
TFTP server into memory, at address 0xA1000000, defines the root
filesystem as an NFS mount, read-write enabled, sets the URL of
the root file system, configures a terminal, configures mtd devices on
toon, and sets the network IP adress, NFS server, gateway, netmask,
hostname, and automated reboot when something fails. You need all of
this ;-).

The final line (bootm) starts the actual booting process.

If all goes well, you end up with a login prompt on toon. You may now
login as root.

# 8: Recovery of the mtd partitions.

## splash screen ##

If you feel a bit uncomfortable flashing your toon, you can start with
the splash screen. The worst that can happen is that toon no longer
presents one. Screwing up the splash screen has no further

Before you can write to flash, old stuff has to be erased first. Just
start with erasing /dev/mtd1 (that's where the splash image resides):

flash_eraseall /dev/mtd1

and then, find a nice image, having the _EXACT_ size of 800x480
pixels, 24 bit colourdepth, and uncompressed windows .BMP format.

Flash it onto /dev/mtd1 with:

nandwrite -a -p /dev/mtd1 <whatever_its_name_is.bmp>

Reboot and enjoy your personalised toon splash screen. 

## kernel ##

If only the kernel, u-boot environment, or splash image partitions are
corrupted, and you have managed to boot toon through tftpboot, you can
copy the images for the respective partitions to toon, through e.g.,
wget. If your images were ripped off the very same toon you now want
to put them back on, this is the way to do it:
(this will in general not work for a root filesystem image, will get
to that later).

Erase the partition you want to recover, in this example
/dev/mtd2. At the shell prompt, type:

flash_eraseall /dev/mtd2

then, if you made the rip with dd, dd is the tool to put it back:

dd if=ripped_partition_image_of_mtd2.img of=/dev/mtd2

This writes the kernel image back to the exact position where it came
from, including bad blocks.

If you only have an image file, made elsewhere, flash it onto the nand

nandwrite -a -p /dev/mtd2 /path/to/image/file

This writes the image straight to the flash, skipping bad blocks if
they exist. In this example /dev/mtd2 was used, this method can be
applied to any partition (except the root filesystem).

CAUTION: write the kernel image ONLY after you have verified that all
the rest of your toon is in working order. Once the kernel is flashed
to NAND flash, you will have to go through the whole rooting process
again to stop it from booting (and subsequent panicking). If your root
filesystem is still corrupted, your toon will have kernel panics
during booting, and will be quite useless. It can always be fixed, but
it's no fun to do.


And remember the second rule of sudo:

Think before you type. 

# 9: Installation of the root filesystem

Toon uses ubifs for its root file system. UBI stands for Unsorted
Block Image, specifically designed for flash memory, and is quite
different from other file systems. One of the differences is that it
is not connected to a block device, and therefore, ubi images cannot
be loopback mounted. Quite annoying if you need to change things, or
have a corrupted filesystem. Even if you made an image of your rootfs,
there's no simple way to mount that image on another computer and work
with it. So, to install a UBIFS filesystem on your toon, you will need
the contents of that filesystem, on another computer, with a
filesystem that you can read and write. Contents means: all contents,
so this includes symlinks, pipes, and normal files. Device special
files aren't necessary, since these are made on the fly by udev.

UBIFS images typically are made from (sub) directory trees,
and subsequently written to flash.

If you already unpacked a rootfs tarball (section 6), tested it as an
nfs-mount, and are happy with it, to serve as toon's native root
filesystem, you can convert it to a ubi image, and reformat toon's
rootfs partition with it. If not, go back to section 6 and start

## creating the ubifs image ##

Creating the image is done in two steps. Depending on the firmware
version, the ubifs parameters have different values.

## step 1 ##
When toon boots, it spits out information on the flash parameters of
the ubifs image. In earlier toons it looks like this:

0x000000600000-0x000000900000 : "kernel-backup"
0x000000900000-0x000008000000 : "rootfs"
UBI: attaching mtd4 to ubi0
UBI: physical eraseblock size:   131072 bytes (128 KiB)
UBI: logical eraseblock size:    129024 bytes
UBI: smallest flash I/O unit:    2048
UBI: sub-page size:              512
UBI: VID header offset:          512 (aligned 512)
UBI: data offset:                2048

in later versions, this has changed into:

0x000000600000-0x000000900000 : "kernel-backup"                                 
0x000000900000-0x000008000000 : "rootfs"                                        
UBI: attaching mtd4 to ubi0                                                     
UBI: physical eraseblock size:   131072 bytes (128 KiB)                         
UBI: logical eraseblock size:    126976 bytes                                   
UBI: smallest flash I/O unit:    2048                                           
UBI: VID header offset:          2048 (aligned 2048)                            
UBI: data offset:                4096                                           

As you can see, the LEB (logical eraseblock) size, VID header offset, and data
offset have changed. This influences the way the rootfs image should be made.

