NS monitoring script

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NS monitoring script

Post by AshaiRey »

This script is only useful for the Dutch railway system.
So, since the audience is primary native Dutch speaking i will continue further in Dutch.

Als je net als ik ook gebruik moet maken van de NS wil je niet eerst een half uur reizen naar het station om daar er achter te komen dat er weereens een vertraging is. Vandaar dit script dat loopt met een recurring event en in de ochtend via de speaker in de badkamer me even informeer dat ik vandaag me niet hoeft te haasten. :cry:

Dus wat is het. Het is een script die de NS storingen pagina in de gaten houdt of een van de door jou opgegeven plaatsen voorkomt in de lijst van storingen. Is dit het geval dan wordt een device ON

- Simpel weergave optie. Alleen aantal storingen.
- Mogelijkheid om trajecten op te geven
- Slechts 1 nieuw device.
- Device wordt gemaakt als deze niet aanwezig is.
- Device value, status en devicestring worden gezet voor gebruik in event triggers
- Kan een onderdeel zijn van je Verkeer monitoring set :wink:
- Uitgebreidde melding optie. Inclusief:
- Oorzaak
- Verwachtin met eventueel vertragingtijd
- Reisadvies

Overige informatie is in de header van het script.
Veel plezier.
verkeer.png (78.56 KiB) Viewed 6087 times
Versie 1.1
Bij een hit werden ook alle meldingen getoond van routes die niet opgegeven waren. Dit is in deze versie opgelost. Ook meldingen die in het reis advies stonden zoals omleidingen via een van de opgegeven plaatsen werden getoond. Dit is nu niet meer het geval.

Code: Select all

' AZ_NS_storingen.vb
' Version : 1.1
' By A.A. van Zoelen
'AZ_NS_storingen("Main","<DeviceCode> ; <Detail Level>")
'Example : 'AZ_NS_storingen("Main","W39;N")
' Detail level - If N then just basic info is written in the
'       device string. Otherwise Y will show detailed info.
' Remark : Search text is not case sensitive

' History
' v1.1
' Altered search methode to reduce false hits or showing
' to much (irrelevant) data.
' v1.0
' 16-01-2012 : First release


Imports System.Net
Imports System.IO

Public Sub Main(ByVal Params As Object)

  ' These variable must be set first
  Dim arrStation(20) As String

  ' This is an example of a trip from 
  ' ** Roosendaal to Den Haag HS **.
  ' Because there can be an accident along every
  ' point on this traject i would like to know if
  ' there is something like 'signal failure between 
  ' Delft and Rijswijk' along the whole traject. 
  ' Using only the start and endpoints would not
  ' give you this information.
  ' Sadly this information can't be read reliable
  ' via a script so must be added by hand.(only once)
  ' Go to the NS site setup your traject and make
  ' sure you select then traject in the results
  ' that uses the all arrStations train (stoptrein).
  ' Then select the option 'Show tussenarrStations'
  ' These arrStations are all passed along your 
  ' traject and can be entered below.
  arrStation( 0) = "Roosendaal"
  arrStation( 1) = "Oudenbosch"
  arrStation( 2) = "Zevenbergen"
  arrStation( 3) = "Lage Zwaluwe"
  arrStation( 4) = "Dordrecht Zuid"
  arrStation( 5) = "Dordrecht"
  arrStation( 6) = "Zwijndrecht"
  arrStation( 7) = "Barendrecht"
  arrStation( 8) = "Rotterdam Lombardijen"
  arrStation( 9) = "Rotterdam Zuid"
  arrStation(10) = "Rotterdam Blaak"
  arrStation(11) = "Rotterdam Centraal"
  arrStation(12) = "Rotterdam Centrum"
  arrStation(13) = "Delft Zuid"
  arrStation(14) = "Delft"
  arrStation(15) = "Rijswijk"
  arrStation(16) = "Den Haag Moerwijk"
  arrStation(17) = "Den Haag HS"
  arrStation(18) = ""
  arrStation(19) = ""

  ' The next few variables might be alter if needed
  ' Use these values to create new device(s)
  ' If you also use the traffic jam script then
  ' this is a good moment to name then the same.
  Dim strDeviceRoom As String = "Verkeer - Monitoring" 
  Dim strDeviceType As String = "Verkeer Monitoring"
  Dim strDeviceFloor As String = "Systeem"
  Dim URL = "http://www.ns.nl/storingen/index.form"

