Multi-channel gas sensor

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Multi-channel gas sensor

Post by Stevexyz »

sniffer.jpg (60.67 KiB) Viewed 3438 times
Here is an experimental sniffing device before I put the lid on. There are seven sensors on the board with room for one more. The PIC does the A to D and sends the results down USB to the host where they are turned into a vector, each element proportional to the log of the concentration of the gases the corresponding sensor is best at detecting.

It can detect things humans can't, like hydrogen, methane and carbon dioxide, and things that we can, like hydrogen sulphide and ammonia. The little extra board is because the fans are so noisy I had to PWM them.

I don't know how well it will work, I'll start to train it soon.

Cheers, Steve
Posts: 62
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Re: Multi-channel gas sensor

Post by jeroenc »

Nicely made, but what's the purpose? Are you living next to a chemical factory ;)
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