The ubi filesystem is made with mkfs.ubifs.

This program has (among others) the minimum sub page size (-m
option), and LEB size (-e option) as arguments.

For the older versions (approximately first number in the serial
number < 15, check with bootstrap data) this is:

mkfs.ubifs -r ./rootfs/ -m 512 -e 129024 -c 954 -o toon_rootfs_ubifs.img

Newer versions should use:

mkfs.ubifs -r ./rootfs/ -m 2048 -e 126976 -c 954 -o toon_rootfs_ubifs.img

This creates a ubifs image from the contents of ./rootfs/ (without
rootfs/ as the top-level directory). The image is stored in the
current directory, with the name toon_rootfs_ubifs.img.

The arguments for mkfs.ubifs were copied from toon bootstrap data. The
numbers are connected to the physical flash chip, and should be kept
as they are, for your version of toon, otherwise the flashed rootfs
will not be bootable.

## step 2 ## 
The second step of the image building involves the preparation of the
raw flash image. this is done with the ubinize command. Again,
depending on your toons version, two variants exist:


ubinize -vv -o rootfs.ubi -m 2048 -s 512 -p 128KiB ubinize.ini

newer (SN 15- and (possibly) later):

ubinize -vv -o rootfs.ubi -m 2048 -p 128KiB ubinize.ini

Ubinize adds physical flash chip information to the image (physical
eraseblock size and some others). Besides some cli arguments, most
settings are done in a configuration file, having .ini style
formatting. For this example, the file is called ubinize.ini, and is
the same for the two variants of toon:

Contents of ubinize.ini:


Again, keep the arguments as they are, you can change names, but do
not change volume id, eraseblock sizes etc. After completion of the
ubinize command, the file rootfs.ubi contains a rootfs image, ready to
be written to flash.

## writing the image to flash ##

Transfer the ubi image to the nfs-mounted root filesystem of your
toon. Then, flash the image to the rootfs device with ubiformat:

ubiformat /dev/mtd4 -f rootfs.ubi

Try the new filesystem, by rebooting according to section 4. If all is
well, your toon should boot normally. 

step, flash the kernel image of choice to /dev/mtd2.

If all went well, you now have a working toon again.

# 10: What if the bootloader is corrupted?

Then you have a different problem. Without a working boot loader, the
only access to your toon is through JTAG. JTAG is quite another kettle
of fish than the stuff presented here. I have accessed my toon through
JTAG, so if you end up in these parts, you can contact me through Not sure if I can help you, though.

marcelr, march 2016.

And as attachment again. Also found the solution for the toon zon issue. You really need a newer meteradapter (with double icons for the analogue gas/heat meter), and fw 0.15/0.11. Exchanged my old adapter with such an adapter from one of the forum members, now it works. Not sure if it's calibrated, the pulses do not come from the recommended kWh meter (inepro PRO380 or inepro PRO1), but straight from my inverter, using the analog sensors. It's too early to tell, will keep you posted.


updated manual, with newer UBIfs info
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Re: Toon as a domotica controller?

Post by SD123 »

Hi Marcel,

Thanks for your updates.

Regarding the double icon meteradapter, can you post a picture?
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Re: Toon as a domotica controller?

Post by Kadinc »

Hi guys,

I see you have made large steps in hacking the toon.
My question is, can someone root my toon without the account.

I do no not have experience with the ttl's an jtags so i don't want to divwe deep in google and find out how it works (i also study and work so time is a big corcern for me)

Hope someone is willing to help me out.
Ps i have all the hardware needed in the manual except for the ttl/serial cable.

Thanks in advance
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Re: Toon as a domotica controller?

Post by marcelr »

Regarding the double icon meteradapter, can you post a picture?
Yes, see attached picture. The serial number is 15-xx-yyy-zzz (don't know the exact number, don't see the need to unplug it now).

More important is the firmware version, I think (0.15/0.11). The adapters with this FW have newer processors with larger flash, and a newer zwave interface (500 series instead of the ZW0301 on the older adapters, IIRC).
Don't really see what the problem with the older ones was, data flow is not a lot higher with the extra connector, and the number of bytes in a DSMR packet is only a few hundred bytes every 10 seconds, not something requiring a lot of bandwidth.

