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Domotiga and Plugwise fw 2010?

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 6:58 pm
by rongten

I've recently bought a pandaboard rev A3 just for Domotiga: I've installed gambas from svn and domotiga too, and apparently all works correctly.

I'm now trying to setup my plugwise home starter pack, but I have a problem: the plugs have FW 2010-11-01.

In the device setup I've chosen FW 2009, and the basic functionality of turn on and turn off works correctly, but then I have the dreaded

Code: Select all

2011/05/01 18:50:47 [Plugwise] GetPowerInfo() didn't get expected answer for address '000D6F0000XXYYZZ' result was ''
2011/05/01 18:50:47 [Plugwise] Is module plugged in and address correct?
2011/05/01 18:50:47 [Plugwise] Checking relay state of device 'custom-circle+' with address 000D6F0000XXYYZZ
2011/05/01 18:50:47 [Plugwise] MAC: 000D6F0000XXYYZZ
2011/05/01 18:50:47 [Plugwise] String: 0023000D6F0000XXYYZZ CRC: 406D
2011/05/01 18:50:47 [Plugwise] Write: 0023000D6F0000XXYYZZ406D

2011/05/01 18:50:47 [Plugwise] GetDeviceInfo() didn't get expected answer.
2011/05/01 18:50:47 [Plugwise] Is module plugged in and address correct?
Where the device is my newly installed one and not one from the examples: the results is basically the same than with the example devices:

Code: Select all

2011/05/01 18:50:45 [Plugwise] GetPowerInfo() didn't get expected answer for address '000D6F00001C8F22' result was ''
2011/05/01 18:50:45 [Plugwise] Is module plugged in and address correct?
2011/05/01 18:50:45 [Plugwise] Checking relay state of device 'Close-in Boiler' with address 000D6F00001C8F22
2011/05/01 18:50:45 [Plugwise] MAC: 000D6F00001C8F22
2011/05/01 18:50:45 [Plugwise] String: 0023000D6F00001C8F22 CRC: FCE1
2011/05/01 18:50:45 [Plugwise] Write: 0023000D6F00001C8F22FCE1

Do you guys think is definitely a problem with the new firmware or a problem with my settings?

Is there already some work in progress for this FW?

If not, I could try to read the ... t-released and try to come up with something but I am not really sure I would be able to.

I've a windows XP laptop where I've installed Source (2.16) and I could try to figure out the differences.

Best Regards, and compliments for all the work already done.


Re: Domotiga and Plugwise fw 2010?

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 5:53 pm
by rongten
Ok, I've digged a little in the topic.

I've read all what I could find, and I started to use PortMon to sniff USB traffic, and then I started to debug the answers of the stick to the domotiga commands.

I've realized that actually the powerinfo and getdeviceinfo were not failing systematically, but randomly. I've added some debugging options and I've modified a little the CPlugwise.class as follow (patch agains 594):

