how to install the fibaro devices

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how to install the fibaro devices

Post by mrqnapper »

Hi I have some Fibaro micro relays which I want to build into my existing wall switches. Since I am not much of an electrician I would appreciate some help.

I have a Dutch wiring system. The first shwitch I need to place is the Fibaro FGS211-3watt into a regular one button switch.

On the switch there are connections for:

N - L - IN - O - S2 - S1

Now in my wall switch I have a brown wire which is the fase (L) and a Black wire witch goes towards the light point.

Now If I am correct I need to attach the brown wire into the L on the switch
The Black wire goes into the O
A new wire goes from S1 towards the switch
and an other new wire goes from IN towards the switch?

Now the question is? Do I need a blue wire attached to the N as well? (since this N goes straight towards the light point its not there...)

Any help on this to prevent messing up things:) In the documentation from fibaro I can not get a clear picture how to get this in the right way.


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Post by Phaeton »

You need the blue wire with a switch. Most zwave dimmers dont need the blue wire. So it's either using a dimmer or pulling a blue wire.

One last tip, be carefull installing. If you don't know what you're doing it can be dangerous.

Good luck!
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Re: how to install the fibaro devices

Post by mrqnapper »

Well i did the complete installation of all the wiring etc. by myself (some year ago), so I think I will manage..

Now this is what the wiring should look like. Not a fancy technical drawing, but just one, that makes clear for me how the wires should be attached.

Will be continued.. :)

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Post by Phaeton »

Didn't want to offend you ;-)
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Re: how to install the fibaro devices

Post by mrqnapper »

Having the single switch working for some weeks now, I also try to get a "Hotel Switch" working with a fibaro switch. Now this is really getting me stressed.

So I have two existing hotel switches build in the wall. In only one of them I have room for the Fibaro switch FGS211 3watt. Now As I understood correctly it would be possible switching the lights with one fibaro switch.
So I have the first switch on S1 and added the wire coming from the 2e switch on S2. The result = this is not working.. ?
Do I have to remove the wire on the second switch which is going to the light bulb?
Or is this wrong all together? Maybe someone managed to get this working and willing to share the experience?
I really appreciate having a schedule explaining how to wire this (clear for us dummies) or some foto's showing how its wired would even be better.
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Re: how to install the fibaro devices

Post by Sooty »

I can't see how the configuration in your diagram would work as you have 2 live wires going to the lamp.

This is how it should be wired. Brown=L Blue=N Orange=Switch

You can add as many switches as you need in this configuration.

Picture1.png (42.63 KiB) Viewed 22357 times
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Re: how to install the fibaro devices

Post by mrqnapper »

Paul thanks for your help. I tried this and its working, but not the way I want. Now when I push switch 1 to on the light goes on. Than When I want to use the other switch switching it of again that's not going to work. So wat I wanted to achieve is that I can turn on and of the light with both switches no matter which one was used putting the light on or off.
So maybe I made a mistake or maybe the firbaro itself is not working properly. When all the wires in place and have the mains on, I could not get the fibaro included on my stick? (It fell on the floor from 1 meter hight so it might be damaged? I'm not sure).
So I'm a bit lost here :)
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Re: how to install the fibaro devices

Post by mrqnapper »

Still looking for the best way to get this "hotel switch" working. Now both wires from the switch are on s1 but to me it seems more logical that one should be n s1 and the second on s2 ? Than it's more or less wired like the standard hotel switch scheme?

Will try that now. Any other suggestions getting this right? (please with photo or scheme). Thanks
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Re: how to install the fibaro devices

Post by mrqnapper »

Hmmm... still not working. Anyone in the Netherlands got this working? And willing to share the experience with us other dummies :) preferably with some sample photo's or a very clear to understand schedule, on how to get the "hotelschakeling" working with one fibaro switch. Thanks.

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Re: how to install the fibaro devices

Post by geert-jan »

Just a question; what kind of switches/buttons do you use? Are these bi-stable switches (this means that the switch stay in the position when pressed). A mono-stable switch will return to its original position; it just gives a pulse/closes a contact for a short period.

A 'traditional' light switch is a bi-stable switch.

In your configuration you probably use a bi-stable switch; once pressed it will close a contact, and this contact stays closed. When pressing another switch, this switch will also close the contact, but the contact is already closed. Result: Fibaro sees no change, and will not react.

The hotel-schakeling will work when using a mono-stable switch. Alternative is to use a Duwi 'wand-zender' and associate the 'wand-zender' with the Fibaro; this is the configuration I am using, and its working perfect. The wand-zender is battery-operated; no wires needed, so can be mounted anywhere.

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Re: how to install the fibaro devices

Post by geert-jan »

A good night reset helped, I overlooked an obvious solution: when using bi-stable switches you can just use the traditional hotel-schakeling, see wikipedia:
The wire that is normally connected to the lamp should be connected to the Fibaro In, the Fibaro Out is connected to the lamp. Connect line and neutral to the Fibaro, and voila, it should work as you want it to work.

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Re: how to install the fibaro devices

Post by mrqnapper »

Geert-jan thanks for sharing your "dreams" with us :)
Since I live in an somewhat older house I have the traditional bi-stable switches installed. See attached picture.
The blue coded line comes from is from the second hotel-switch
fibaro switch + bi-stable switch
fibaro switch + bi-stable switch
hotel_fibar.jpg (218.13 KiB) Viewed 22273 times
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Re: how to install the fibaro devices

Post by geert-jan »

Just took a quick look on the picture.

In the picture I see only 2 wires connected to the switch. I looks that you wired it according the figure some postings above; this wiring scheme works perfect for mono-stable switches, but not for bi-stable switches. In a hotel/wissel-schakeling a bi-stable switch is used and 3 wires are connected to each switch. See the link above, or just google on hotel/wissel-schakeling.

You will need two wires from the second switch that needs to be connected to the first switch, and one wire from the first switch should go to the Fibaro. A bi-stable switch has markings how to connect these wires (but this assumes that you know how to read the markings).

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Re: how to install the fibaro devices

Post by ralhop »

what i´m asking my self.

is it possible to use bi-stable switches with fibaro dimmers?
how can you dim the lights??
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Re: how to install the fibaro devices

Post by mrqnapper »


Yes you where right the wires on the photo are form the scheme above, and are not working as I expected. Now before I started implementing the fibaro, there where 3 wires connected to both switches. @ one switch the L and one wire going to the light bulb and one wire going towards the other switch, on the other switch the L and the wire coming from the other switch and one black wire which (i assumed) also went to the light bulb? But having a look at the schemes you mentioned in the wiki there is only one wire going towards the light bulb. So where is this wire going to? Or what type is it?
Since it is not possible to add an additional wire from the second switch to the first switch I still hope there is a possibility connecting everything with the available wires.
hotel_fibar2.png (49.34 KiB) Viewed 22247 times
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