Anyway, this works.


meter adapter, for Zon op Toon ??
meter adapter, for Zon op Toon ??
meter_adapter_15-xx-yyy-zzz.jpg (97.24 KiB) Viewed 33311 times
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Re: Toon as a domotica controller?

Post by marcelr »

Ps i have all the hardware needed in the manual except for the ttl/serial cable.
The one thing you really need (besides a computer to drive it) is a 3.3V-level serial port. All the rest is only necessary if your toon is FUBAR. A TTL-level serial port is an easy thing to use, when you know how to wield a keyboard. Nothing fancy about it.
I do no not have experience with the ttl's an jtags so i don't want to divwe deep in google and find out how it works
You will need to dig up stuff anyway if you want to get output from your toon. Everything you need is in this thread. No need to google anything. You don't need to know about the inner workings of a serial-to-usb adapter. you WILL need some knowledge on handling a linux system.
i also study and work so time is a big corcern for me
That's the case for many of us. If you don't have time to spend on your toon, why do you want to root it in the first place? In case you haven't noticed, there are no off the shelf solutions/software replacements for a rooted toon.


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Re: Toon as a domotica controller?

Post by cygnusx »

So i'm trying to develop for my toon, but i do this from a remote location sometimes. It would be nice if i could fire a touch event via SSH or something. I have a script to grab the framebuffer to make a screenshot to a webpage, so i can see what happens on the toon, but i can't press any buttons.

Does anyone have a idea if it would be possible and how?
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Re: Toon as a domotica controller?

Post by marcelr »

Hmm ...

Toon's graphics are displayed on a framebuffer device. AFAIK there's no viable way to forward these graphics through ssh. This is dissimilar from X, which can be forwarded easily through ssh (ssh -X .. etc .. usually does the trick). There's an RDP client out there that claims to be able to forward framebuffer devices. It's called dfreerdp, but I have no experience with it.

The touchscreen touches are handled via the i2c bus, and forwarding these signals separately over ethernet is in theory possible, needs specific hardware to be built. Not likely to happen any time soon. Not sure about remote mouse support, but toon has no mouse or keyboard support built into its kernel anyway.

The best way to do stuff that's not covered by the handlers would probably be to break into the boxtalk protocol that's being used to communicate between software modules on toon, and try to set values you want from there. Haven't ventured in that direction myself, but possibly some other forum members have.


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Re: Toon as a domotica controller?

Post by cygnusx »

marcelr wrote:Hmm ...

Toon's graphics are displayed on a framebuffer device. AFAIK there's no viable way to forward these graphics through ssh. This is dissimilar from X, which can be forwarded easily through ssh (ssh -X .. etc .. usually does the trick). There's an RDP client out there that claims to be able to forward framebuffer devices. It's called dfreerdp, but I have no experience with it.

The touchscreen touches are handled via the i2c bus, and forwarding these signals separately over ethernet is in theory possible, needs specific hardware to be built. Not likely to happen any time soon. Not sure about remote mouse support, but toon has no mouse or keyboard support built into its kernel anyway.

The best way to do stuff that's not covered by the handlers would probably be to break into the boxtalk protocol that's being used to communicate between software modules on toon, and try to set values you want from there. Haven't ventured in that direction myself, but possibly some other forum members have.


For the graphics i just copy the current framebuffer via SSH over to my webserver, who can make a JPG out of it. For who's interested, i do it with php and a linux server:

Code: Select all

echo exec("sshpass -p <password> ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no root@".$host." 'cp /dev/fb0 /var/tmp/framebuffer.dump'");
echo exec("sshpass -p <password> scp -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no root@".$host.":/var/tmp/framebuffer.dump /var/www/toon/framebuffer.dump");
echo exec("ffmpeg -vcodec rawvideo -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb32 -s 800x480 -i /var/www/toon/framebuffer.dump -f image2 -vcodec png /var/www/toon/framebuffer.png");
echo "<img width='600' src='framebuffer.png'>";
Maybe it could be better, using GD instead of ffmpeg or something, but it's ok for now. Displays the FB in about 4 seconds after navigating to the page.

About the input. Yea, it's difficult. I tried a lot. Some ppl on internet say you could read the /dev/input/touchscreen0 device, then actually press on some places on the screen and then use that data to (afterwards) mimic the same presses... Forgot to try that today.
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Re: Toon as a domotica controller?

