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Strange reboots

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 3:49 pm
by Snelvuur

So i got this nice new i7, with a ssd card and some storage.. and i run vmware on it with windows 2008 server on it.

However, every now and then, it just reboots.. and i cant see any signs what happened. Windows does not say much more rather then some binary line of the incident which i cant read.

Do you guys have some sort of way to traceback reboots? I mean, now it happens about once a week, but sometimes after 2 days.. i cant get a grip on it.

My first assumption would be the SSD disk, since after a reboot it does not see the disks correctly. I have to turn the box on/off again totally before it sees it again.

Its a pain, i can go back to the store.. but they will just hook it up do a burn in test for 24 hours and give it back.. so i need something to throw some weight in this story.. :)

// Erik (

Strange reboots

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 4:21 pm
by Alexander
check you dump files. (check ... ump-files/)


Strange reboots

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 4:28 pm
by mhn
Some SSD disks have a pause once in a while. That make Windows crash.

I can't remember witch brand, that have the error.

Strange reboots

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 4:34 pm
by drmacchi
try a duty force using an OS (linux) on usb pen to check any further reboot. that will be the comparison. Otherwise, a defective Ram ?

Strange reboots

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 10:34 pm
I hope it's not a SSD problem.
I remember similar problems from my first SSD..
IS there any checkdsk after restart?

made was OCZ?

check this

<hr noshade size="1"><font size="1">Enver ... dware.html<i> My Domotica Hardware Software</i></font id="size1">

Strange reboots

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 2:10 am
by Snelvuur
i have the turbo series.. so they should not be affected.. so far the machine has been running now since friday..

i can always do some burnin test.. but my first suspect would be the ssd.. i have seen similar issues on my laptop with ssd. But i blaim that on the no-screw for the harddisk.. (so its jammed into the side, not the best way to do it) so if i dont move the laptop the whole week, it will work the whole week :).. my bad.

But the tweakers story is the same, strange reboot, and then it does not see it anymore..

// Erik (

Strange reboots

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 4:23 pm
by Snelvuur
So i thought it would not happen again, yesterday it was d-day again. Checked the event logs of windows 2008 server and the only message it shows is "the previous system shutdown bla bla was unexpected"

So now would be a good time to analyse the memory.dmp if i am correct, so i search the whole system.. no memory dump to be found. I'am now in the stage where i blaim the SSD card. I have one in my laptop and sometimes it just gives a blue screen and then i have to press the power button and reboot to start it up again. If this is the same case with the one in my server.. ouch..

so in short, i dont have any dumps, and when i check the machine its just hanging in the seconds bios screen where it shows all your details and then just sits there (basicly because it cant find the disk anymore) i have to reboot the machine (hard) and then it finds the disks again.

Kinda like the ... hp?t=63114 post, but in his case he could do a test and make the server crash. I did run several testes, including hd tests but it wont crash. i am just a bit out of idea's..

// Erik (

Strange reboots

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 4:31 pm
by Edwin2008
did you run a memory test?

Strange reboots

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 4:50 pm
by Snelvuur
I've run a benchmark/burn test with sisoft sandra.. but no crashes ..

bad thing is, my windows 2008 server is installed on the SSD, i can move it to my raid-1 hd setup.. but i dont know if there are any tools out there to just say "move it to these disks" because i would hate it to reinstall it (since besides the reboots its runs good)

// Erik (

Strange reboots

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 4:57 pm
by Edwin2008
for mem test i mostly use the UBCDWIN cd or the first disk of a linux distro and then from the prompt memtest.
For transferring, you could use acronis or perhaps ghost (not sure if ghost -dos version- will recognize the ssd)

Strange reboots

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 5:06 pm
by Snelvuur
yeah i check acronis, not sure if they can do it, the rescue cd says something about 1 on 1 copy's but not sure.. will test.. moving all data now to other location so i can "screw things up"

then disconnecting the ssd, and see if i can keep the system up for more then a few weeks..

// Erik (

Strange reboots

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 5:16 pm
by Edwin2008
if acronis recognizes the hardware you will be able to do a disk duplication. Must say that you have to read very carefully, it's very easy to make a mistake. Also make sure that the correct partition is set to active otherwise the system will not boot.