Toon as a domotica controller?

Everything about rooting Toons 1 and 2.

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Re: Toon as a domotica controller?

Post by Hypermobile »

michel30 wrote:@glsf91

I use your scrip for my analog meter the GAS and POWER from TOON to Domoticz works super.

I also see in Domoticz you can add the price from your provider, do you know how I can show this part in Domoticz? so I have the GAS and POWER price in Toon.
Maybe create another Dummy device; and multiply KWH with some Pricevalue; and shoot in into that Dummy device.

personally i'm not interested in cost, only in usage.
if you don't waste on usage you automatically don't overpay :D
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Re: Toon as a domotica controller?

Post by michel30 »


The use of KWH or M3 was allready working.
I was only was searching how I can see the price on domoticz and that works now okay
On Domoticz is it match faster and easy to see how match you used in a week than on the Toon.
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Re: Toon as a domotica controller?

Post by Eggybert »

Cleaned the P1 script a little and added some more comments, it still works the same:

Code: Select all

return {
    -- 'active' controls if this entire script is considered or not
	active = true, -- set to false to disable this script
	logging = {
		level = domoticz.LOG_INFO, -- Select one of LOG_INFO, LOG_DEBUG, LOG_ERROR, LOG_FORCE to override system log level
		marker = "P1 toon"
	on = {
		timer = {
			'every minute'
	execute = function(domoticz)
        --Replace all dev_2 for your number you can find @
        --Replace IDX number GasIDX and ElectricityIDX
        --make the User Valriables ToonIP is a string:
        --make sure Dzvents is active under settings/other
        local ToonIP = domoticz.variables('UV_ToonIP').value
        local GasIDX = 17
        local ElectricityIDX = 16

        --Handle json, select your system
        --local json = assert(loadfile "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Domoticz\\scripts\\lua\\json.lua")()  -- For Windows
        --local json = assert(loadfile "/home/maes/domoticz/scripts/lua/JSON.lua")()  -- For Linux
        local json = assert(loadfile "/volume1/@appstore/domoticz/var/scripts/lua/JSON.lua")()  -- For Synology
            json.strictTypes = true

        --Ask toon for the latest data            
        local handle2 = assert(io.popen(string.format('curl http://%s/hdrv_zwave?action=getDevices.json', ToonIP)))
        local ZwaveInfo = handle2:read('*all')

        --Found this by luck, no idea why it works :P but it removes the . between the numbers
        ZwaveInfo = string.gsub(ZwaveInfo, "dev_2.", "dev_2")
        ZwaveInfo = string.gsub(ZwaveInfo, "dev_2:", "dev_2\":")
        --decode the json string to lua table
        local jsonZwaveInfo = json:decode(ZwaveInfo)
        --if the table is empty something went wrong
        if jsonZwaveInfo == nil then
            domoticz.log('<font color="green">No data from toon', domoticz.LOG_INFO)
        --the following data is interesting for us 
        --Elec high
        --Elec low
        --Elec produced high
         --Elec produced low
        local CurrentGasQuantity = tonumber(jsonZwaveInfo["dev_21"]["CurrentGasQuantity"])
        --print(CurrentGasQuantity .. " CurrentGasQuantity")
        local CurrentElectricityQuantityHoog = tonumber(jsonZwaveInfo["dev_23"]["CurrentElectricityQuantity"])
        --print(CurrentElectricityQuantityHoog .. "kWh CurrentElectricityQuantityHoog")
        local CurrentElectricityFlowHoog = tonumber(jsonZwaveInfo["dev_23"]["CurrentElectricityFlow"])
        --print(CurrentElectricityFlowHoog .. "W CurrentElectricityFlowHoog")
        local CurrentElectricityQuantityLaag = tonumber(jsonZwaveInfo["dev_25"]["CurrentElectricityQuantity"])
        --print(CurrentElectricityQuantityLaag .. "kWh CurrentElectricityQuantityLaag")
        local CurrentElectricityFlowLaag = tonumber(jsonZwaveInfo["dev_25"]["CurrentElectricityFlow"])
        --print(CurrentElectricityFlowLaag .. "W CurrentElectricityFlowLaag")   

