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Rooted toon hangs on bootscreen

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2018 10:31 pm
by maxx001

I think I really messed up now... I bought a toon from MP which i successfully rooted, it was running 4.9.23 software when everything was fine. I then picked up the toon and accidentally pushed the update buttons (how I still don't know :shock: ) While updating the power cord got disconnected from the Toon and now the system hangs on boot screen. The Toon shows its name in the screen with two of the dots lit up.

I can access Toon with SSH and tried several things:

1. run opkg update - this returns :
# opkg update
Downloading http://feed.hae.orig/feeds/qb2/ene/4.10.6/Packages.gz.
Downloading http://feed.hae.orig/feeds/qb2/oe/2.6.3 ... ackages.gz.
Downloading http://feed.hae.orig/feeds/qb2/oe/2.6.3 ... ackages.gz.
Collected errors:
* opkg_download: Failed to download http://feed.hae.orig/feeds/qb2/ene/4.10.6/Packages.gz: Couldn't resolve host name.
* opkg_download: Failed to download http://feed.hae.orig/feeds/qb2/oe/2.6.3 ... ackages.gz: Couldn't resolve host name.
* opkg_download: Failed to download http://feed.hae.orig/feeds/qb2/oe/2.6.3 ... ackages.gz: Couldn't resolve host name.

2. tried the script in /mnt/data/update with following command :
#sh qb2 ene 4.19.10 prepare
this keeps running, nothing happens.
the log file shows :
>> 2018-11-20 20:15:51 +0000 (pid 1638) qb2 ene 4.19.10 prepare

>> 2018-11-20 20:15:51 +0000 (pid 1638) prepare
>> Overriding HCB_FLAV to uni!
>> 2018-11-20 20:15:52 +0000 (pid 1638) preparing
>> Hotfix for writing System Time to RTC
Hardware Clock before: Tue Nov 20 20:15:51 2018 0.000000 seconds
Hardware Clock after : Tue Nov 20 20:15:52 2018 0.000000 seconds

3. tried the update-rooted script Version: 3.36 - TheHogNL this gives following error :

Unable to determine your current running version!
DEBUG information:
(this is only a snipped from complete message)

4. run the update-rooted script again with parameter -v 4.19.10 :
Forcing version: 4.19.10
Now starting the VPN tunnel and waiting for it to be alive and configured...
Now starting the VPN tunnel and waiting for it to be alive and configured...
Now starting the VPN tunnel and waiting for it to be alive and configured...
Now starting the VPN tunnel and waiting for it to be alive and configured...
Now starting the VPN tunnel and waiting for it to be alive and configured...
Now starting the VPN tunnel and waiting for it to be alive and configured...
Could not enable VPN in a normal reasonable time!
DEBUG information: dev wlan0 scope link src dev tap0 scope link src via dev tap0 metric 1024
default via dev wlan0 metric 10
# <persistent /etc/hosts content from /etc/hosts.template file> localhost.localdomain localhost eneco-001-015099 feed
END DEBUG information
Quitting the upgrade. It was a nice try tho...

5. run the script again as update-rooted -v 4.19.10 -d (just trying :-))

Forcing version: 4.19.10
Skip starting VPN
Could not download the upgrade script from the source.
Quitting the upgrade. It was a nice try tho...

All of this and no luck so far, does anyone have anymore tips or tricks i can try or is my Toon garbage now :?: :cry:


Re: Rooted toon hangs on bootscreen

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 1:44 pm
by TheHogNL
Your VPN is not starting correctly. Please start the VPN manually and check (or post here) the log why it isn't starting: "/usr/sbin/openvpn --config /etc/openvpn/vpn.conf "

More specific, from the DEBUG information I see that the VPN did start ( via dev tap0 metric 1024) but the hosts file entry for doesn't match with that route ( feed)
At the moment the VPN is started, the /etc/hosts while will be automatically changed to point to the correct server. Check in your situation if/why it doesn't change.

It could be that /etc/hosts is only correctly written if all apps are started correctly. As you say, the toon doesn't boot up further so maybe that is why the /etc/hosts file isn't correctly written. If that is the case, then start the VPN manually, and then change the entry in /etc/hosts file to point at the ip adres in the routing table ( in the example/debug before, but this changes all the time). And then start the update-script again with -d

Re: Rooted toon hangs on bootscreen

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 10:15 pm
by maxx001
Thanks for your help, you certainly pointed me in the right direction. I did have to edit my host file manually however the script still wouldn't execute without errors (I think it has to do with the current version not being found.
But with your tips I was able to download the script. I ran the script as 'sh qb2 ene 4.19.10 prepare', this returned no errors on the CLI but after inspecting the log files i found error about not finding the correct flavour (ene).