Code: Select all

--- CPlugwise.class     2011-05-15 17:30:44.000000000 +0200
+++ 2011-05-15 17:30:21.000000000 +0200
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ PUBLIC SUB Run()
   tPlugwise.Delay = iPollTime * 1000 ' multiply for seconds
-  IF iFirmware = 2009 THEN InitStick()
+  IF iFirmware = 2009 OR IF iFirmware = 2010 THEN InitStick()
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ PUBLIC SUB InitStick()
     Main.WriteDebugLog(("[Plugwise] String: ") & sString & (" CRC: ") & sCRC)
+  sResult = GetResult(STICKINITRESPONSECODE, sComplete)
   IF sResult THEN
     IF bPlugwiseDebug THEN
       sSeq = Mid(sResult, 1, 4)
@@ -180,23 +180,25 @@ PUBLIC SUB GetDeviceInfo(sAddress AS Str
     Main.WriteDebugLog(("[Plugwise] String: ") & sString & (" CRC: ") & sCRC)
-  IF iFirmware = 2009 THEN iMinLength += 34
+  IF iFirmware = 2009 OR IF iFirmware = 2010 THEN iMinLength += 34
+  sResult = GetResult(DEVICEINFORESPONSECODE, sComplete)
   IF Len(sResult) > iMinLength THEN
-    IF iFirmware = 2009 THEN
-      sMacRecv = Mid(sResult, 5, 16)
-      sRelay = Mid(sResult, 37, 2)
-    ELSE
-      sMacRecv = Mid(sResult, 1, 16)
-      sRelay = Mid(sResult, 33, 2)
-    END IF
+    SELECT iFirmware
+      CASE 2010, 2009
+        sMacRecv = Mid(sResult, 5, 16)
+        sRelay = Mid(sResult, 37, 2)
+      CASE 2008
+        sMacRecv = Mid(sResult, 1, 16)
+        sRelay = Mid(sResult, 33, 2)
     sState = IIf(sRelay = "01", "On", "Off")
     IF bPlugwiseDebug THEN
       Main.WriteDebugLog(("[Plugwise] GetDeviceInfo Result: ") & sResult)
       Main.WriteDebugLog(("[Plugwise] MAC Address: ") & sMacRecv)
-      IF iFirmware = 2009 THEN
+      IF iFirmware = 2009 OR IF iFirmware = 2010 THEN
         sSeq = Mid(sResult, 1, 4)
         sLogAddress = Mid(sResult, 29, 8)
         iLogAddress = (HexToInt(sLogAddress) - 278528) / 32
@@ -237,27 +239,29 @@ PUBLIC SUB GetPowerInfo(sAddress AS Stri
     Main.WriteDebugLog(("[Plugwise] String: ") & sString & (" CRC: ") & sCRC)
-  IF iFirmware = 2009 THEN iMinLength += 24
+  IF iFirmware = 2009 OR IF iFirmware = 2010 THEN iMinLength += 24
+  sResult = GetResult(CALIBRATIONRESPONSECODE, sComplete)
   IF Len(sResult) > iMinLength THEN
-    IF iFirmware = 2009 THEN
-      sSeq = Mid(sResult, 8, 4)
-      fGainA = HexToFloat(Mid(sResult, 28, 8))
-      fGainB = HexToFloat(Mid(sResult, 36, 8))
-      fOffTot = HexToFloat(Mid(sResult, 44, 8))
-      fOffNoise = HexToFloat(Mid(sResult, 52, 8))
-    ELSE
-      fGainA = HexToFloat(Mid(sResult, 1, 8))
-      fGainB = HexToFloat(Mid(sResult, 9, 8))
-      fOffTot = HexToFloat(Mid(sResult, 17, 8))
-      fOffNoise = HexToFloat(Mid(sResult, 25, 8))
-    END IF
+    SELECT iFirmware
+      CASE 2010, 2009
+        sSeq = Mid(sResult, 8, 4)
+        fGainA = HexToFloat(Mid(sResult, 28, 8))
+        fGainB = HexToFloat(Mid(sResult, 36, 8))
+        fOffTot = HexToFloat(Mid(sResult, 44, 8))
+        fOffNoise = HexToFloat(Mid(sResult, 52, 8))
+      CASE 2008
+        fGainA = HexToFloat(Mid(sResult, 1, 8))
+        fGainB = HexToFloat(Mid(sResult, 9, 8))
+        fOffTot = HexToFloat(Mid(sResult, 17, 8))
+        fOffNoise = HexToFloat(Mid(sResult, 25, 8))
     IF bPlugwiseDebug THEN
       Main.WriteDebugLog(("[Plugwise] GetCalibration Result: ") & sResult)
-      IF iFirmware = 2009 THEN Main.WriteDebugLog(("[Plugwise] Sequence Number: ") & sSeq)
+      IF iFirmware = 2009 OR IF iFirmware = 2010 THEN Main.WriteDebugLog(("[Plugwise] Sequence Number: ") & sSeq)
       Main.WriteDebugLog(("[Plugwise] GainA: ") & Str(fGainA))
       Main.WriteDebugLog(("[Plugwise] GainB: ") & Str(fGainB))
       Main.WriteDebugLog(("[Plugwise] OffTot: ") & Str(fOffTot))
@@ -269,16 +273,16 @@ PUBLIC SUB GetPowerInfo(sAddress AS Stri
     sCRC = Hex(CalculateCRC(sString))
     sComplete = sHeader & sString & sCRC & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
+    sResult = GetResult(POWERINFORESPONSECODE, sComplete)
