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Bodyweight Script

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 9:07 pm
by Irritanterik
I don't take weight lightly, so I use a Oregon Scientific BWR102 weight scale with RFXCOM and Homeseer.
RFXCharts is not my cup of tea, so I wrote this script for assigning a measured weight to a person in my household.

Code: Select all

' FIRST: 1. Create new device type and set cWeightDeviceType in script
'        2. Create a device for each person in the household with the newly created device type
'        3. Use direct control to set a first value for each person in (kilo's * 10):
'              e.g. &hs.SetDeviceValue ("W1", 800) 

Const cLogLevel As Integer = 1                  '0 = no logging, 1 = normal logging, 2 = debug logging
Const cScriptName As String = "TON_Weegschaal"
Const cWeightDevice As String = "]14"
Const cWeightDeviceType As String = "Gewicht"   'All virtual counters must have this custom device type

Public Sub Main(ByVal Parms As String)
	Dim iWeightMeasured AS Integer
	Dim sMessage As String
	Dim oDeviceList
	Dim oDevice
	Dim iAbsoluteDifferenceMatch As Integer
	Dim iAbsoluteDifferenceDevice As Integer
	Dim sDeviceMatch As String
    'Read measured weight
	iWeightMeasured  = hs.DeviceValue(cWeightDevice)
	'Compose message
	sMessage = (iWeightMeasured / 10) & " kg gewogen op weegschaal"
	'Find best match in weight devices
	oDeviceList = hs.GetDeviceEnumerator
	iAbsoluteDifferenceMatch = 1000
	Do While Not oDeviceList.Finished
		oDevice = oDeviceList.GetNext
		If Not oDevice Is Nothing Then
			If oDevice.dev_type_string = cWeightDeviceType And oDevice.hc & oDevice.dc <> cWeightDevice Then
				iAbsoluteDifferenceDevice = Math.Abs(hs.DeviceValue(oDevice.hc & oDevice.dc) - iWeightMeasured)
				If iAbsoluteDifferenceDevice < iAbsoluteDifferenceMatch Then
					iAbsoluteDifferenceMatch = iAbsoluteDifferenceDevice 
					sDeviceMatch = oDevice.hc & oDevice.dc
				End If
			End If
		End If
	'If best match is acceptable: then register
	If iAbsoluteDifferenceMatch < 40 Then
		Log("Gevonden match: " & sDeviceMatch)
	    hs.SetDeviceValue (sDeviceMatch, iWeightMeasured)
		hs.SetDeviceString (sDeviceMatch, "<img src=RFXCOM\images\weight.gif align=absmiddle border=0> " & FormatNumber(iWeightMeasured / 10, 1) & "kg")
		Log("Gevonden match: " & sDeviceMatch & ", maar verschil is te groot.")
	End If
	'Send push notification
	hs.plugin("Pushover (3P)").PushMessage(sMessage)
End Sub

Private Sub Log(sMessage As String, Optional iMessageLevel As Integer = 1)
	If cLogLevel >= iMessageLevel Then
		hs.WriteLog(cScriptName, sMessage)
	End if
End Sub
gewicht_devices.png (24.4 KiB) Viewed 2962 times
gewicht_event.png (13.45 KiB) Viewed 2962 times