I altered the upgrade-qb2 script to force ene flavour and rerun the prepare. This resulted in a bunch of files being downloaded in the /mnt/data/update directory (yay :mrgreen: ) , now i run the script with the execute parameter and behold.....after waiting patiently i was greeted with a brand now boor screen. After about 5 minutes i'm in again. The only downside is a have to root again because SSH is gone... Thats hat you get for messing around :D

TheHogNL, thanks for your excellent pointers.

Re: Rooted toon hangs on bootscreen

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2018 11:28 pm
by maxx001
re-rooted my toon, and ran the update-rooted script again to go to the latest version. Everything is working as it's supposed to be.

Thanks again for your help

Re: Rooted toon hangs on bootscreen

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2018 11:07 am
by TheHogNL
This is exactly what my scripts does also, except for to make sure that the toon keeps rooted :-)

Re: Rooted toon hangs on bootscreen

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 6:15 pm
by QuasaR
I am having the same issue, my Toon hangs on boot screen.

I start the openvpn manually and get this as a result:

Code: Select all

eneco-001-XXXXXX:~# /usr/sbin/openvpn --config /etc/openvpn/vpn.conf
Mon Jan  7 15:51:55 2019 DEPRECATED OPTION: --tls-remote, please update your configuration
Mon Jan  7 15:51:55 2019 OpenVPN 2.3.11 arm-hae-linux-gnueabi [SSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [EPOLL] [MH] [IPv6] built on Nov 30 2016
Mon Jan  7 15:51:55 2019 library versions: OpenSSL 1.0.2h  3 May 2016, LZO 1.08
Mon Jan  7 15:51:55 2019 Control Channel Authentication: using '/etc/openvpn/vpn/ta.key' as a OpenVPN static key file
Mon Jan  7 15:51:55 2019 Attempting to establish TCP connection with [AF_INET]6X.XX.1X6.X3:443 [nonblock]
Mon Jan  7 15:51:56 2019 TCP connection established with [AF_INET]6X.XX.1X6.X3:443
Mon Jan  7 15:51:56 2019 TCPv4_CLIENT link local: [undef]
Mon Jan  7 15:51:56 2019 TCPv4_CLIENT link remote: [AF_INET]6X.XX.1X6.X3:443
Mon Jan  7 15:51:58 2019 [VPN-Eneco] Peer Connection Initiated with [AF_INET]6X.XX.1X6.X3:443
Mon Jan  7 15:52:00 2019 TUN/TAP device tap0 opened
Mon Jan  7 15:52:00 2019 do_ifconfig, tt->ipv6=0, tt->did_ifconfig_ipv6_setup=0
Mon Jan  7 15:52:00 2019 /sbin/ifconfig tap0 netmask mtu 1500 broadcast
Mon Jan  7 15:52:00 2019 Initialization Sequence Completed
Next I correct my hosts file:

Code: Select all

# <persistent /etc/hosts content can be added to /etc/hosts.template file>               localhost.localdomain           localhost               eneco-001-XXXXXX               feed
And I run ./ -d -v 4.22.7 to do the update process again. This fails with the following messages:

Code: Select all

Welcome to the rooted Toon upgrade script. This script will try to upgrade your Toon using your original connection with Eneco. It will start the VPN if necessary.
Please be advised that running this script is at your own risk!

Version: 3.42  - TheHogNL & TerrorSource & yjb - 21-12-2018


Skip starting VPN
Forcing version: 4.22.7
Could not download the upgrade script from the source.
Quitting the upgrade. It was a nice try tho...
What else can I do to get the update to work again ?

Re: Rooted toon hangs on bootscreen

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 6:45 pm
by TheHogNL
Why are you using the -d option? This will skip the VPN. Only useful if you really know what you are doing.

Re: Rooted toon hangs on bootscreen

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 9:56 pm
by QuasaR
TheHogNL wrote:Why are you using the -d option? This will skip the VPN. Only useful if you really know what you are doing.
When I don't use the -d option it doesn't start the VPN. Only way to get it started is by starting it manually.

I was able to get the VPN up and get the script to work but no matter what version I use it keeps hanging at boot.

What can I do to get it back up and running (factory reset) ?

Re: Rooted toon hangs on bootscreen

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 10:42 pm
by mAiden
QuasaR wrote:
TheHogNL wrote:Why are you using the -d option? This will skip the VPN. Only useful if you really know what you are doing.
When I don't use the -d option it doesn't start the VPN. Only way to get it started is by starting it manually.

