my ipad hst interface

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Re: my ipad hst interface

Post by r_255 »

Hi Ralph,
I draw my work in xaradraw, a vector program after that i export te stuff to photoshop for easy and pixel perfect processing.
I will post a .psd file where the empty button, text and a icon will be on seperate layers so people could modify them to personal demands.

Allong with that ill post a action that makes the button in a red pressed state with one simple click. It is nothing more than a small macro in photoshop that colours the button red.

The used font is one out of the Futura font family.

Ill post them as soon i find some time...
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Re: my ipad hst interface

Post by ralhop »

Thanks for the fast reply,

it will be nice to give this all to the public.

I have made some buttons clean with no text and try to place them in HStouch and see how it looks like when I just place a text over the button.

it is already good to know the Font.
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Re: my ipad hst interface

Post by Snelvuur »

nice work, i think i might use yours too. I once started with something and although it looked nice at the beginning it still didn't grasp me.. but now that i had a ipad2 for my birthday from my gf, i really need to make some effort into it :)

Anyway, not stealing your thread just showing and uploading the icons i had if someone finds them usefull.
buttons.jpg (78 KiB) Viewed 168031 times
(149.69 KiB) Downloaded 753 times
// Erik (
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Re: my ipad hst interface

Post by r_255 »

Okay on request the empty bottom and top button as .psd file. layered.
and a few more buttons with icons.

The used font is futura lt book ( lt=light font weigth and means thin )
included is a .atn file wich needs to be copied in the photoshop/presests/photoshop actions/ folder

Its a small macro that will make the red version with a simple click and is really handy when you need to do complete folders.
So the easiest way is to make your own buttons and save them as a .png file and copy the complete folder before you start making the red versions.

Now we have all the original buttons in a save place we can start making the red ones.

- Go to photoshop open the File menu and choose automate and then menu item batch

- Now under play you should see default action. Change that to red

- Select the correct folder and if you are sure you have a copy press okay

- Photoshop now will start a small macro that changes all images to red ones in the selected folder.

- Now find your self a rename tool that can change the file name from *-normal.png to *.-pressed.png

- Copy the backed up original -normal buttons allong with the red -pressed ones and you are set.

The action is nothing more than a recorded simple macro in photoshop
and contains the menu option : Image >> adjustments >> Hue/Saturation

have a play with this option to make them blue or a color that matches your personal taste. Its a simple as opening up the actions panel, press record ... now do your tricks in photoshop like resize, change color etc... and press stop when finished. Now save the action and you are ready to let it loose on a bunch of gfx in a folder like described above.

Empty buttons
Empty psd buttons
(25.92 KiB) Downloaded 946 times
iz_button_bottom_phone-norm.png (5.4 KiB) Viewed 168006 times
iz_button_bottom_home-norm.png (5.58 KiB) Viewed 168006 times
iz_button_bottom_graph-norm.png (5.25 KiB) Viewed 168006 times
iz_button_bottom_email-norm.png (5.55 KiB) Viewed 168006 times
iz_button_bottom_agenda-norm.png (6.14 KiB) Viewed 168006 times
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Re: my ipad hst interface

Post by r_255 »

it didn't fit in one

also will add external download link.

Enjoy !

Empty buttons on mediafire


@ Snelvuur, feel free ! I started out in color but wasnt sadisfied about the amount of attention the took. Its like all these colorfull icons in the iphone/pad i sometimes get lost.....
(64.37 KiB) Downloaded 766 times
iz_button_bottom_internet-norm.png (5.45 KiB) Viewed 168009 times
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Re: my ipad hst interface

Post by Snelvuur »

Some more icons that i bumped into today which actually might look nice too.. (the menu bar icons) i still need to make a few extra, like closet room, laundry room, hallway, lobby? (entree) and outside ;)
// Erik (
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Re: my ipad hst interface

Post by DrDoo »

Hi Robin,

Just wanted to let you know how greatfull i am for your skin :)
Started using it (Although some areas are way to advanced for me) and i love it. So does the wife!

My biggest problem with building screens was that i have no clue how to design my own buttons. And most buttons found on the internet aren't nearly as complete.
Further to make the interface look nice, coherent and've done a wonderfull job!

Only using a few screens so far. Made a new remote for MCE viewing for my xbmc and bios setup. Found a vbs somewhere to use the http api to control xbmc and have expanded this alot.
Working awesome i must say.
Still making improvements over some events. For example when using the bios and play pause, it automaticly turns on the lights etc.