-    IF iFirmware = 2009 THEN
-     iMinLength = 32
-    ELSE
+    IF iFirmware = 2008 THEN
      iMinLength = 20
+    ELSE
+     iMinLength = 32
     END IF
     IF Len(sResult) > iMinLength THEN
-      IF iFirmware = 2009 THEN
+      IF iFirmware = 2009 OR IF iFirmware = 2010 THEN
         sSeq = Mid(sResult, 8, 4)
         sPulses = Mid(sResult, 28, 4)
@@ -292,7 +296,7 @@ PUBLIC SUB GetPowerInfo(sAddress AS Stri
       IF bPlugwiseDebug THEN
         Main.WriteDebugLog(("[Plugwise] GetPowerInfo Result: ") & sResult)
-        IF iFirmware = 2009 THEN Main.WriteDebugLog(("[Plugwise] Sequence Number: ") & sSeq)
+        IF iFirmware = 2009 OR IF iFirmware = 2010 THEN Main.WriteDebugLog(("[Plugwise] Sequence Number: ") & sSeq)
         Main.WriteDebugLog(("[Plugwise] Pulses: ") & sPulses & " (hex) " & iPulses)
         Main.WriteDebugLog(("[Plugwise] Corrected Pulses: ") & fCorrectPulses)
         Main.WriteDebugLog(("[Plugwise] kWh: ") & Str(fkWh))
@@ -335,54 +339,76 @@ PRIVATE FUNCTION HexToInt(sHex AS String
-PRIVATE FUNCTION GetResult(sType AS String) AS String
+PRIVATE FUNCTION GetResult(sType AS String, sCommand AS String) AS String
   DIM iTries AS Integer = 32
-  DIM sData, sTemp, sResult AS String
+  DIM iAttempts AS Integer = 0 
+  DIM sData, sTemp, sResult, sOldData AS String
   DIM iBegin AS Integer
+  DIM bGarbage AS Boolean = TRUE
-  WHILE (iTries > 0)
+  WHILE (bGarbage)
+    iTries = 32
+    WHILE (iTries > 0)
     ' wait a bit and read response.
-    SLEEP 0.01
+      SLEEP 0.01
     ' see if we got some data.
-    TRY READ #hPlugwise, sTemp, Lof(hPlugwise)
-    sData &= sTemp
-    DEC iTries
+      TRY READ #hPlugwise, sTemp, Lof(hPlugwise)
+      sData &= sTemp
+      DEC iTries
+    WEND
+    iBegin = InStr(sData, Chr(5) & Chr(5) & Chr(3) & Chr(3) & sType)
+    IF (iBegin == 0) THEN 
+      IF (iAttempts < 3) THEN  
+        bGarbage = TRUE
+        sOldData = sData
+        Send(sCommand)
+      ELSE 
+        bGarbage = FALSE
+      END IF
+    ELSE 
+      bGarbage = FALSE
+    END IF
+    INC iAttempts
   SELECT sType
-      iBegin = InStr(sData, Chr(5) & Chr(5) & Chr(3) & Chr(3) & CALIBRATIONRESPONSECODE)
       IF iBegin THEN
-        IF iFirmware = 2009 THEN
+        SELECT iFirmware
+          CASE 2010, 2009
             sResult = Mid(sData, iBegin + 1, 150)
-          ELSE
+          CASE 2008
             sResult = Mid(sData, iBegin + 24, 52)
-          END IF
+        END SELECT 
       END IF
-      iBegin = InStr(sData, Chr(5) & Chr(5) & Chr(3) & Chr(3) & POWERINFORESPONSECODE)
       IF iBegin THEN
-        IF iFirmware = 2009 THEN
-          sResult = Mid(sData, iBegin + 1, 61)
-        ELSE
-          sResult = Mid(sData, iBegin + 24, 37)
-        END IF
+        SELECT iFirmware
+          CASE 2010, 2009
+            sResult = Mid(sData, iBegin + 1, 61)
+          CASE 2008
+            sResult = Mid(sData, iBegin + 24, 37)
+        END SELECT 
       END IF
-      iBegin = InStr(sData, Chr(5) & Chr(5) & Chr(3) & Chr(3) & DEVICEINFORESPONSECODE)
       IF iBegin THEN
-        IF iFirmware = 2009 THEN
-          sResult = Mid(sData, iBegin + 8, 60)
-        ELSE
-          sResult = Mid(sData, iBegin + 8, 34)
-        END IF
+        SELECT iFirmware
+          CASE 2010, 2009
+            sResult = Mid(sData, iBegin + 8, 60)
+          CASE 
+            sResult = Mid(sData, iBegin + 8, 34)
+        END SELECT 
       END IF
-      iBegin = InStr(sData, Chr(5) & Chr(5) & Chr(3) & Chr(3) & STICKINITRESPONSECODE)
       IF iBegin THEN sResult = Mid(sData, iBegin + 8, 72)
+  IF (iAttempts > 1) AND IF (Len(sResult) > 0) THEN 
+        Main.WriteDebugLog(("sOldData wrong") & sOldData & ("  sData correct") & sData)
+  END IF 
   RETURN sResult
Basically I do a check and if I do not receive the answer I expect, I resend the command and I read again up to 3 times.
This actually seems working (from server-debug):

