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problem with TFA 30.3166 in fw. 433_64

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 12:44 pm
by everwake
I upgraded my rfxtrx433 to firmware 433_64 and now I have issues with the humidity-reading from some of the sensors, looking at the rfxcom debug in DomotiGA

it reads unknown sub type for packet type 52:a, I have attached a screenshot

strangely enough two of my sensors work as intended, and the others show this messages

any ideas?

Re: problem with TFA 30.3166 in fw. 433_64

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 7:18 pm
by b_weijenberg
Disable all protocols you do not use!
At least disable Rubicson if you do not use Rubicson sensors.
Packettype = TEMP_HUM
subtype = TH10 - Rubicson/IW008T/TX95
channel 2
Sequence nbr = 10
ID = 43266
Temperature = 123,3 °C
Humidity = 14
Status = Dry
Signal level = 4
Battery = OK

Re: problem with TFA 30.3166 in fw. 433_64

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 10:15 pm
by everwake
even if I disable rubicson, I still get rubicson readings:

Packettype = TEMP_HUM
subtype = TH10 - Rubicson/IW008T/TX95
channel 2
Sequence nbr = 24
ID = 43266
Temperature = 20,8 °C
Humidity = 14
Status = Dry
Signal level = 6
Battery = OK

strange thing is that I only have TFA 30.3166 (which shows as Viking 02038 ) and La Crosse tx3 Sensors myself.
figured out though that that rubicson entry is using Hideki/UPM which was somehow enabled, so disabling Hideki made it go away.
the signal level would have me believe that enabling Hideki somehow makes my TFA sensors show up as Hideki, it's seems more resonable than the theorie that my closest neighbour somehow bought 4 rubicson/hideki temp/hum sensors last night...

Re: problem with TFA 30.3166 in fw. 433_64

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 10:54 pm
by b_weijenberg
See the firmware history:
02-02-2013 - FW release 433_64
- TH10 - Rubicson/IW008T/TX95 added

This sensor was not received in a previous version so it is possible that this is a sensor from your neighbors.
please check if all your sensors are still received.

Check also with RFXmngr to see all sensors correct decoded.

Re: problem with TFA 30.3166 in fw. 433_64

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 11:57 pm
by everwake
I have been using rfxmgr, seems the TH10 - Rubicson/IW008T/TX95 must belong to a neighbour, but I find it odd that it does not show up when Rubicson is enabled, but it does show up when Hideki/UPM is enabled, surely this must be wrong?

not much of an issue for me as I do not use either Hideki or Rubicson, and Hideki had been enabled by misstake after FW upgrade

Re: problem with TFA 30.3166 in fw. 433_64

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 11:20 am
by b_weijenberg
What is the format of the Set Mode command send to the RFXtrx433?

Did you save a Set Mode with Rubicson enabled? This will be restored if the RFXtrx433 is reset.

Re: problem with TFA 30.3166 in fw. 433_64

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 1:09 pm
by everwake
b_weijenberg wrote:What is the format of the Set Mode command send to the RFXtrx433?

Did you save a Set Mode with Rubicson enabled? This will be restored if the RFXtrx433 is reset.
how do I check the set mode command?

Rubicson was not enabled, I always reset the rfxtrx after each mode change, so I disabled rubicson, reset at it was still recieving the TH10, disabling hideki and resetting made it go away, enabling hideki and resetting once more made it return