And now starting with the home view wich is a bit more challenging. (How do you show the last event run ?)

Anyways, just wanted to let you know im greatfull and thanks for all the hard work.

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Re: my ipad hst interface

Post by Snelvuur »

DrDoo: do share the xbmc stuff in the end too, i have xbmc too but since there is still so many changes in the api calls with xbmc i have not ventured further.
// Erik (
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Re: my ipad hst interface

Post by DrDoo »

Sure :)
Credit go to Talisman from the Homeseer forum (
I just expanded a little on his script for some extra controls. Mind you though....i can copy paste and alter some simple things...i'm no scripter what so ever but is works perfectly for me.

Code: Select all

' help for XBMC HTTP calls
' Button mappings

' No Script Procedure requires element input except volume, for the rest fill in any element into parameter 1.
' Uses a virtual device "X1" to store the IP and toggles in case of multiple XBMC machines on the network

Sub ToggleServerIP(parm as object)

	' ----------------------- Toggle To Other Server IP  ------------------------

    Dim XBMCCurrentIP As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")

    Dim XBMCBedroomIP As String = ""
    Dim XBMCLivingRoomIP As String = ""
	if XBMCCurrentIP = XBMCBedroomIP Then
        hs.SetDeviceString("X1", XBMCLivingRoomIP)
        hs.SetDeviceString("X2", "Living Room")
        hs.writelog("XBMC", "Controlled XBMC is now " & hs.DeviceString("X2"))
    End If
	if XBMCCurrentIP = XBMCLivingRoomIP Then
        hs.SetDeviceString("X1", XBMCBedroomIP)
        hs.SetDeviceString("X2", "Bedroom")
        hs.writelog("XBMC", "Controlled XBMC is now " & hs.DeviceString("X2"))
	End If
	if XBMCCurrentIP <> XBMCLivingRoomIP and XBMCCurrentIP <> XBMCBedroomIP Then
        hs.SetDeviceString("X1", XBMCLivingRoomIP)
        hs.SetDeviceString("X2", "Living Room")
        hs.writelog("XBMC", "No IP was assigned, assigning to LivingRoom ..")
	End If

End Sub

Sub Volume(parm as object)
	' ------------------------ VOLUME Slider --------------------------

	dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")
	dim XBMCVolumeValue = Val (parm(0))
	dim XBMCVolumeCurrentValue As String
	dim XBMCVolumeURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=setvolume(80)"
	'Get Current Volume
	XBMCVolumeCurrentValue = hs.URLAction ("http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=GetVolume", "GET", "", "")
	'Compose new URL
	XBMCVolumeURL = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=setvolume(" & XBMCVolumeValue & ")"

	'Send command to XBMC web interface
	hs.URLAction (XBMCVolumeURL, "GET", "", "")
	hs.writelog("HSTouch", "XBMC Volume Changed to " & XBMCVolumeValue) 
End Sub

Sub ToggleMute(parm as object)

	' ----------------------- VOLUME Mute Toggle  ------------------------

	dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")

	'Compose URL	
	dim XBMCMuteURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=Mute()"

	'Send command to XBMC web interface
	hs.URLAction (XBMCMuteURL, "GET", "", "")

	hs.writelog("XBMC", "Toggled Mute")
End Sub

Sub TogglePause(parm as object)

	' ----------------------- Pause / Play Toggle  ------------------------

	dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")

	'Compose URL	
	dim XBMCPauseURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=Pause()"

	'Send command to XBMC web interface
	hs.URLAction (XBMCPauseURL, "GET", "", "")

	hs.writelog("XBMC", "Pause/Play")
End Sub

Sub Play(parm as object)

	' ----------------------- Play ------------------------

	dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")

	'Compose URL	
	dim XBMCPlayURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=Sendkey(0xF050)"

	'Send command to XBMC web interface
	hs.URLAction (XBMCPlayURL, "GET", "", "")

	hs.writelog("XBMC", "Play")
End Sub

Sub StopPlayback(ByVal parm As Object)

    ' ----------------------- Stop Playback ------------------------

    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")

    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCStopPlaybackURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=Sendkey(0xF058)"

