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Jeenode Roomboard broken

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 3:06 pm
by j.hoekstra
As soon as I connect the soldered roomboard to the jeenode and start it up the SHT11 sensor heats up, so something wrong there...
Turns out it's soldered on wrong and I need to unsolder it, however it turns out it isn't that easy. The desoldering wick helps a bit, but doesn't soak up all the tin, so how best to go about it?

I'm also worried this 'abuse' has destroyed the sensor itself, is there any way to determine that visually?

Re: Jeenode Roomboard broken

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 4:42 pm
by Bwired
You need to firmly holf the board, heat up the solder and then pull out the sensor with a tweezer (pincet)
Dont heat up to long otherwise you destroy the board or other.
Its a difficul job.

Re: Jeenode Roomboard broken

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 6:00 pm
by Mdamen
Did you solder it on the wrong way, or did you get it that way? I think the SHT11 is presoldered?
If the latter is the case I would contact JC...

Re: Jeenode Roomboard broken

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 6:14 pm
by j.hoekstra
I had it soldered by another forum-member, but turns out that it was really small to solder ;)
Will be an interesting exercise...
If I compare it to an image on Digit's log I see it's soldered on other pins.

Re: Jeenode Roomboard broken

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 6:53 pm
by spierie
That is the reason I just ordered the Room boards PCB only. I don't like the SHT11, it is small and expensive.
It is just easier to use the Room board with only a DS18B20, LDR and a PIR.

Humidity is not so high on my list, and I already have 1 complete Room board running, so humidity in the livingroom only.....

Or do you guys disagree on this?


Re: Jeenode Roomboard broken

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 10:01 pm
by Mdamen
@Michel: I don't think there is a "right way", either way it's based on your requirements. The DS18B20 is a little less precise compared to the SHT11.