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New to automation but full of ideas lol

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 7:03 pm
by s8utt
Havnig spent more than a few hours reading info on this site I've decided to try and jump in.

I've just bought a new car so thought I'd try to automate this first.

I have a Visonic Powermax alarm and from what I've read if I want to detect the sensors on a computer I need one of those RFXcom Visonic RF Receivers ?

I found this site which talks about using a Visonic transmitter and reciever to monitor if his car was on the drive.

So reading this could I use the RFXcom Rf Receiver and a MCT100 to monitor ignition and door lock status ?

One thing I don't understand however is what happens when the MCT100 goes out of range, ie the car drives off ?

Food for thought aint it.

New to automation but full of ideas lol

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 9:11 pm
by Bwired
Great project, I have this already in my car as well, but still have to put this on my website.
Yes you can use the Visonic MCT-100 or the MCT-302 as transmitter in your car. I have also the RFXcom receiver with a extra 868MHZ antenna (Conrad). If your car and sensor is out of range the last received signal is the status.
So if the engine is started (sensor on) and there is no status update with the next 15 minutes, the car is gone. If your car is at home (sensor off) and you do not receive a status check anymore the your car is probably stolen, loaded on a truck :-) Don't forget to lock the doors of the car, sensor 2 status on. Love those Visonic sensors together with the RFXcom receiver.

New to automation but full of ideas lol

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 12:56 am
by s8utt
fantastic thats just what I want. Only other question is, is there a way for the computer RFXcom reciever to know that the sensor is out of range ?

Could then alert me if it disappears one night, God I hope not.

The ammount of times I gone to my car in the morning to discover I forgot to lock it. Those remote key fobs are great but you can easily forget to lock the dam thing.

I can tell I'm going to be spending some money and spending a lot of time on here.

Cheers for your help and you amazing site Pieter