    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCStopPlaybackURL, "GET", "", "")

    hs.writelog("XBMC", "Stop")
End Sub

Sub Queue(ByVal parm As Object)

    ' ----------------------- Queue ------------------------

    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")

    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCQueueURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=Sendkey(0xF051)"

    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCQueueURL, "GET", "", "")

    hs.writelog("XBMC", "Added Media To Queue")
End Sub

Sub FastForward(ByVal parm As Object)

    ' ----------------------- FastForward ------------------------

    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")

    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCFastForwardURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=Sendkey(0xF046)"

    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCFastForwardURL, "GET", "", "")

    hs.writelog("XBMC", "FastForward")
End Sub

Sub Rewind(ByVal parm As Object)

    ' ----------------------- Rewind ------------------------

    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")

    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCRewindURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=Sendkey(0xF052)"

    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCRewindURL, "GET", "", "")

    hs.writelog("XBMC", "Rewind")
End Sub

Sub PlayBackNext(parm as object)

	' ----------------------- PlayBack Next  ------------------------

	dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")

	'Compose URL	
	dim XBMCNextURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=PlayNext()"

	'Send command to XBMC web interface
	hs.URLAction (XBMCNextURL, "GET", "", "")

	hs.writelog("XBMC", "Next")
End Sub

Sub PlayBackPrev(parm as object)

	' ----------------------- PlayBack Previous  ------------------------

	dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")

	'Compose URL	
	dim XBMCPrevURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=PlayPrev()"

	'Send command to XBMC web interface
	hs.URLAction (XBMCPrevURL, "GET", "", "")

	hs.writelog("XBMC", "Previous")
End Sub

Sub Guide(ByVal parm As Object)

    ' ----------------------- Guide  ------------------------

    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")

    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCGuideURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=Sendkey(0xF04D)"

    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCGuideURL, "GET", "", "")

    hs.writelog("XBMC", "Guide")
End Sub

Sub ToggleWatched(ByVal parm As Object)

    ' ----------------------- Toggle Watched Status  ------------------------

    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")

    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCToggleWatchedURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=Sendkey(0xF057)"

    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCToggleWatchedURL, "GET", "", "")

    hs.writelog("XBMC", "Toggle Watched")
End Sub

Sub NowPlaying(parm as object)

	' ----------------------- Now Playing  ------------------------

	dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")

	'Compose URL	
	dim XBMCNowPlayingURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=getcurrentlyplaying"

	'Send command to XBMC web interface
	hs.URLAction (XBMCNowPlayingURL, "GET", "", "")

	hs.writelog("XBMC", "Now Playing")
End Sub

' -------------------  Navigation Keys  ---------------------
Sub NavBack(ByVal parm As Object)

    ' ----------------------- Navigate Back Button  ------------------------

    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")

    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCNavBackURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=SendKey(257)"

    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCNavBackURL, "GET", "", "")

    hs.writelog("XBMC", "Back")
End Sub

Sub Escape(ByVal parm As Object)

    ' ----------------------- ESC Button  ------------------------

    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")

    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCEscapeURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=SendKey(0xF01B)"

    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCEscapeURL, "GET", "", "")

    hs.writelog("XBMC", "Cancel")
End Sub

Sub NavConfirm(parm as object)

	' ----------------------- Navigate Confirm Button  ------------------------

	dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")

	'Compose URL	
	dim XBMCNavConfirmURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=SendKey(256)"

	'Send command to XBMC web interface
	hs.URLAction (XBMCNavConfirmURL, "GET", "", "")

	hs.writelog("XBMC", "Confirm")
End Sub

Sub NavUp(parm as object)
	' ----------------------- Navigate Up Button  ------------------------
	dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")
	'Compose URL	
	dim XBMCNavUpURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=SendKey(270)"
	'Send command to XBMC web interface
	hs.URLAction (XBMCNavUpURL, "GET", "", "")
End Sub

Sub NavDown(parm as object)
	' ----------------------- Navigate Down Button  ------------------------
	dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")
	'Compose URL	
	dim XBMCNavDownURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=SendKey(271)"
	'Send command to XBMC web interface
	hs.URLAction (XBMCNavDownURL, "GET", "", "")
End Sub

Sub NavLeft(parm as object)
	' ----------------------- Navigate Left Button  ------------------------
	dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")
	'Compose URL	
	dim XBMCNavLeftURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=SendKey(272)"
	'Send command to XBMC web interface
	hs.URLAction (XBMCNavLeftURL, "GET", "", "")
End Sub