'Below this there is no real need for altering anything

   'Get the device code
   Dim strDevice As String = hs.StringItem(Params, 1, ";") 
   Dim strHouseCode As String = GetChar(strDevice,1) 
   Dim strDeviceCode As String = strDevice.subString(1) 

   'Get the detail level
   Dim blDetailedInfo As Boolean = hs.StringItem(Params, 2, ";") = "Y"

   'First do some checks
   'Is the device and house code oke
   If not ((Val(strDeviceCode)>=1) And (Val(strDeviceCode)<=128)) Then
           hs.WriteLog("<b>AZ_NS_Info</b>", "<b>Ongeldige DeviceCode!</b>")
           Exit Sub
   End If

   If not (strHouseCode <> "") Then
           hs.WriteLog("<b>AZ_NS_Info</b>", "<b>Ongeldige HouseCode!</b>")
           Exit Sub
   End If

   'Is the device available?
   If hs.DeviceExistsRef(strHouseCode & strDeviceCode) = -1 Then
      Dim dv As Object
      dv = hs.GetDeviceByRef(hs.NewDeviceRef("NS Storingen"))
      dv.hc = strHouseCode
      dv.dc = strDeviceCode
      dv.misc = "&h10"
      dv.location = strDeviceRoom
      dv.location2 = strDeviceFloor
      dv.dev_type_string = strDeviceType
   End If

   ' We are ready to get the html page
   Dim strWebPage As String
     strWebPage = getHtml(URL)
   Catch ex As Exception
     hs.writelog("<b>AZ_NS_Info</b>","<b>Connection to site failed due:" & ex.Message & "</b>")
     Exit Sub
   End Try

   ' Next we need to grab all the
   ' index blocks. The index blocks
   ' all start with a #Prio block
   ' vb. <a href="#prio-25071">
   Dim blnFound As Boolean
   Dim strDetails As String
   Dim strTemp As String
   Dim strPrioNumber As String
   Dim intStart As Integer
   Dim intEnd As Integer
   Dim intDisruptions As Integer

     ' Find then # sign
     intStart = Instr(strWebPage, "#prio") + 1

     ' Remove everything till this sign
     strTemp = Right(strWebPage, Len(strWebPage) - intStart)

     ' Next find the end op the prio value
     intEnd   = Instr(strTemp, ">") - 1
     strPrioNumber = Left(strTemp, intEnd)

     ' We have saved the number of the disruption
     ' for further processing if detailed
     ' information is requested.
     ' The next <span> block contains the location
     ' of the disruption so grab it now.
     strTemp = Left(strTemp, Instr(strTemp, "</span>") )

     ' See if the <span> block contains
     ' any of the given stations
     blnFound = CompareStations(strTemp, arrStation)
     If (blnFound = True) Then 
       intDisruptions = intDisruptions + 1
       ' Do we need to get detailed info?
       If (blDetailedInfo  = True) then 
         strDetails = strDetails & GetDetails(strPrioNumber, strWebPage)
       End If
     End If

     ' Remove the index block that is just parsed
     strTemp = Right(strWebPage, Len(strWebPage) - intStart)
     strWebPage = Right(strTemp, Len(strTemp) - intEnd)

   Loop until Instr(strWebPage, "#prio") = 0

   ' All the index blocks has been checked
   ' so its time to display things
   ' But first clean up html if details
   ' need to be displayed.
   If (Len(strDetails ) > 0) Then strDetails = CleanDetails(strDetails)

   ' Now its about time to send the
   ' information to the device
   if(intDisruptions = 0) then 
       DoActions(strDevice, strDetails, intDisruptions)
   End If

End Sub

'A dditional functions and such
' Get the HTML code of the requested web site
Function getHtml(ByVal url As String) As String

   Dim myWebRequest As HttpWebRequest = DirectCast(HttpWebRequest.Create(url), HttpWebRequest)
   myWebRequest.Method = "GET"
   ' make request for web page
   Dim myWebResponse As HttpWebResponse = DirectCast(myWebRequest.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
   Dim myWebSource As New StreamReader(myWebResponse.GetResponseStream())
   Dim myPageSource As String = String.Empty
   myPageSource = myWebSource.ReadToEnd()

   return myPageSource
End Function

' Compare the list of stations
' with the index block.
Function CompareStations(ByVal strTemp As String, ByVal arrStation() As string) As Boolean
  Dim Count As Integer
  For Count = 0 to UBound(arrStation)
    If arrStation(count) <> "" Then
      If (Instr(strTemp, arrStation(Count)) ) > 0 Then Return True
    End If

