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Initiate new KaKu device using RFXCom command tool

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 5:44 pm
by OWK
Dear Forum

Using a RFXCom LAN transceiver I want to initiate a new KaKu AC1000 device.

I've used Domotiga, tools, RFXCom commander, transmitter in the AC/HE UK tab. The address is set for D1, AC Code 0000 (what is this used for?).
The KaKu unit is flashing (in program mode) and I click ON in RFXCOm commnaer, but no result (the KaKu unit keeps flashing.

Domotiga debug shows after clicking ON:
2011/12/21 16:34:55 [RFXComTX] 215000001000
2011/12/21 16:34:56 [RFXComTX] ACK=>33

I can send X10 commands to existing X10 devices, they work fine, thus ruling out LAN issues to RFXCom.

Am I on the right track here or overlooking something causing this initialisation of a new KaKu not to work?


Re: Initiate new KaKu device using RFXCom command tool

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 5:51 pm
by b_weijenberg
For KAKU you must not enable the HE EU checkbox.

Try this: reset the KAKU unit to erase all programmed remotes.

Re: Initiate new KaKu device using RFXCom command tool

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 7:06 pm
by OWK
Thanks for the reply Bert,

Can you be more specific where the HE EU check box is located in Domotiga

I will reset the device, but it was brand new from the box.


Re: Initiate new KaKu device using RFXCom command tool

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 7:15 pm
by b_weijenberg
the checkbox is in the RFXmitter program, not in DomotiGa (I suppose)

Reset anyway.

Re: Initiate new KaKu device using RFXCom command tool

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 7:39 pm
by OWK
Did the reset, no result

I have LAN transceiver, should I use RFXMitter software and not RFTransmitter as I did?

With RFTransmitter: in the AC tab there is no HE EU checkbox,

In RFXMitter there is a HE EU checkbox, but I run into the same problem: how to set the correct address (D1 for example) into the 4 combo boxes available that have values up to FF.

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 7:50 pm
by Phaeton
Yes, using rfxmitter should help. Had the same my first time with rfxcom

Re: Initiate new KaKu device using RFXCom command tool

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 7:55 pm
Wait a little bit, i have almost changed ac/heeu addressing so it uses the same values as rfxcom software.
So no x10 alike adresses anymore.
This format is also used by rfxcom xpl interface.
Also coding of packet is done correctly now.

Re: Initiate new KaKu device using RFXCom command tool

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 7:57 pm
by OWK
Thanks for the quick response guys!

I'll wait for the new release.


Re: Initiate new KaKu device using RFXCom command tool

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 12:26 pm
Can you try version 0.1.202?
See example address for new address format.
There is now also an HEEU checkbox in RFXCom Commander.

Re: Initiate new KaKu device using RFXCom command tool

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 11:24 pm
by OWK
Great job again Ron, got it working

I initialised the KaKu device uing the RFXCom commander in Domotiga.

In the example address in device set-up the unit part is 2 digits. Maybe it is an idea to make in the RFXCom Commander the unit address 2 digit too (so: 01 and not 1). It got me confused :?

Thanks again for your great work!


Re: Initiate new KaKu device using RFXCom command tool

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 12:05 am
Maybe thats a bug will check it. I think it should be just 1 not 01 everywhere.