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Starting with domotica

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 10:37 pm
by ErikBooij
Good evening ladies and gentlemen :)

I've been interested in gadgets and everything related to it and what's a greater gadget than being able to control the entire house from the PC / iPad? Right, I'm not the only one here who thinks that way, but I might be the only one who doesn't have a clue where to start.

What I'd like to achieve, for starters, is being able to control one switch from my PC, whether with special software or from a browser interface. I'd like to expend later to cope with my ambitious fantasies.

What my ultimate wish is, is being able to control everything (lighting, curtains, the coffee machine, etc) from a webinterface (programming in PHP is what I'm good at), so I'd like to know what the best solution is for the following:
  • Firstly, just controlling one switch from the PC.
    Then, being able to connect to a webinterface.
    Then, it should be expandable (the more controllable options, the better, right?).
    It should be able to control actuators, read out sensors, etc. (this is for later, when I get comfortable in using this)
Looking forward to your answers!

Kind regards,
Erik Booij

Re: Starting with domotica

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 11:22 pm
Welkom to Domoticaforum.

Check Homeseer and zwave.

Re: Starting with domotica

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 9:56 am
by b_weijenberg
and check DomotiGa, Girder, Homeseer, EventGhost, xPL with RFXLAN and KlikAanKlikUit, HomeEasy and Oregon Scientific sensors.

Re: Starting with domotica

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 12:17 pm
by ErikBooij
Thanks, the both of you!

That ought to keep me busy for a while.