I was able to get the VPN up and get the script to work but no matter what version I use it keeps hanging at boot.

What can I do to get it back up and running (factory reset) ?
Just be sure: /etc/inittab is filled?

Try to plug a UTP cable on Toon, try then to use update script. I think you're wireless network is not to setup now.

Re: Rooted toon hangs on bootscreen

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 10:53 pm
by TheHogNL
QuasaR wrote:
TheHogNL wrote:Why are you using the -d option? This will skip the VPN. Only useful if you really know what you are doing.
When I don't use the -d option it doesn't start the VPN. Only way to get it started is by starting it manually.

I was able to get the VPN up and get the script to work but no matter what version I use it keeps hanging at boot.

What can I do to get it back up and running (factory reset) ?
Hanging at boot means that the QT (the gui part) isn't loading. As you still can logon to your toon the operating system itself is running fine.
Troubleshooting this is not easy. You could check the output from '/usr/bin/startqt'
But if you need assistance, just send me your 06-number in a private message and we will start a teamviewer session.

Re: Rooted toon hangs on bootscreen

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 10:57 pm
by QuasaR
The network doesn't seem the problem. I can get the VPN up manually and it can get all the files needed for the update.


Code: Select all

# /etc/inittab: init(8) configuration.
# $Id: inittab,v 1.91 2002/01/25 13:35:21 miquels Exp $

# The default runlevel.

# Boot-time system configuration/initialization script.
# This is run first except when booting in emergency (-b) mode.

# What to do in single-user mode.

# /etc/init.d executes the S and K scripts upon change
# of runlevel.
# Runlevel 0 is halt.
# Runlevel 1 is single-user.
# Runlevels 2-5 are multi-user.
# Runlevel 6 is reboot.

l0:0:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 0
l1:1:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 1
l2:2:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 2
l3:3:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 3
l4:4:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 4
l5:5:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 5
l6:6:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 6
# Normally not reached, but fallthrough in case of emergency.

# HCBv2 static stuff
#ovpn:235:respawn:/usr/sbin/openvpn --config /etc/openvpn/vpn.conf --verb 0 >/dev/null 2>&1
qtqt:245:respawn:/usr/bin/startqt >/dev/null 2>&1
# add serial console access:
gett:235:respawn:/sbin/getty -L 115200 ttymxc0 vt102
tscs:245:respawn:/usr/bin/tsc >/var/log/tsc 2>&1

# WARNING: auto-managed by '/etc/init.d/HCBv2 inittabwrap' with '/HCBv2/etc/start.d/*'
#          lines containing 'inittabwrap' will be removed automagically.
netc:235:respawn:/etc/init.d/HCBv2 inittabwrap hcb_netcon
comm:345:respawn:/etc/init.d/HCBv2 inittabwrap hcb_comm
even:345:respawn:/etc/init.d/HCBv2 inittabwrap happ_eventmgr
kpik:345:respawn:/etc/init.d/HCBv2 inittabwrap happ_kpi
pwru:345:respawn:/etc/init.d/HCBv2 inittabwrap happ_pwrusage
scsy:345:respawn:/etc/init.d/HCBv2 inittabwrap happ_scsync
smar:345:respawn:/etc/init.d/HCBv2 inittabwrap happ_smartplug
ther:345:respawn:/etc/init.d/HCBv2 inittabwrap happ_thermstat
user:345:respawn:/etc/init.d/HCBv2 inittabwrap happ_usermsg
weat:345:respawn:/etc/init.d/HCBv2 inittabwrap happ_weather
bxtp:345:respawn:/etc/init.d/HCBv2 inittabwrap hcb_bxtproxy
conf:345:respawn:/etc/init.d/HCBv2 inittabwrap hcb_config
logl:345:respawn:/etc/init.d/HCBv2 inittabwrap hcb_log
rrdr:345:respawn:/etc/init.d/HCBv2 inittabwrap hcb_rrd
watc:345:respawn:/etc/init.d/HCBv2 inittabwrap hcb_watchdog
hueh:345:respawn:/etc/init.d/HCBv2 inittabwrap hdrv_hue
p1p1:345:respawn:/etc/init.d/HCBv2 inittabwrap hdrv_p1
zwav:345:respawn:/etc/init.d/HCBv2 inittabwrap hdrv_zwave
ligh:345:respawn:/etc/init.d/HCBv2 inittabwrap lighttpd
# end of 'inittabwrap' section.