Post by marcelr »

You could do that on toon, using fbgrab. Saves the moving of 1.5MB of framebuffer data over the wifi connection.

Code: Select all

toon:~# fbgrab -z 1 test.png
This generates a png file from the framebuffer, with reasonable compression. You could even plug the file straight into toon's own website.

Added fbgrab for toon (slightly patched wrt. the original), just in case anyone wants it.
Install with the usual commands.


framebuffer grabber/png converter for toon.
(6.32 KiB) Downloaded 537 times
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Re: Toon as a domotica controller?

Post by cygnusx »

Thank you for compiling it. I did try it and benchmarked the two situations:

Old method, copying the fb: 3.07s
New method via fbgrab: 2.8s

So, it's a little bit faster. I tried many variations on it. Fastest way seems to be to fbgrab the screen with no compression (-z 0) and then save it on the webserver folder. Then with php retrieve the content of the file and show it on the page.

Must be that compressing a framedump is faster on a Raspberry PI 2 then on the limited hardware of Toon...

So it's better, but for 0.2sec i prefer my solution which does not need any additional software on the toon itself. :)
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Re: Toon as a domotica controller?

Post by marcelr »

So, it's a little bit faster. I tried many variations on it
Thanks, gave it a shot myself as well. It's not exactly the fastest compression algorithm ever. I don't see a lot of difference in cpu time for different compression levels. Nor is it as granular in compression level as the options may make you think it is:

Code: Select all

toon:~# time fbgrab -z 0 test0.png
Resolution: 800x480 depth 32
Converting image from 32
Now writing PNG file (compression 0)
real	0m 2.73s
user	0m 2.02s
sys	0m 0.21s
toon:~# time fbgrab -z 1 test1.png
Resolution: 800x480 depth 32
Converting image from 32
Now writing PNG file (compression 1)
real	0m 2.66s
user	0m 1.92s
sys	0m 0.25s
toon:~# time fbgrab -z 2 test2.png
Resolution: 800x480 depth 32
Converting image from 32
Now writing PNG file (compression 2)
real	0m 2.44s
user	0m 2.00s
sys	0m 0.23s
toon:~# time fbgrab -z 3 test3.png
Resolution: 800x480 depth 32
Converting image from 32
Now writing PNG file (compression 3)
real	0m 2.52s
user	0m 2.04s
sys	0m 0.23s
toon:~# time fbgrab -z 4 test4.png
Resolution: 800x480 depth 32
Converting image from 32
Now writing PNG file (compression 4)
real	0m 2.86s
user	0m 2.06s
sys	0m 0.22s
toon:~# time fbgrab -z 5 test5.png
Resolution: 800x480 depth 32
Converting image from 32
Now writing PNG file (compression 5)
real	0m 2.41s
user	0m 1.96s
sys	0m 0.25s
toon:~# time fbgrab -z 6 test6.png
Resolution: 800x480 depth 32
Converting image from 32
Now writing PNG file (compression 6)
real	0m 2.41s
user	0m 2.03s
sys	0m 0.23s
toon:~# time fbgrab -z 7 test7.png
Resolution: 800x480 depth 32
Converting image from 32
Now writing PNG file (compression 7)
real	0m 2.54s
user	0m 2.01s
sys	0m 0.23s
toon:~# time fbgrab -z 8 test8.png
Resolution: 800x480 depth 32
Converting image from 32
Now writing PNG file (compression 8)
real	0m 2.61s
user	0m 1.95s
sys	0m 0.27s
toon:~# time fbgrab -z 9 test9.png
Resolution: 800x480 depth 32
Converting image from 32
Now writing PNG file (compression 9)
real	0m 2.44s
user	0m 2.07s
sys	0m 0.22s
toon:~# ls -l
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root          2080 Apr 20 00:00 OTGW
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root          2356 Mar 27 12:41
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         25404 Apr 20 19:38 test0.png
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         25404 Apr 20 19:38 test1.png
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         25262 Apr 20 19:39 test2.png
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         25262 Apr 20 19:39 test3.png
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         25262 Apr 20 19:39 test4.png
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         25262 Apr 20 19:39 test5.png
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         25262 Apr 20 19:39 test6.png
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         24582 Apr 20 19:40 test7.png
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         24160 Apr 20 19:40 test8.png
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         24160 Apr 20 19:40 test9.png

(the screen of my toon was in B/W mode, no changes during the test).

Anyway, it's not the solution you need. Will checkout freerdp shortly, although activity in that project is low.


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