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update old x-10, advice ?

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 4:28 pm
by qbic2005
hello guys, girls

I have some ~20 X-10 modules (marmitek) in my house (most are ~10y old and about 6 are currently broken - already).

Due to recent renovation, I would like to equip some more rooms this winter, but I'm not so happy with the stability of these x-10 so I don't want to continue on this path.
Most modules that I need would be of the micro (recessed) type.
But further I only have need for lights, switches, motion controller and blinds. :idea:

What would be my best option?
1. Merge: existing X-10 + zwave/zigbee + raspberry pi (to link both networks up)
2. sell all existing x-10 (on this forum or other, but I assume it will need to be dumping price) + start from scratch with zigbee or zwave
3. other ..... ???

Feel free to write your tainted opinions, any comments welcome :D

Re: update old x-10, advice ?

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 12:37 pm
by Bwired
I can imagine that the reliability of those old X10 Marmitek modules are not that good. I have the latest series (SAIX12 etc.) of Xanura which are working perfect in my setting.
What most people forget is that you need a good infrastructure for X10/A10 which involves filers in the fusebox closeth and on big devices such as refrigarators.
It is also very important to use a good driver, for example the default X10 plugin for Homeseer sucks big time and is missing packages specially when you have lots of modules. Honestly my 40+ Xanura modules are working perfectly but i have all the filter setting etc in place.
Telling all this still the question remains if you should continue with X10 now that you have invest again. Xanura is taken over by Marmitek but i think thats only for selling the old stock which they probably have :), there is no innovation anymore.
So gradually migrate to Zwave for example would be better options, use both networks for the time being. It looks like Zwave is the way forward with many devices and brabds to choose from. But be aware even zwave has problems to encounter :)

Re: update old x-10, advice ?

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 11:45 pm
by qbic2005
great post, good input. thx

Any other that like to give some opinion?

Re: update old x-10, advice ?

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 11:57 pm
by Digit
Here's my story... in a filterless house BTW :wink:

Never had much X10/A10; never liked it. So I chose PLCBUS. This is still working very well, but some modules @ the other end of the house (related to where the interface is) were sometimes missed - once a month or so. But when 2 PLCBUS modules stopped working, I decided to replace them with Insteon modules. Insteon has both powerline and RF mesh. Very reliable. I now have about 5 Insteon modules and they've never let me down yet.

One thing to consider is that using both X10 and Insteon at the same time is not so good - they seem to interfere with each other on the powerline.

Re: update old x-10, advice ?

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 8:06 pm
by Henk
Consider the X10 technology was created back in 1975 and so far the number of X10 modules world wide should be a record and not easily beaten by any other technology.

In the 80's it was possible to connect X10 with a personal computer and it was on the shelves of Radio Shack the Media Market of the USA.

By the end of the 90's new effort by Eaton/Holec with the Xanura development making it two way communication and increasing the reliability. The Home Control Box was a major step forward of an Internet Home Controller. But it was not a total re-design of the X10 technology so it should stay alive another 25 years.

Also X10 communication was not fast - one action per second and sensitive to the quality of main power network. Installations failed if not proper action were taken to filter noise or repeating the X10 signal. It was never adopted by the installation market .... too much problems so they stayed with the good old wired EIB/Konnex technology.

Today many X10 installations will be operational with happy users so it is still around us ... but future is wireless technology and it seems that Zwave will be the winner. For the last couple of years there is a kind of battle going on between Zigbee en Zwave .... but no major break thru of Zigbee was visible so far.

Be ware that a Zwave network needs also care to be designed and keeping it in a good shape.

With the today availability of cheap micro processors (Arduino / Raspberry) , easy network technology , interfacing Android / iPhone there is an explosion of all kind of new home - tech nology based on Internet of the Things. So there will be survivors popping out and creating their own market. Also companies as Apple and Google are now players in this home-arena ....

Home technology will be an interesting area and there will be enough innovation going on.....


Re: update old x-10, advice ?

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 9:34 am
by qbic2005
I 'm thinking of going all Z-Wave on this and sell of the x-10.

No hard feelings on x-10 dough, it served me well in the last 10years, I just feel it is time to move into the new era.

thx guys, any more comments always welcome :)