Code: Select all

2011/05/14 22:41:52 [Plugwise] Checking power usage of device 'custom-circle+' with address 000D6F0000XXYYZZ
2011/05/14 22:41:52 [Plugwise] Calibration Request
2011/05/14 22:41:52 [Plugwise] MAC: 000D6F0000XXYZZ
2011/05/14 22:41:52 [Plugwise] String: 0026000D6F0000XXYZZ CRC: B1EC
2011/05/14 22:41:52 [Plugwise] Write: ^E^E^C^C0026000D6F0000XXYZZB1EC

2011/05/14 22:41:53 [Plugwise] Write: ^E^E^C^C0026000D6F0000XXYZZB1EC

2011/05/14 22:41:53 sOldData wrongPutFifoUnicast 60 : Handle 3373 : 000D6F0000XXYZZ
  sData correctPutFifoUnicast 60 : Handle 3373 : 000D6F0000XXYZZ
PutFifoUnicast 60 : Handle 3374 : 000D6F0000XXYZZ

2011/05/14 22:41:53 [Plugwise] GetCalibration Result: ^E^C^C00270D2E000D6F0000XXYZZ3F80160BB563356F3D7BD95600000000E23E
I must still check if this ugly hack actually works all the time (and if it works at all....). I've enabled rrdtools, and I'll keep the thing under observation.


Re: Domotiga and Plugwise fw 2010?

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 8:25 am
Thanks, I will have a look at the diff, and commit it to the svn repository...

Re: Domotiga and Plugwise fw 2010?

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 9:15 pm
The patch doesn't seem to work here for 2009 firmware, it keeps missing GetPower and GetDevice data.
Can you mail me the complete class file? See for e-mail address the README in domotiga directory.

Re: Domotiga and Plugwise fw 2010?

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 10:09 pm
by rongten
Hello Ron,

I've sent am email with the complete class to the address in the README (the last but one line). I hope it is ok.