Sub NavRight(ByVal parm As Object)
    ' ----------------------- Navigate Right Button  ------------------------
    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")
    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCNavRightURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=SendKey(273)"
    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCNavRightURL, "GET", "", "")
End Sub

Sub Info(ByVal parm As Object)
    ' ----------------------- Info Button  ------------------------
    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")
    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCInfoURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=SendKey(0xF049)"
    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCInfoURL, "GET", "", "")
End Sub

Sub Menu(ByVal parm As Object)
    ' ----------------------- Menu Button  ------------------------
    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")
    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCMenuURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=SendKey(0xF043)"
    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCMenuURL, "GET", "", "")
End Sub

Sub TAB(ByVal parm As Object)
    ' ----------------------- TAB Button  ------------------------
    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")
    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCTABURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=SendKey(0xF009)"
    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCTABURL, "GET", "", "")
End Sub

Sub SubtitleDelay(ByVal parm As Object)
    ' ----------------------- Subtitle Delay  ------------------------
    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")
    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCSubtitleDelayURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=Action(52)"
    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCSubtitleDelayURL, "GET", "", "")
End Sub

Sub SubtitleDelayPlus(ByVal parm As Object)
    ' ----------------------- Subtitle Delay Forward  ------------------------
    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")
    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCSubtitleDelayPlusURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=Action(53)"
    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCSubtitleDelayPlusURL, "GET", "", "")
End Sub

Sub NextLanguage(ByVal parm As Object)
    ' ----------------------- Next Language  ------------------------
    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")
    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCNextLanguageURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=Action(56)"
    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCNextLanguageURL, "GET", "", "")
End Sub

Sub ScanItem(ByVal parm As Object)
    ' ----------------------- Scan Item  ------------------------
    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")
    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCScanItemURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=Action(201)"
    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCScanItemURL, "GET", "", "")
End Sub

Sub ShowSubtitle(ByVal parm As Object)
    ' ----------------------- Scan Item  ------------------------
    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")
    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCShowSubtitleURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=Action(25)"
    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCShowSubtitleURL, "GET", "", "")
End Sub

Sub NextSubtitle(ByVal parm As Object)
    ' ----------------------- Scan Item  ------------------------
    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")
    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCNextSubtitleURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=Action(26)"
    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCNextSubtitleURL, "GET", "", "")
End Sub

Sub CurrentPlaylist(ByVal parm As Object)
    ' ----------------------- Scan Item  ------------------------
    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")
    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCCurrentPlaylistURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=ExecBuiltIn(ActivateWindow(musicplaylist))"
    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCCurrentPlaylistURL, "GET", "", "")
End Sub

' ----------------  Navigate Directly To Pages  ----------------  
Sub NavPageHome(ByVal parm As Object)

    ' ----------------------- Navigate to HomePage  ------------------------

    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")

    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCNavHomeURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=ExecBuiltIn(ActivateWindow(Home))"

    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCNavHomeURL, "GET", "", "")

    hs.writelog("XBMC", "Navigating to Home Page")
End Sub

Sub NavPageVideos(ByVal parm As Object)

    ' ----------------------- Navigate to Videos  ------------------------

    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")

    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCNavPageVideosURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=ExecBuiltIn(ActivateWindow(Videos,Files,return))"

    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCNavPageVideosURL, "GET", "", "")

    hs.writelog("XBMC", "Navigating to Video Page")
End Sub

Sub NavPageMusic(ByVal parm As Object)

    ' ----------------------- Navigate to Videos  ------------------------

    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")

    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCNavPageMusicURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=ExecBuiltIn(ActivateWindow(musicfiles,Muziek,return))"

    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCNavPageMusicURL, "GET", "", "")

    hs.writelog("XBMC", "Navigating to Music Page")
End Sub

Sub ShutDown(ByVal parm As Object)

    ' ----------------------- Shutdown the Machine  ------------------------

    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")

    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCShutDownURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=Shutdown()"

    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCShutDownURL, "GET", "", "")

    hs.writelog("XBMC", "Shutting down " & XBMCIPAdress)
End Sub

Sub Restart(ByVal parm As Object)

    ' ----------------------- Restart HTPC  ------------------------

    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")

    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCRestartURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=Restart()"

    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCRestartURL, "GET", "", "")

    hs.writelog("XBMC", "Restarting HTPC " & XBMCIPAdress)
End Sub

Sub FileDelete(ByVal parm As Object)

    ' ----------------------- DeleteFile  ------------------------

    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")

    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCFileDeleteURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=Action(80)"

    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCFileDeleteURL, "GET", "", "")

    hs.writelog("XBMC", "Delete File")
End Sub
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Re: my ipad hst interface

Post by r_255 »

Very good to read you are enjoying my interface!

