here is my netremote screen that shows RGB scrollbars and colour preview

this controls the color SETPOINT for all rgb ledstrips and rgb panels.
the panels/ledstrips(also x10 dimmers) go on/off automatically when the room is occupied/unoccupied.
moving the scrollbars, will have immediate effect in the rooms that are currently occupied...
(of course it's easy to control the colour of each ledstrip/rgb panel separately, it would just require a more elaborate user interface)
the left scrollbar is the dim level setpoint for all my x10 dimmers in all rooms
(again, it's easy to control the dim level of each x10 dimmer separately, it would just require a more elaborate user interface. I have currently set all x10 dimmers that are in the same room, to the same X10 address, so they dim at the same time. but that is not necessary)