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Post by JoopK »

Irritanterik, how did it go? I would like exactely the same!
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Post by Irritanterik »

It went well for a while. But after a week the fan didn't received any signals from the soldered remote anymore. After some debugging I discoverer the homeseer 'T1' command for the IO-port on the RFXLAN sometimes didn't close the relay linked to one of the buttons, and this drained the battery of the remote.

It's now on my to-do list to change the battery and add a extra 'off' action in my script for the IO-port with a delay.

When it's operation again I'll publish the homeseer scripts.
Last edited by Irritanterik on Sun Feb 16, 2014 10:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
HP t5630w with Homeseer 2 > Will migrate to Homey | RFXLAN | IRTrans | Opentherm Gateway | ITHO ECO-FAN integration | Harrison Curtain | Z-wave
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Post by Irritanterik »

A while ago I promised to share my scripts for controlling the ventilation.
Recently I optimized my solution, so now its time to show.

See the following script with the corresponding homeseer devices and events.

Code: Select all

'20140215 EvD Ventilation Control Script Version 2
'@TODO: Involve occupancy: if nobody home, then start with fanspeed 'away'
'Virtual Devices:
'	V90 - Ventilation control type          (Off: 0, Automatic: 1, Manual: 2)
'	V91 - Automatic speed 			         (Off: 0, Away: 1, Low: 2, Medium: 3, High: 4)
'	V92 - Fan speed                         (Off: 0, Away: 1, Low: 2, Medium: 3, High: 4)
'	V93 - Minutes temporary manual overrule (Off: 0, 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60)
'Run once after creating virtual devices:
'	&hs.DeviceValuesAdd "V90", "Uit" & chr(2) & "0" & chr(1) & "Automatisch" & chr(2) & "1" & chr(1) & "Handmatig" & chr(2) & "2", true
'	&hs.DeviceValuesAdd "V91", "Uit" & chr(2) & "0" & chr(1) & "Afwezig" & chr(2) & "1" & chr(1) & "Laag" & chr(2) & "2" & chr(1) & "Middel" & chr(2) & "3" & chr(1) & "Hoog" & chr(2) & "4", false
'	&hs.DeviceValuesAdd "V92", "Uit" & chr(2) & "0" & chr(1) & "Afwezig" & chr(2) & "1" & chr(1) & "Laag" & chr(2) & "2" & chr(1) & "Middel" & chr(2) & "3" & chr(1) & "Hoog" & chr(2) & "4", true					
'	&hs.DeviceValuesAdd "V93", "Uit" & chr(2) & "0" & chr(1) & "1" & chr(2) & "1" & chr(1) & "5" & chr(2) & "5" & chr(1) & "10" & chr(2) & "10" & chr(1) & "15" & chr(2) & "15" & chr(1) & "20" & chr(2) & "20" & chr(1) & "25" & chr(2) & "25" & chr(1) & "30" & chr(2) & "30" & chr(1) & "35" & chr(2) & "35" & chr(1) & "40" & chr(2) & "40" & chr(1) & "45" & chr(2) & "45" & chr(1) & "50" & chr(2) & "50" & chr(1) & "55" & chr(2) & "55" & chr(1) & "60" & chr(2) & "60", true						  

Const LogLevel As Integer = 0                  	'0 = no logging, 1 = normal logging, 2 = debug logging
Const ScriptName As String = "TON_FanUpdate"
Const cControlTypeDeviceCode As String = "V90"
Const cAutoDefaultDeviceCode As String = "V91"
Const cFanSpeedDeviceCode As String = "V92"
Const cTempOverruleDeviceCode As String = "V93"
Const cFanPowerDeviceCode As String = "^5"      'Plugwise Circle
Const cLowerAutoSpeedDelay As Integer = 10      'Minutes between last change autospeed and new lower speed  
Const cFanDefaultSpeed = 2              		'Off: 0, Away: 1, Low: 2, Medium: 3, High: 4

Public Sub Main(ByVal Parms As String)
	Dim iTempOverruleMinutes As Integer
    Dim iHumidityAvg As Integer
    Dim iHumidityBath As Integer
	Dim iAutoSpeed As Integer
	Dim iTempSpeed As Integer
	Dim iPreviousAutoSpeed As Integer
'1. Determinate control type based on manual overrule setting
	iTempOverruleMinutes = hs.DeviceValue(cTempOverruleDeviceCode)
	'Check temp setting is still valid
	If iTempOverruleMinutes > 0 And DateAdd("n", iTempOverruleMinutes, hs.DeviceLastChange(cTempOverruleDeviceCode)) < Now Then
		hs.SetDeviceValue(cTempOverruleDeviceCode, 0)
		'Update controltype
		If hs.DeviceValue(cControlTypeDeviceCode) = 2 Then 
			hs.SetDeviceValue(cControlTypeDeviceCode, 1)
			Log("Controltype set back to automatic after temporary overrule.", 1)
		End if
	End If
'2. Calculate automatic fan speed based on humidity sensors and time
	iPreviousAutoSpeed = hs.DeviceValue(cAutoDefaultDevicecode)