  Return False
End Function

' The user wants detailed info
' related to this prio number.
Function GetDetails(ByVal strPrioNumber As String, ByVal strWebPage As String) As String
  Dim strTemp As String

  ' Detailed info can be found in a
  ' section called class="briefing rounded"
  ' So get there first.
  strTemp = Right(strWebPage, Len(strWebPage) - Instr(strWebPage , "briefing rounded") )

  ' Search from here for the prio number
  strTemp = Right(strTemp, Len(strTemp) - Instr(strTemp, strPrioNumber) )

  ' We have reached the relevant block
  ' Go to the start of the html
  ' we want to grab
  strTemp = Right(strTemp, Len(strTemp) - Instr(strTemp, "<h2>") + 1 )

  ' The end of the block is
  ' marked with a </ul>
  ' Grab it including the </ul>
  strTemp = Left(strTemp, Instr(strTemp, "</ul>") + Len("</ul>") )

  Return strTemp
End Function

' Remove and transform HTML
Function CleanDetails(strDetails) As String
  'Now do some html mark up to remove
  'the big letters caused by <H2> and <H3>
  strDetails = Replace(strDetails, "<br>", "</b><br>")
  strDetails = Replace(strDetails, "</ul>", "</i></ul>")
  strDetails = Replace(strDetails, "</h2>", "")
  strDetails = Replace(strDetails, "<h3>Oorzaak</h3>", "<br><b>Oorzaak</b><br>")
  strDetails = Replace(strDetails, "<h3>Verwachting</h3>", "<br><b>Verwachting</b><br>")
  strDetails = Replace(strDetails, "<h3>Reisadvies</h3>", "<br><b>Reisadvies</b><br>")
  strDetails = Replace(strDetails, "<ul>", "<ul><i>")
  strDetails = Replace(strDetails, "<h2>", "<b>")

  Return strDetails
End Function

' There are disruptions found.
Sub DoActions(strDevice as String, strDetails As String, intDisruptions as Integer)
   If (Len(strDetails) > 0 ) Then 
      hs.setdevicestring(strDevice, strDetails )
      If (intDisruptions = 1) Then
         hs.setdevicestring(strDevice, intDisruptions & " Storing gevonden")
         hs.setdevicestring(strDevice, intDisruptions & " Storingen gevonden")
      End If
   End If
   hs.setdeviceStatus(strDevice,2)  'ON
End Sub

' There are no disruptions found.
Sub NoActions(strDevice as String)
   hs.setdevicestring(strDevice,"Geen storingen gevonden")
   hs.setdeviceStatus(strDevice, 3)  'OFF
End Sub

Last edited by AshaiRey on Thu Jan 19, 2012 10:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NS monitoring script

Post by Esteban »

Mooie toevoeging, en erg handig, thx!
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Re: NS monitoring script

Post by DrDoo »

Heel erg mooi!
Zou het ook mogelijk kunnen zijn om gewoon vertragingen in zoiets te gieten? (Of is dat heel erg bewerkelijk?)

Iets als, je hebt elke dag de trein van 07.36u naar je werk op een bepaald traject.
Dat hij dan het reisadvies ophaalt en de vertraging kan zien?
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Re: NS monitoring script

Post by AshaiRey »

Dat wordt lastig.
Ik heb net even vlug gekeken maar ik weet niet hoe de paramaters worden doorgegeven om het traject op te vragen dat je wilt reizen. Op die pagina die je dan krijgt staan de vertragingen maar ook die zijn er dan moeilijk uit te halen omdat ze niet met een duidelijke tag zijn aangegeven.
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Post by DJF3 »

Reis nooit met de trein, maar dit is wel een leuk script! Bedankt voor het delen!
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Re: NS monitoring script

Post by florisi »


ik krijg een foutmelding bij dit script.
Heeft iemand anders dit ook?

Event Trigger "NS-vertragingen"
3-11-2012 17:15:57 Info Running script in background: ns-vertraging.txt
3-11-2012 17:15:57 Error Running script, script run or compile error in file: ns-vertraging.txt1006:Expected ')' in line 29 More info: Expected ')

Groet, Floris
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Re: NS monitoring script

Post by AshaiRey »

Waarschijnelijk niet omdat men .vb gebruikt inplaats van .txt als script naam.
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Re: NS monitoring script

Post by florisi »

je hebt helemaal gelijk.
aangepast naar vb en het werkt.
Groet, Floris
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