It could be that the light problem is due to stacked buttons. Just try to move the piece by piece to see if there is any...
Keep in mind that a button it's state can be invisible ! so mainly you only see a rectangle that is selected.
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Re: my ipad hst interface

Post by Phaeton »

A real beginners question, but could someone help me on my way in how to use the above script in hstouch?
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Re: my ipad hst interface

Post by DrDoo »

Hi Harry,

Im asuming you are talking about the xbmc script.
Its pretty easy really.

1) Copy paste the code below (Little Update for more functions) in a new text document and save this document as XBMC.vb
2) Place this script in your HSpro\Scripts Directory
3) Change the IP adresses in the script to reflect your own XBMC box.
3) In Homeseer on the Status tab
4) Add Device - Device Name: XBMCip - Device Type: Status Only - Lettercode: X1
5) Add Device - Device Name: XBMCLocation - Device Type: Status Only - Lettercode: X2
6) Create a button in HStouch, for example Play.
7) ActionWhenReleased - Homeseer:Run a Homeseer script ... - Script: XBMC.vb - ScriptProcedure: Play
8) Do this for every function you want to use.

Almost have to run the ToggleServerIP first for the script to work. This sets the IP adress to use in the StatusDevice X1.

You can off course also use the functions from an event. Make an event that runs the script with the specific funtion(s). Make button that runs a homeseer event.

Again, credit go to Talisman from the Homeseer forum (

Code: Select all

' help for XBMC HTTP calls
' Button mappings

' No Script Procedure requires element input except volume, for the rest fill in any element into parameter 1.
' Uses a virtual device "X1" to store the IP and toggles in case of multiple XBMC machines on the network

Sub ToggleServerIP(parm as object)

	' ----------------------- Toggle To Other Server IP  ------------------------

    Dim XBMCCurrentIP As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")

    Dim XBMCBedroomIP As String = ""
    Dim XBMCLivingRoomIP As String = ""
	if XBMCCurrentIP = XBMCBedroomIP Then
        hs.SetDeviceString("X1", XBMCLivingRoomIP)
        hs.SetDeviceString("X2", "Living Room")
        hs.writelog("XBMC", "Controlled XBMC is now " & hs.DeviceString("X2"))
    End If
	if XBMCCurrentIP = XBMCLivingRoomIP Then
        hs.SetDeviceString("X1", XBMCBedroomIP)
        hs.SetDeviceString("X2", "Bedroom")
        hs.writelog("XBMC", "Controlled XBMC is now " & hs.DeviceString("X2"))
	End If
	if XBMCCurrentIP <> XBMCLivingRoomIP and XBMCCurrentIP <> XBMCBedroomIP Then
        hs.SetDeviceString("X1", XBMCLivingRoomIP)
        hs.SetDeviceString("X2", "Living Room")
        hs.writelog("XBMC", "No IP was assigned, assigning to LivingRoom ..")
	End If

End Sub

Sub Volume(parm as object)
	' ------------------------ VOLUME Slider --------------------------

	dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")
	dim XBMCVolumeValue = Val (parm(0))
	dim XBMCVolumeCurrentValue As String
	dim XBMCVolumeURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=setvolume(80)"
	'Get Current Volume
	XBMCVolumeCurrentValue = hs.URLAction ("http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=GetVolume", "GET", "", "")
	'Compose new URL
	XBMCVolumeURL = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=setvolume(" & XBMCVolumeValue & ")"

	'Send command to XBMC web interface
	hs.URLAction (XBMCVolumeURL, "GET", "", "")
	hs.writelog("HSTouch", "XBMC Volume Changed to " & XBMCVolumeValue) 
End Sub

Sub ToggleMute(parm as object)

	' ----------------------- VOLUME Mute Toggle  ------------------------

	dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")