        --not interested when the current power is made
        local totalPower = CurrentElectricityFlowHoog + CurrentElectricityFlowLaag
        --print(totalPower .. "W totalPower") 

        local CurrentElectricityDeliveredLaag = tonumber(jsonZwaveInfo["dev_24"]["CurrentElectricityQuantity"])
        --print(CurrentElectricityDeliveredLaag .. "kWh CurrentElectricityDeliveredLaag")
        local CurrentElectricityDeliveredFlowLaag = tonumber(jsonZwaveInfo["dev_24"]["CurrentElectricityFlow"])
        --print(CurrentElectricityDeliveredFlowLaag .. "W CurrentElectricityFlowLaag")  
        local CurrentElectricityDeliveredHoog = tonumber(jsonZwaveInfo["dev_26"]["CurrentElectricityQuantity"])
        --print(CurrentElectricityDeliveredHoog .. "kWh CurrentElectricityDeliveredLaag")
        local CurrentElectricityDeliveredFlowHoog = tonumber(jsonZwaveInfo["dev_26"]["CurrentElectricityFlow"])
        --print(CurrentElectricityDeliveredFlowHoog .. "W CurrentElectricityFlowLaag")  

        local totalDeliveredPower = CurrentElectricityDeliveredFlowHoog + CurrentElectricityDeliveredFlowLaag
        --print(totalDeliveredPower .. "W totalPower") 
        --USAGE1= energy usage meter tariff 1
        --USAGE2= energy usage meter tariff 2
        --RETURN1= energy return meter tariff 1
        --RETURN2= energy return meter tariff 2
        --CONS= actual usage power (Watt)
        --PROD= actual return power (Watt)
        --updateP1(usage1, usage2, return1, return2, cons, prod): Function. Updates the device. Supports command options.     
        domoticz.log('<font color="green">P1 from toon: ' .. CurrentElectricityQuantityLaag/1000 .. 'kwh USAGE1 | ' ..CurrentElectricityQuantityHoog/1000 .. 'kwh USAGE2 | ' .. CurrentElectricityDeliveredLaag/1000 .. 'kwh RETURN1 | ' .. CurrentElectricityDeliveredHoog/1000 .. 'kwh RETURN2 | ' .. totalPower .. 'w consumed | '.. totalDeliveredPower .. 'w produced', domoticz.LOG_INFO)
        domoticz.devices(ElectricityIDX).updateP1(CurrentElectricityQuantityLaag, CurrentElectricityQuantityHoog, CurrentElectricityDeliveredLaag, CurrentElectricityDeliveredHoog, totalPower, totalDeliveredPower)
        --update gas
        domoticz.log('<font color="green">Gas from toon: ' .. CurrentGasQuantity/1000 .. 'm3', domoticz.LOG_INFO)

And here is the code for non smart meters for toon, thanks Hypermobile for testing for me (sorry for the counter resets :lol:)
*15-02-2018 fixed a bug in the code
*16*02*2018 fixed gas bug but the electricity is still wrong

Code: Select all

return {
    -- 'active' controls if this entire script is considered or not
	active = true, -- set to false to disable this script
	logging = {
		level = domoticz.LOG_INFO, -- Select one of LOG_INFO, LOG_DEBUG, LOG_ERROR, LOG_FORCE to override system log level
		marker = "Power toon"
	on = {
		timer = {
			'every minute'
	data = {
	    lastKwhMemory = { history = true, maxItems = 1 },
        lastGasMemory = { history = true, maxItems = 1 },
        BackupGas = { history = true, maxItems = 1 }
	execute = function(domoticz)
        --Replace all dev_3 for your number you can find @ http://***.***.***.***/hdrv_zwave?action=getDevices
        --Replace IDX number to your IDX numers. Gas and electic instance/counter
        --make the User Valriables ToonIP is a string:
        --make sure Dzvents is active under settings/other
        --first time this script starts it will take 3 cycles(3min) to fill all the values
        local ToonIP = domoticz.variables('UV_ToonIP').value
        local GasIDX = 371
        local ElectricityIDX = 372