When I run startqt this is the output:

Code: Select all

Starting Qt
[hxml] libhcb_xml          v0.1 r133   (Sep 27 2018 11:19:52) [master#545837b645] (ezxml 0.8.6)
[hbxt] libhcb_boxtalk      v0.1 r162   (Oct  1 2018 10:41:59) [master#93e4a0ed4c]
[hcom] libhcb_com          v0.1 r171   (Sep 27 2018 16:04:53) [master#381ed66a10]
[hdrv] libhcb_drv          v0.1 r427   (Oct  1 2018 13:20:03) [master#bd0f0aeb89]
[hbas] libhcb_base         v0.1 r391   (Sep 27 2018 16:33:50) [master#b19a5006da]
QIconvCodec::convertToUnicode: using Latin-1 for conversion, iconv_open failed
QIconvCodec::convertFromUnicode: using Latin-1 for conversion, iconv_open failed
QTsLibMouseHandler "tslib" ""
Loading resource "../qml/drawables.rcc"
Loading resource "../qml/resources.rcc"
[hbas]Config from /qmf/etc, loading 3 files with decreasing importance.
[hbas]Config from /qmf/etc/qmf_tenant.xml priority 3
[hbas]Config from /qmf/etc/qmf_release.xml priority 2
[hbas]Config from /qmf/etc/qmf_hardware.xml priority 1
[hbas]Config '<qt-gui>ScreenOffToBlank' not found, using default '0'
[qt-gui] qt-gui            v0.1 r9017  (Nov  2 2018 10:00:27) [release-4.22#39998a8e0c] pid(2926)
[hbas]Config '<qt-gui>noDiscoByebye' not found, using default '0'
[hbas]Config '<qt-gui>configProvider' not found, using default '(null)'
[hbas]Config '<qt-gui>packageUuid' not found, using default 'eneco-001-033321:qt-gui'
[hdrv]Adding internal handler default'7'quit
[hdrv]Adding internal handler default'7'ping
[hdrv]Adding internal handler default'7'doInit
[hdrv]Adding internal handler ConfigProvider'8'GetPackageConfigResponse
[hdrv]Adding internal handler ConfigProvider'7'StoreConfig
[hdrv]Adding internal handler default'7'SetStdoutLvl
[hdrv]Adding internal handler default'7'SetNotifyLvl
[hdrv]Adding internal handler default'9'QueryStateVariable
[hdrv]Adding internal handler default'7'RegisterStateListener
[hdrv]Adding internal handler default'7'webRequest
[hdrv]Adding internal handler default'7'UpdateDataSetSubscription
[hdrv]Adding internal handler default'7'GetDataSet
[hdrv]Adding disco handler 0x400BAE98 for hcb_log
[hdrv]Adding disco handler 0x400BD774 for hcb_web
[hdrv]Adding disco handler 0x400AAAB4 for hcb_config
[hdrv]Adding disco handler 0x96954 for happ_kpi
[hbas]OpenProcess: `grep -h -E 'Package:|Version:' /usr/lib/ipkg/info/base-*-*.control /var/lib/opkg/info/base-*-*.control`
grep: /var/lib/opkg/info/base-*-*.control: No such file or directory
[hbas]Found FirmwareVersion: 4.22.7
[hdrv]Adding driver handler specific1'7'UpdateDataSet
[hbas]Config '<general>Tenant' is 'Eneco'
[hdrv]Adding disco handler 0x48A94 for hdrv_zwave
[hdrv]Adding disco handler 0x48A94 for happ_thermstat
[hdrv]Adding driver handler default'7'setScreenState
[hdrv]Adding disco handler 0x48A94 for happ_scsync
[hdrv]Adding disco handler 0x48A94 for hcb_config
[hdrv]Adding disco handler 0x48A94 for happ_kpi
[hdrv]Adding driver handler features'8'GetFeaturesResponse
[hdrv]Adding driver handler specific1'8'GetAgreementDetailsResponse
[hdrv]Adding driver handler specific1'8'GetRegistrationInfoResponse
[hdrv]Adding driver handler ConfigProvider'8'GetPackageConfigResponse
[hcom]Connecting to hcb_comm @ localhost:1337 as 'eneco-001-033321:qt-gui'...
[libhcb_com:../../src/libhcb_com2.c@_hcom2_connect_int():323]connection status: 111(Connection refused)
[hdrv]Adding disco handler 0x48A94 for happ_kpi
[hdrv]Adding disco handler 0x48A94 for hdrv_sensory
[hdrv]Adding disco handler 0x48A94 for happ_usermsg
Loading Open Sans font from imports
[hcom]Connecting to hcb_comm @ localhost:1337: 'Success'...
[qt-gui:../../src/hcbinit.c@HCBv2_refresh():110]ERROR: Disconnected
[libhcb_com:../../src/libhcb_com2.c@_hcom2_connect_int():323]connection status: 111(Connection refused)
[hcom]Connecting to hcb_comm @ localhost:1337: 'Success'...
[qt-gui:../../src/hcbinit.c@HCBv2_refresh():110]ERROR: Disconnected
[libhcb_com:../../src/libhcb_com2.c@_hcom2_connect_int():323]connection status: 111(Connection refused)
[hcom]Connecting to hcb_comm @ localhost:1337: 'Success'...
[qt-gui:../../src/hcbinit.c@HCBv2_refresh():110]ERROR: Disconnected
[libhcb_com:../../src/libhcb_com2.c@_hcom2_connect_int():323]connection status: 111(Connection refused)
[hcom]Connecting to hcb_comm @ localhost:1337: 'Success'...
[qt-gui:../../src/hcbinit.c@HCBv2_refresh():110]ERROR: Disconnected
[libhcb_com:../../src/libhcb_com2.c@_hcom2_connect_int():323]connection status: 111(Connection refused)
[hcom]Connecting to hcb_comm @ localhost:1337: 'Success'...
[qt-gui:../../src/hcbinit.c@HCBv2_refresh():110]ERROR: Disconnected
^C[libhcb_drv:../../src/libhcb_drv.c@_hdrv_sigIntHandler():1429]^C received: signalHandler() is shutting qt-gui down...
^C[libhcb_com:../../src/libhcb_com2.c@_hcom2_connect_int():323]connection status: 111(Connection refused)
[hcom]Connecting to hcb_comm @ localhost:1337: 'Success'...
[qt-gui:../../src/hcbinit.c@HCBv2_refresh():110]ERROR: Disconnected
[libhcb_com:../../src/libhcb_com2.c@_hcom2_connect_int():323]connection status: 111(Connection refused)
^C[hcom]Connecting to hcb_comm @ localhost:1337: 'Success'...
[qt-gui:../../src/hcbinit.c@HCBv2_refresh():110]ERROR: Disconnected
[libhcb_com:../../src/libhcb_com2.c@_hcom2_connect_int():323]connection status: 111(Connection refused)
^C[libhcb_drv:../../src/libhcb_drv.c@_hdrv_sigIntHandler():1447]ERROR: ^C received again: forcing exit!

