I've been doing a lot of reading about Toon in combination with Domoticz. So i bought a Toon on Marktplaats and followed multiple manuals installing appliactions etc. I also unlocked the gas/power history.
But it has been nagging me that i did not run the latest version. I was running 3.6.3 but i wanted the latest version (currently: 4.4.21). But the Toon was hanging on the wall and i did not want te remove it and connect the cables to get access again. So i started thinking about using Cron te replace the crucial files after every reboot. So i did some testing and is succesfully updated my toon without losing SSH access. But i did lose the extra programs, unlocked features (but thats alright, thats not to much work).
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1. Install Cron (see the post about installing the wasteapp)
2. Copy /etc/default/iptables.conf to /root/iptables.conf
3. Copy /etc/passwd to /root/passwd
4. open Crontab (Crontab -e) and enter the following
[i]@reboot cp /root/iptables.conf /etc/default/iptables.conf
@reboot cp /root/passwd /etc/passwd[/i]
5. Open up the VPN connection to Eneco (remove the # bevore OPENVPN in the /etc/inittab file)
6. reboot Toon
7. update Toon (mine had to update twice)
At this point you will lose SSH access after the first reboot.
8. Reboot Toon again
SSH access will be restored after this reboot.
9. Close the OpenVPN connection again (add the # bevore OPENVPN in the /etc/inittab file)