        --Handle json, select your system
        --local json = assert(loadfile "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Domoticz\\scripts\\lua\\json.lua")()  -- For Windows
        --local json = assert(loadfile "/home/maes/domoticz/scripts/lua/JSON.lua")()  -- For Linux
        local json = assert(loadfile "/volume1/@appstore/domoticz/var/scripts/lua/JSON.lua")()  -- For Synology
            json.strictTypes = true
        --Ask toon for the latest data    
        local handle = assert(io.popen(string.format('curl http://%s/hdrv_zwave?action=getDevices.json', ToonIP)))
        local ZwaveInfo = handle:read('*all')

        --Found this by luck, no idea why it works :P but it removes the . between the numbers
        ZwaveInfo = string.gsub(ZwaveInfo, "dev_3.", "dev_3")
        ZwaveInfo = string.gsub(ZwaveInfo, "dev_3:", "dev_3\":")

        --decode the json string to a lua table
        local jsonZwaveInfo = json:decode(ZwaveInfo)
        --if the lua table is emty stop the script
        if jsonZwaveInfo == nil then
            domoticz.log('<font color="green">No data from Toon', domoticz.LOG_INFO)
        --first time this script runs the lastMemory values need to be filled
        if( == 0 or == 0) then
            domoticz.log('<font color="green">Last memory empty', domoticz.LOG_INFO)
        --On the first write of the day to the gas counter the counter will show 0 (bug in domoticz) use the backup vlaue instead
        if( == 0) then
        --the following data is interesting for us 

        local CurrentGasQuantity = tonumber(jsonZwaveInfo["dev_31"]["CurrentGasQuantity"])
        --print(CurrentGasQuantity .. " CurrentGasQuantity")
        local CurrentElectricityQuantity = tonumber(jsonZwaveInfo["dev_32"]["CurrentElectricityQuantity"])
        --print(CurrentElectricityQuantity .. "kWh CurrentElectricityQuantity")
        local CurrentElectricityFlow = tonumber(jsonZwaveInfo["dev_32"]["CurrentElectricityFlow"])
        --print(CurrentElectricityFlow .. "W CurrentElectricityFlow")
        local TempElectricity = 0

        --if the value from toon is higher then the memory from last loop and the memory from last loop is not 0
        if(CurrentElectricityQuantity >= and ~= 0) then
            --Calcukate new value 201 = 200(user variable) + (101(new value) - 100(memory last loop))
            --TempElectricity = KwhMemory + (CurrentElectricityQuantity -
            TempElectricity = domoticz.devices(ElectricityIDX).WhTotal + (CurrentElectricityQuantity -
            --Electric usage
            --WhActual: Number. Current Watt usage.
            --updateEnergy(energy): Function. In Watt. Supports command options.
            domoticz.log('<font color="green">Power from toon: ' .. TempElectricity/1000 .. 'kwh USAGE | ' .. CurrentElectricityFlow .. 'w consumed | ', domoticz.LOG_INFO)

            --save data for next loop
            --lastKwhMemory is emtpy so no idea how much usage there was. set for next loop. Or for some reason the memory had a higher value.

        local TempGas = 0
        --check if the counter is higher then lastGasMemory and the lastGasMemory is not 0
        if(CurrentGasQuantity >= and ~= 0) then
            --only at 0:00 the value will be 0 (bug in domoticz) if 0 use the backup
            if(domoticz.devices(GasIDX).counter ~= 0) then
                --Calculate new value 201 = 200 + (101 - 100)
                TempGas = (domoticz.devices(GasIDX).counter*1000) + (CurrentGasQuantity -
                TempGas = + (CurrentGasQuantity -
            --counter: Number. Value in m3
            --updateGas(usage): Function. Usage in dm3 (liters). Supports command options.
            domoticz.log('<font color="green">Gas from toon: ' .. TempGas/1000 .. 'm3', domoticz.LOG_INFO)
            --for next loop
            --lastKwehMemory is emtpy so no idea how much usage there was. set for next loop
Last edited by Eggybert on Fri Feb 16, 2018 11:37 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Toon as a domotica controller?