	'Compose URL	
	dim XBMCMuteURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=Mute()"

	'Send command to XBMC web interface
	hs.URLAction (XBMCMuteURL, "GET", "", "")

	hs.writelog("XBMC", "Toggled Mute")
End Sub

Sub TogglePause(parm as object)

	' ----------------------- Pause / Play Toggle  ------------------------

	dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")

	'Compose URL	
	dim XBMCPauseURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=Pause()"

	'Send command to XBMC web interface
	hs.URLAction (XBMCPauseURL, "GET", "", "")

	hs.writelog("XBMC", "Pause/Play")
End Sub

Sub Play(parm as object)

	' ----------------------- Play ------------------------

	dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")

	'Compose URL	
	dim XBMCPlayURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=Sendkey(0xF050)"

	'Send command to XBMC web interface
	hs.URLAction (XBMCPlayURL, "GET", "", "")

	hs.writelog("XBMC", "Play")
End Sub

Sub StopPlayback(ByVal parm As Object)

    ' ----------------------- Stop Playback ------------------------

    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")

    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCStopPlaybackURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=Sendkey(0xF058)"

    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCStopPlaybackURL, "GET", "", "")

    hs.writelog("XBMC", "Stop")
End Sub

Sub Queue(ByVal parm As Object)

    ' ----------------------- Queue ------------------------

    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")

    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCQueueURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=Sendkey(0xF051)"

    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCQueueURL, "GET", "", "")

    hs.writelog("XBMC", "Added Media To Queue")
End Sub

Sub FastForward(ByVal parm As Object)

    ' ----------------------- FastForward ------------------------

    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")

    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCFastForwardURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=Sendkey(0xF046)"

    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCFastForwardURL, "GET", "", "")

    hs.writelog("XBMC", "FastForward")
End Sub

Sub Rewind(ByVal parm As Object)

    ' ----------------------- Rewind ------------------------

    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")

    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCRewindURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=Sendkey(0xF052)"

    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCRewindURL, "GET", "", "")

    hs.writelog("XBMC", "Rewind")
End Sub

Sub PlayBackNext(parm as object)

	' ----------------------- PlayBack Next  ------------------------

	dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")

	'Compose URL	
	dim XBMCNextURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=PlayNext()"

	'Send command to XBMC web interface
	hs.URLAction (XBMCNextURL, "GET", "", "")

	hs.writelog("XBMC", "Next")
End Sub

Sub PlayBackPrev(parm as object)

	' ----------------------- PlayBack Previous  ------------------------

	dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")

	'Compose URL	
	dim XBMCPrevURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=PlayPrev()"

	'Send command to XBMC web interface
	hs.URLAction (XBMCPrevURL, "GET", "", "")

	hs.writelog("XBMC", "Previous")
End Sub

Sub Guide(ByVal parm As Object)

    ' ----------------------- Guide  ------------------------

    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")

    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCGuideURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=Sendkey(0xF04D)"

    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCGuideURL, "GET", "", "")

    hs.writelog("XBMC", "Guide")
End Sub

Sub ToggleWatched(ByVal parm As Object)

    ' ----------------------- Toggle Watched Status  ------------------------

    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")

    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCToggleWatchedURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=Sendkey(0xF057)"

    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCToggleWatchedURL, "GET", "", "")

    hs.writelog("XBMC", "Toggle Watched")
End Sub

Sub NowPlaying(parm as object)

	' ----------------------- Now Playing  ------------------------

	dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")

	'Compose URL	
	dim XBMCNowPlayingURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=getcurrentlyplaying"

	'Send command to XBMC web interface
	hs.URLAction (XBMCNowPlayingURL, "GET", "", "")

	hs.writelog("XBMC", "Now Playing")
End Sub

' -------------------  Navigation Keys  ---------------------
Sub NavBack(ByVal parm As Object)

    ' ----------------------- Navigate Back Button  ------------------------

    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")

    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCNavBackURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=SendKey(257)"

    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCNavBackURL, "GET", "", "")

    hs.writelog("XBMC", "Back")
End Sub

Sub Escape(ByVal parm As Object)

    ' ----------------------- ESC Button  ------------------------

    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")

    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCEscapeURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=SendKey(0xF01B)"

