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S10 light switch - click twice to turn off?

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 10:32 am
by DJF3

I have installed 2x S10 lightswitches in my house:
Image S2222 (2-wire)

Both have an MS13 motion sensor which sends out 'D6' so homeseer turns on the S10 module 'S6'.

When I leave the room ("Toilet" [:)] ) I press the switch to turn it off.
Problem: It doesn't turn off with the first click. In most cases I have to press "off" twice to turn off the light.

Have you see this before?


PS. One thing I would love to change is:
- Turn OFF the dimming memory (light always switches to 100%)
- Turn OFF the soft start.
Don't think this is possible.

S10 light switch - click twice to turn off?

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 11:07 am
I have also few not used S10 device.
Problem is they will not send the status to HS when switched off.

S10 light switch - click twice to turn off?

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 12:10 pm
by andywee
I have those switches also.. heaps.. like 20+..
those are what I called backup switches quite literally. now everything is MS13 controlled. so I hever had to press anything.
those are good for when HS goes down.

S10 light switch - click twice to turn off?

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 12:11 pm
by andywee
eh, wait.. those are normal switches.. I got the scene controllers. all my wall switches are scene controllers.

S10 light switch - click twice to turn off?

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 1:09 pm
by DJF3
The S10 switch doesn't send the status, but that shouldn't matter right? If I press 'OFF' it should turn off?

Unless the switch doesn't really know that it's turned on because I did not PRESS to turn on (MS13 sends ON command). That would be weird...

Haven't seen this behavior when I press the button ON and OFF.