Post by Hypermobile »

Make sure; DZvents is Enabled in Settings
PHP-Script is Discontinued. not necessary anymore

It's works like a charm (non P1)

Eggybert wil post the Script soon...
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Re: Toon as a domotica controller?

Post by gielie »

I use the non P1 version and for elec its working fine (except the daily usage is a 1000 fold too high) but i won't get any gas values.
this is the error

Code: Select all

2018-02-16 12:19:00.444 dzVents: Info: Power toon: ------ Start internal script: Toon backup:, trigger: every minute
2018-02-16 12:19:00.589 dzVents: Debug: Power toon: Processing device-adapter for Stroom2: kWh device adapter
2018-02-16 12:19:00.590 dzVents: Info: Power toon: Power from toon: 4380.806kwh USAGE | 364w consumed |
2018-02-16 12:19:00.592 dzVents: Debug: Power toon: Processing device-adapter for gas2: Gas device adapter
2018-02-16 12:19:00.593 dzVents: Error (2.4.1): Power toon: An error occured when calling event handler Toon backup
2018-02-16 12:19:00.593 dzVents: Error (2.4.1): Power toon: ...moticz/scripts/dzVents/generated_scripts/Toon backup.lua:116: attempt to perform arithmetic on global 'BackupGas' (a nil value)
2018-02-16 12:19:00.593 dzVents: Info: Power toon: ------ Finished Toon backup
When i look at the output of my toon i get this

Code: Select all

"dev_settings_device":{"uuid":"eneco-001-003065:hdrv_zwave_722E1463E52", "name":"settings_device", "internalAddress":"settings_device", "type":"settings_device", "supportsCrc":"0", "location":"(null)"},
"dev_3":{"uuid":"eneco-001-003065:hdrv_zwave_72262C23F3F", "name":"HAE_METER_v2", "internalAddress":"3", "type":"HAE_METER_v2", "supportsCrc":"1", "ccList":"22 3c 3d 3e 56 60 70 72 7a 86 8b 73", "supportedCC":"22 3c 3d 3e 56 60 70 72 7a 86 8b 73", "IsConnected":"1", "HealthValue":"1", "DeviceName":"", "location":"(null)"},
"dev_3.1":{"uuid":"eneco-001-003065:hdrv_zwave_72227F83F45", "name":"HAE_METER_v2_1", "internalAddress":"3.1", "type":"gas", "supportsCrc":"0", "ccList":"3c 3d 3e 72 86", "supportedCC":"3c 3d 3e 72 86", "CurrentGasFlow":"0.00", "CurrentGasQuantity":"98200.00", "location":"(null)"},
"dev_3.2":{"uuid":"eneco-001-003065:hdrv_zwave_722E9E83F45", "name":"HAE_METER_v2_2", "internalAddress":"3.2", "type":"elec", "supportsCrc":"0", "CurrentElectricityFlow":"266.00", "CurrentElectricityQuantity":"221461.00", "location":"(null)"},
"dev_3.3":{"uuid":"eneco-001-003065:hdrv_zwave_722438D3F45", "name":"HAE_METER_v2_3", "internalAddress":"3.3", "type":"elec_delivered_nt", "supportsCrc":"0", "CurrentElectricityFlow":"NaN", "CurrentElectricityQuantity":"NaN", "location":"(null)"},
"dev_3.4":{"uuid":"eneco-001-003065:hdrv_zwave_722255A3F45", "name":"HAE_METER_v2_4", "internalAddress":"3.4", "type":"elec_received_nt", "supportsCrc":"0", "CurrentElectricityFlow":"NaN", "CurrentElectricityQuantity":"NaN", "location":"(null)"},
"dev_3.5":{"uuid":"eneco-001-003065:hdrv_zwave_72272633F45", "name":"HAE_METER_v2_5", "internalAddress":"3.5", "type":"elec_delivered_lt", "supportsCrc":"0", "CurrentElectricityFlow":"NaN", "CurrentElectricityQuantity":"NaN", "location":"(null)"},
"dev_3.6":{"uuid":"eneco-001-003065:hdrv_zwave_722D79F3F45", "name":"HAE_METER_v2_6", "internalAddress":"3.6", "type":"elec_received_lt", "supportsCrc":"0", "CurrentElectricityFlow":"NaN", "CurrentElectricityQuantity":"NaN", "location":"(null)"}
What is the problem here?
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Re: Toon as a domotica controller?