    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCEscapeURL, "GET", "", "")

    hs.writelog("XBMC", "Cancel")
End Sub

Sub NavConfirm(parm as object)

	' ----------------------- Navigate Confirm Button  ------------------------

	dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")

	'Compose URL	
	dim XBMCNavConfirmURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=SendKey(256)"

	'Send command to XBMC web interface
	hs.URLAction (XBMCNavConfirmURL, "GET", "", "")

	hs.writelog("XBMC", "Confirm")
End Sub

Sub NavUp(parm as object)
	' ----------------------- Navigate Up Button  ------------------------
	dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")
	'Compose URL	
	dim XBMCNavUpURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=SendKey(270)"
	'Send command to XBMC web interface
	hs.URLAction (XBMCNavUpURL, "GET", "", "")
End Sub

Sub NavDown(parm as object)
	' ----------------------- Navigate Down Button  ------------------------
	dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")
	'Compose URL	
	dim XBMCNavDownURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=SendKey(271)"
	'Send command to XBMC web interface
	hs.URLAction (XBMCNavDownURL, "GET", "", "")
End Sub

Sub NavLeft(parm as object)
	' ----------------------- Navigate Left Button  ------------------------
	dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")
	'Compose URL	
	dim XBMCNavLeftURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=SendKey(272)"
	'Send command to XBMC web interface
	hs.URLAction (XBMCNavLeftURL, "GET", "", "")
End Sub

Sub NavRight(ByVal parm As Object)
    ' ----------------------- Navigate Right Button  ------------------------
    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")
    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCNavRightURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=SendKey(273)"
    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCNavRightURL, "GET", "", "")
End Sub

Sub Info(ByVal parm As Object)
    ' ----------------------- Info Button  ------------------------
    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")
    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCInfoURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=SendKey(0xF049)"
    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCInfoURL, "GET", "", "")
End Sub

Sub Menu(ByVal parm As Object)
    ' ----------------------- Menu Button  ------------------------
    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")
    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCMenuURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=SendKey(0xF043)"
    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCMenuURL, "GET", "", "")
End Sub

Sub TAB(ByVal parm As Object)
    ' ----------------------- TAB Button  ------------------------
    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")
    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCTABURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=SendKey(0xF009)"
    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCTABURL, "GET", "", "")
End Sub

Sub SubtitleDelay(ByVal parm As Object)
    ' ----------------------- Subtitle Delay  ------------------------
    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")
    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCSubtitleDelayURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=Action(52)"
    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCSubtitleDelayURL, "GET", "", "")
End Sub

Sub SubtitleDelayPlus(ByVal parm As Object)
    ' ----------------------- Subtitle Delay Forward  ------------------------
    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")
    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCSubtitleDelayPlusURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=Action(53)"
    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCSubtitleDelayPlusURL, "GET", "", "")
End Sub

Sub NextLanguage(ByVal parm As Object)
    ' ----------------------- Next Language  ------------------------
    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")
    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCNextLanguageURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=Action(56)"
    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCNextLanguageURL, "GET", "", "")
End Sub

Sub ScanItem(ByVal parm As Object)
    ' ----------------------- Scan Item  ------------------------
    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")
    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCScanItemURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=Action(201)"
    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCScanItemURL, "GET", "", "")
End Sub

Sub ShowSubtitle(ByVal parm As Object)
    ' ----------------------- Scan Item  ------------------------
    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")
    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCShowSubtitleURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=Action(25)"
    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCShowSubtitleURL, "GET", "", "")
End Sub

Sub NextSubtitle(ByVal parm As Object)
    ' ----------------------- Scan Item  ------------------------
    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")
    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCNextSubtitleURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=Action(26)"
    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCNextSubtitleURL, "GET", "", "")
End Sub

Sub CurrentPlaylist(ByVal parm As Object)
    ' ----------------------- Scan Item  ------------------------
    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")
    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCCurrentPlaylistURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=ExecBuiltIn(ActivateWindow(musicplaylist))"
    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCCurrentPlaylistURL, "GET", "", "")
End Sub

Sub SMS2(ByVal parm As Object)
    ' ----------------------- Navigate to titles A/B/C  ------------------------
    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")
    'Compose URL	
    Dim SMS2URL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=Action(142)"
    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(SMS2URL, "GET", "", "")
End Sub