Re: Rooted toon hangs on bootscreen

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 11:16 pm
by TheHogNL
Your startqt output shows that it has problem connecting to the HCBv2 processes.
Check if your have these running:

# ps w | grep hcb
781 root 21652 S {hcb_netcon} HCBv2 hcb_netcon [OK] [S1|N1]
782 root 333m S {hcb_comm} HCBv2 hcb_comm [OK] [20 clients] [S1|N1]
793 root 17524 S {hcb_bxtproxy} HCBv2 hcb_bxtproxy [OK] [S:0:0:0 R:0:0 Q:0 (PRD)] [S1|N1]
794 root 22476 S {hcb_config} HCBv2 hcb_config [OK] [S1|N1]
795 root 12088 S {hcb_log} HCBv2 hcb_log [OK] [S1|N1]
803 root 20456 S {hcb_rrd} HCBv2 hcb_rrd [OK] [S1|N1]
804 root 21244 S {hcb_watchdog} HCBv2 hcb_watchdog [OK] [S20|N1]

Re: Rooted toon hangs on bootscreen

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 11:22 pm
by TheHogNL
Also check this:
~# telnet localhost 1337
Home Control Box -- hcb_comm/r199 hbas/r410 hdrv/r446 hcom/r175 hbxt/r162 hxml/r136 -- V=3 E=none A=none -- BoxTalk Hub Ready.
(you can exit this with control-] and then e for exit)

Re: Rooted toon hangs on bootscreen

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 11:24 pm
by QuasaR
No output and can't connect with telnet:

Code: Select all

eneco-001-XXXXXX:~# ps w | grep hcb
 3964 root      2964 S    grep hcb
eneco-001-XXXXXX:~# telnet localhost 1337
telnet: can't connect to remote host ( Connection refused

Re: Rooted toon hangs on bootscreen

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 11:26 pm
by TheHogNL
What happens if you start hcb_comm manually?
~# /qmf/sbin/hcb_comm -vvvv 2>&1