Post by Eggybert »

Changed the scrip so the gas should work now. Not sure why the electricity is going wrong at the moment
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Re: Toon as a domotica controller?

Post by Hypermobile »

Eggyberts script. so credits are for him
We disagree on using UserVariables; but i think there is a bug in Domoticz. :D
I Got stranges values as well. This script worked for at least 3 days correct.

It's a Domoticz Event > DZ Vents.
Non P1, ANALOG reads from toon to domoticz.
UnDisable DZVents in Domoticz>settings>other.
Set DZvents-Logsettings: "Errors + minimal excetution info+generic info" for DZ vents in Domoticz>Settings>other

Create User variables in Domoticz; look in the script for the correct names.
Set correct IDX to Write to

Code: Select all

return {
    -- 'active' controls if this entire script is considered or not
    active = true, -- set to false to disable this script
    logging = {
        level = domoticz.LOG_INFO, -- Select one of LOG_INFO, LOG_DEBUG, LOG_ERROR, LOG_FORCE to override system log level
        marker = "Power toon"
    on = {
        timer = {
            'every minute'
    data = {
        --Als er alleen data ouder is dan 15 min iets doen
        lastKwhMemory = { history = true, maxItems = 1 },
        lastGasMemory = { history = true, maxItems = 1 }
    execute = function(domoticz)
        local ToonIP = domoticz.variables('UV_ToonIP').value --192.168.0.*
        local DomoticzIP = domoticz.variables('UV_DomoticzIP').value --192.168.0.*:8084
        local KwhMemory = domoticz.variables('UV_TotalPower').value --interger 0
        local GasMemory = domoticz.variables('UV_TotalGas').value --interger 0
        local GasIDX = 371
        local ElectricityIDX = 372
        --Replace all dev_3 for your number you can find @ http://TOONIP/hdrv_zwave?action=getDevices
        --Replace IDX number to your IDX numers. Gas and electic instance/counter
        --make the User Valriables above (TotalPower and TotalGas are integers 0, ToonIP is a string, DomoticzIP is a string with IP:port 192.168.0.*:8084)
        --Handle json
        --local json = assert(loadfile "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Domoticz\\scripts\\lua\\json.lua")()  -- For Windows
        --local json = assert(loadfile "/home/maes/domoticz/scripts/lua/JSON.lua")()  -- For Linux
        local json = assert(loadfile "/volume1/@appstore/domoticz/var/scripts/lua/JSON.lua")()  -- For Synology
            json.strictTypes = true
        local handle = assert(io.popen(string.format('curl http://%s/hdrv_zwave?action=getDevices.json', ToonIP)))
        local ZwaveInfo = handle:read('*all')
                -- remove the .
        ZwaveInfo = string.gsub(ZwaveInfo, "dev_3.", "dev_3")
        ZwaveInfo = string.gsub(ZwaveInfo, "dev_3:", "dev_3\":")
        local jsonZwaveInfo = json:decode(ZwaveInfo)
        if jsonZwaveInfo == nil then
            domoticz.log('<font color="green">No data from Toon', domoticz.LOG_INFO)
        if( == 0 or == 0) then
            domoticz.log('<font color="green">Last memory empty', domoticz.LOG_INFO)
        local CurrentGasQuantity = tonumber(jsonZwaveInfo["dev_31"]["CurrentGasQuantity"])
        --print(CurrentGasQuantity .. " CurrentGasQuantity")
        local CurrentElectricityQuantity = tonumber(jsonZwaveInfo["dev_32"]["CurrentElectricityQuantity"])
        --print(CurrentElectricityQuantity .. "kWh CurrentElectricityQuantity")
        local CurrentElectricityFlow = tonumber(jsonZwaveInfo["dev_32"]["CurrentElectricityFlow"])
        --print(CurrentElectricityFlow .. "W CurrentElectricityFlow")
        local TempElectricity = 0
        if(CurrentElectricityQuantity >= and ~= 0) then
            --Calculate new value 201 = 200(user variable) + (101(new value) - 100(memory last loop))
            TempElectricity = KwhMemory + (CurrentElectricityQuantity -
            --Electric usage
            --WhActual: Number. Current Watt usage.
            --updateEnergy(energy): Function. In Watt. Supports command options.
            domoticz.log('<font color="green">Power from toon: ' .. TempElectricity/1000 .. 'kwh USAGE | ' .. CurrentElectricityFlow .. 'w consumed | ', domoticz.LOG_INFO)
            --update user variable to current value
            --for next loop
            --lastKwehMemory is emtpy so no idea how much usage there was. set for next loop
        local TempGas = 0
        --check if the counter is higher then lastGasMemory and the lastGasMemory is not 0
        if(CurrentGasQuantity >= and ~= 0) then
            --Calcukate new value 201 = 200 + (101 - 100)
            TempGas = GasMemory + (CurrentGasQuantity -
            --counter: Number. Value in m3
            --counterToday: Number. Value in m3
            --updateGas(usage): Function. Usage in dm3 (liters). Supports command options.
            domoticz.log('<font color="green">Gas from toon: ' .. TempGas/1000 .. 'm3', domoticz.LOG_INFO)
            --update user variable to current value
            --domoticz.variables('UV_ToonGas').set(TempGas)  --due to Domoticz bug it doesn't work on synology alternative below.
            --for next loop
            --lastKwehMemory is emtpy so no idea how much usage there was. set for next loop
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Re: Toon as a domotica controller?