Sub SMS3(ByVal parm As Object)
    ' ----------------------- Navigate to titles D/E/F  ------------------------
    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")
    'Compose URL	
    Dim SMS3URL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=Action(143)"
    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(SMS3URL, "GET", "", "")
End Sub

Sub SMS4(ByVal parm As Object)
    ' ----------------------- Navigate to titles G/H/I  ------------------------
    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")
    'Compose URL	
    Dim SMS4URL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=Action(144)"
    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(SMS4URL, "GET", "", "")
End Sub

Sub SMS5(ByVal parm As Object)
    ' ----------------------- Navigate to titles J/K/L  ------------------------
    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")
    'Compose URL	
    Dim SMS5URL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=Action(145)"
    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(SMS5URL, "GET", "", "")
End Sub

Sub SMS6(ByVal parm As Object)
    ' ----------------------- Navigate to titles M/N/O  ------------------------
    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")
    'Compose URL	
    Dim SMS6URL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=Action(146)"
    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(SMS6URL, "GET", "", "")
End Sub

Sub SMS7(ByVal parm As Object)
    ' ----------------------- Navigate to titles P/Q/R  ------------------------
    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")
    'Compose URL	
    Dim SMS7URL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=Action(147)"
    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(SMS7URL, "GET", "", "")
End Sub

Sub SMS8(ByVal parm As Object)
    ' ----------------------- Navigate to titles S/T/U  ------------------------
    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")
    'Compose URL	
    Dim SMS8URL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=Action(148)"
    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(SMS8URL, "GET", "", "")
End Sub

Sub SMS9(ByVal parm As Object)
    ' ----------------------- Navigate to titles V/W/X/Y/Z  ------------------------
    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")
    'Compose URL	
    Dim SMS9URL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=Action(149)"
    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(SMS9URL, "GET", "", "")
End Sub

' ----------------  Navigate Directly To Pages  ----------------  
Sub NavPageHome(ByVal parm As Object)

    ' ----------------------- Navigate to HomePage  ------------------------

    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")

    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCNavHomeURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=ExecBuiltIn(ActivateWindow(Home))"

    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCNavHomeURL, "GET", "", "")

    hs.writelog("XBMC", "Navigating to Home Page")
End Sub

Sub NavPageVideos(ByVal parm As Object)

    ' ----------------------- Navigate to Videos  ------------------------

    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")

    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCNavPageVideosURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=ExecBuiltIn(ActivateWindow(Videos,Files,return))"

    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCNavPageVideosURL, "GET", "", "")

    hs.writelog("XBMC", "Navigating to Video Page")
End Sub

Sub NavPageMusic(ByVal parm As Object)

    ' ----------------------- Navigate to Videos  ------------------------

    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")

    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCNavPageMusicURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=ExecBuiltIn(ActivateWindow(musicfiles,Muziek,return))"

    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCNavPageMusicURL, "GET", "", "")

    hs.writelog("XBMC", "Navigating to Music Page")
End Sub

Sub ShutDown(ByVal parm As Object)

    ' ----------------------- Shutdown the Machine  ------------------------

    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")

    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCShutDownURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=Shutdown()"

    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCShutDownURL, "GET", "", "")

    hs.writelog("XBMC", "Shutting down " & XBMCIPAdress)
End Sub

Sub Restart(ByVal parm As Object)

    ' ----------------------- Restart HTPC  ------------------------

    Dim XBMCIPAdress As String = hs.DeviceString("X1")

    'Compose URL	
    Dim XBMCRestartURL As String = "http://" & XBMCIPAdress & "/xbmcCmds/xbmcHttp?command=Restart()"

    'Send command to XBMC web interface
    hs.URLAction(XBMCRestartURL, "GET", "", "")

    hs.writelog("XBMC", "Restarting HTPC " & XBMCIPAdress)
End Sub
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Re: my ipad hst interface

Post by Phaeton »

With this explanation even I should be able to do this. Thanks, I really appreciate it!

*** Update *** It's working so far!
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Re: my ipad hst interface

Post by DrDoo »

Great! Glad to be of help.
Posts: 152
Joined: Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:21 am

Re: my ipad hst interface

Post by keeslamper »

Robin (of iemand anders),

Ik zie dat je een batterystatus percentage op je pagina weergeeft? Kun je mij vertellen hoe ik dit moet doen? Kan het nergens terugvinden namelijk.

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