	'Get (average) humidity from other rooms (now only livingroom) and bathroom
	iHumidityAvg = Int(hs.DeviceValue("]4") / 1)
	iHumidityBath = hs.DeviceValue("]7")

	'Derive automatic status from low to high
	iAutoSpeed  = cFanDefaultSpeed

	'Humidity bathroom above 50% and 5% higher than other rooms
	If iHumidityBath > 50 _
		And (iHumidityBath/iHumidityAvg-1)*100 > 5 _
	Then iAutoSpeed  = 3

	'Humidity bathroom above 60% and 10% higher than other rooms and not night
	If iHumidityBath > 60 _
	   And (iHumidityBath/iHumidityAvg-1)*100 > 10 _
	   And Not(Hour(Now()) >= 23) _
	   And Not(hour(Now()) < 6) _
	Then iAutoSpeed  = 4
	Log("Calculated speed: " & iAutoSpeed & ", previous calculated speed: " & iPreviousAutoSpeed & ", previous change: " & hs.DeviceLastChange(cAutoDefaultDevicecode), 2)

	'Update calculated speed if higher than previous calculated speed or
    '	if calculated speed is lower than previous speed and lastchange is 'cLowerAutoSpeedDelay' minues ago
	If iPreviousAutoSpeed < iAutoSpeed _
		Or (iPreviousAutoSpeed > iAutoSpeed _
			And DateAdd("n", cLowerAutoSpeedDelay, hs.DeviceLastChange(cAutoDefaultDevicecode)) < Now) _
		hs.SetDeviceValue (cAutoDefaultDeviceCode, iAutoSpeed )
		Log("Automatic speed changed and set to " & iAutoSpeed, 1)
		iAutoSpeed = iPreviousAutoSpeed
		Log("Automatic speed not changed.", 2)
	End If

'3. Update fan speed based on control type
	Select Case hs.DeviceValue(cControlTypeDeviceCode)
		Case 0
			If hs.DeviceValue(cFanSpeedDeviceCode) <> 0 Then
				hs.SetDeviceValue (cFanSpeedDeviceCode, 0)
				Log("Fan speed set to 0 (off)", 1)
			End If
			If Not(hs.IsOff(cFanPowerDeviceCode)) Then
				hs.ExecX10("^5", "off", 0, 0)
				Log("Fan powered off", 2)
			End If
		Case 1
			If hs.IsOff(cFanPowerDeviceCode) Then
				Log("Power on fan", 1)
				hs.ExecX10("^5", "on", 0, 0)
			End If
			hs.SetDeviceValue (cFanSpeedDeviceCode, iAutoSpeed)
			Log("Fan speed set to " & iAutoSpeed, 1)
		Case Else
			If hs.IsOff(cFanPowerDeviceCode) Then
				Log("Power on fan", 1)
				hs.ExecX10("^5", "on", 0, 0)
				iTempSpeed = hs.DeviceValue(cFanSpeedDeviceCode)
				if iTempSpeed = 0 Then iTempSpeed = iAutoSpeed
				'Force retrigger manual fan speed
				hs.SetDeviceValue (cFanSpeedDeviceCode, 0)
				hs.SetDeviceValue (cFanSpeedDeviceCode, iTempSpeed)
			End If
	End Select
End Sub

Private Sub Log(Message As String, Optional MessageLevel As Integer = 1)
	If LogLevel >= MessageLevel Then
		hs.WriteLog(ScriptName, Message)
	End if
End Sub
Homeseer ventilation devices
Homeseer ventilation devices
hs-devices.png (111.57 KiB) Viewed 8789 times
Homeseer ventilation events
Homeseer ventilation events
hs-events.png (125.19 KiB) Viewed 8789 times
I control HomeSeer through my own HTML5 app using jquery mobile:
App ventilation (auto)
App ventilation (auto)
app-auto.png (38.61 KiB) Viewed 8789 times
App ventilation (manual)
App ventilation (manual)
app-manual.png (41.15 KiB) Viewed 8789 times
App ventilation (chart)
App ventilation (chart)
app-chart.png (44.74 KiB) Viewed 8789 times
HP t5630w with Homeseer 2 > Will migrate to Homey | RFXLAN | IRTrans | Opentherm Gateway | ITHO ECO-FAN integration | Harrison Curtain | Z-wave
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Joined: Sat Mar 25, 2006 1:07 am
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