Post by Hypermobile »

Something else:
Is there a way to Toggle the Switch 'tap water' by a Json command?

I would like to run some tests.
To switch it off in Domoticz when we're not at home
tapwater.JPG (40.48 KiB) Viewed 15667 times
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Re: Toon as a domotica controller?

Post by TheHogNL »

Try the url /happ_thermstat?action=setBoilerOnOff&state=off
I don't have opentherm so couldn't check with my Toon but I think this is the one.
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Re: Toon as a domotica controller?

Post by Hypermobile »

TheHogNL wrote:Try the url /happ_thermstat?action=setBoilerOnOff&state=off
I don't have opentherm so couldn't check with my Toon but I think this is the one.

but switch stay's 'on' :|
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Re: Toon as a domotica controller?

Post by TheHogNL »

Ok then this is doing something else :lol:

I have seen on another Toon that it does send a boiler off or on command to opentherm. Maybe it is supposed to turn of the whole boiler itself or not, depening if the boiler accepts the command.
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Re: Toon as a domotica controller?

Post by TheHogNL »

Found another URL which should be helpfull.. however I didn't manage to find the correct parameters yet.
The URL is /happ_thermstat?action=updateDhwValue

And should be appened with some unknown parameters. I tried &enabled=0 or &setpoint=40 already and some others. But no luck yet. The result is always OK but no messages been sent towards the boiler.
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Re: Toon as a domotica controller?

Post by glsf91 »

I made a dzVents script in Domoticz to get "Graaddagen" in Domoticz.

It is getting information from KNMI for a weatherstation nearby. It will be saved to a custom sensor(name: Graaddagen) which you have to create.
The "graaddag" from yesterday is saved on today's date (is not possible to save to yesterday) and also visible for today in the graph.

You have to change the station. You can find station number here:

Script is non blocking for Domoticz. Hangt Domoticz will not blocked if site is not available.
Script is running 2 times a day. One time to get data and 1 minute later again to process data.
Don't start too early because data is not immediately available.

You can change the name of the sensor at the bottom if this script.

