I have been browsing this forum for a while now and have learned a lot, thanks!
Have rooted my Toon and been a happy user since. Sadly though, the previous owner decided to stop paying for the Toon subscription and all of a sudden, my Toon is pretty crippled.
Things I really miss :
Energy usage history (graphs)
Smoke Detector status (Have 2 Fibaro smoke detectors I used to be able to see)
Philips Hue (This is a big one for me, I was running HABridge to make my Domoticz devices available on the Toon and I really miss being able to turn on all lights, lower the screens, turn on the TV from my Toon. Even my girlfriend misses it

I have found 2 posts on the forum pertaining to this topic
viewtopic.php?f=87&t=8743&start=195#p78479 (23-01-2016)
and another method where you could edit an XML (can't find the link ).
Both options where posted quite a while ago and I was wondering what the current (best?) method was to enable all the goodies.
Software version: 4.8.25
Firmware Ketelmodule 37
Firmware meteradaprer 0.25/0.13
Thanks in advance for your time and patience!