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Controlling Devices from the iPhone/iPad

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 2:05 am
by Jaren
Hello, I'm a brand new user of DomotiGa.

I read in the release notes from back on Nov. 4th that you should be able to control devices using the iPhone/iPad now.
How does this work? Is there a custom app for DomotiGa, or a generic app that interfaces with DomotiGa?

I tried using the web client, and it looks like so far you can view status but not change the status of devices.
Is this the best way to control things from the iPhone?



By the way, I'm using all Z-Wave devices and the Aeon Z-Stick2 with Ubuntu Maverick.
I wired up the devices, paired them with the stick, plugged it into the computer and everything "just worked".
What a great experience!
Thanks to everyone who has worked on this project.

Re: Controlling Devices from the iPhone/iPad

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 11:37 pm
by BreFra

I've looked for it too and discovered that the iPhone support is based on the "CF iViewer" of

So you have to enable the "CF iViewer" interface within domotiga, install the (free) "CF iViewer" app on your iPhone and design a control interface using the guiDesigner of commandfusion.

Personally I got to the point of designing a gui but couldn't find a way to somehow update the gui automatically. I.e. when you add an extra device it will automatically be added to your iPhone inteface. Including regular updating the status of a device.
I looked for other solutions like but as far I know they're al based on the same (party fixed) gui design.

At the moment I've some ideas to create a website which combines the jQtouch interface with Ajax based calls which communicates with the domotiga server using javascript XML-RPC as the control engine.

But I'm not a web designer so I don't know if this is technical possible but i like challenges, so maybe I can get this to work. If so I'll share it with you and the other domotiga users. :wink:


Re: Controlling Devices from the iPhone/iPad

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 8:59 am
by Jaren
Thanks Frank.

I also have been thinking of either enhancing the existing webclient to include a control interface, or creating something new.
Right now I'm trying to help get open-zwave working with Domotiga.
Some sort of iphone solution will be my next priority.