Code: Select all

-- meer info hier:
-- stations:

local ResultFile = '/var/tmp/tmpknmi.txt' -- Temporary file to store the servers response
local fetchIntervalMins = 5 -- don't change
local scriptVersion = '1.0.0'
local station = 267
local meanTemperatureInside = 18

local function round(num, idp)
   local mult = 10^(idp or 0)
   return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult

return {
    active = true,
    logging = {
        level = domoticz.LOG_INFO, -- Uncomment to override the dzVents global logging setting
        marker = 'Graaddagen '..scriptVersion
    on = {
        timer = { 'at 08:05-08:07'} -- warning: don't change the last number 5 and 7
    execute = function(domoticz, device)
        -- When time, call the URL and exit.
        -- The following minute, return to read the result file 
        local callUrl = false
        if ('*t').min % fetchIntervalMins) == 0 then
            callUrl = true
        elseif (('*t').min -1) % fetchIntervalMins) ~= 0 then
        previousday ='%Y%m%d', os.time() - 60*60*24)
        if callUrl then
            local url = ''
            startdate ='%Y%m%d', os.time() - 2*60*60*24)
            local data = 'vars=TG&start='..startdate..'&end='..previousday..'&stns='..station
            domoticz.log('Requesting data from the knmi server...', domoticz.LOG_INFO)
            domoticz.log('URL used: '..url, domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
            domoticz.log('DATA used: ', domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
            os.execute('curl --data "''" -s "'..url..'" > '..ResultFile..'&')
            return -- Nothing more to do for now, we'll be back in a minute to read the data!

        ---loads a json file with the provided name and returns it as a table (if it exists)
        local function readLuaFromFile(fileName)

            local month = tonumber('%m'))
            if ((month >= 4) and (month <= 9)) then
                weegfactor = 0.8
            elseif ((month == 3) or (month == 10)) then
                weegfactor = 1.0
                weegfactor = 1.1            
            local file =, 'r')
            if file then
                while true do 
                    local line = file:read("*line")
                    if not line then break end
                    if debug then domoticz.log('Line:'..line, domoticz.LOG_DEBUG) end
                    -- skip lines starting with #
                    if not string.find(line, "#", 1) then
                        linestation, linedate, linegraden = string.match(tostring(line), '([0-9]*),([0-9]*), *([-0-9]*)')
                        domoticz.log('linestation:'..linestation, domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
                        domoticz.log('linedate:'..linedate, domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
                        domoticz.log('linegraden:'..linegraden, domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
                        graden = tonumber(linegraden)/10
                        domoticz.log('graden:'..graden, domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)

                        difference = os.difftime (linedate,previousday)
                        domoticz.log('previousday:'..previousday, domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
                        domoticz.log('difference date:'..difference, domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
                        -- get only line from yesterday
                        if (difference == 0 ) then
                            if graden >= meanTemperatureInside then
                                return 0 
                            return round((meanTemperatureInside - graden) * weegfactor,0)
            return nil

        local graadgraden = readLuaFromFile(ResultFile)
        if not graadgraden then
            domoticz.log('Could not read data from file or not data for yesterday available: '.. ResultFile, domoticz.LOG_ERROR)
        domoticz.log('Result graaddagen: '..graadgraden, domoticz.LOG_INFO)
        domoticz.devices('Graaddagen').updateCustomSensor(graadgraden) -- change sensor name 
Posts: 286
Joined: Fri Aug 25, 2017 4:42 pm

Re: Toon as a domotica controller?

Post by michel30 »


After an upgrade I have an issue with viewing this webpage: http://TOON_IP/happ_pwrusage?action=GetCurrentUsage the issue is 403 - Forbidden

I had it also for the other 4 site, but that is fixed by editing an extra line in edit qmf_release.xml with <item>happ_thermstat</item>

I have only the problem for http://TOON_IP/happ_pwrusage?action=GetCurrentUsage
Posts: 286
Joined: Fri Aug 25, 2017 4:42 pm

Re: Toon as a domotica controller?

Post by michel30 »

michel30 wrote:Hello,

After an upgrade I have an issue with viewing this webpage: http://TOON_IP/happ_pwrusage?action=GetCurrentUsage the issue is 403 - Forbidden

I had it also for the other 4 site, but that is fixed by editing an extra line in edit qmf_release.xml with <item>happ_thermstat</item>

I have only the problem for http://TOON_IP/happ_pwrusage?action=GetCurrentUsage
My problem is solved by installing the latest ToonStore and now the webpage happ_pwrusage?action=GetCurrentUsage is working.
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